Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia 1991, as amended to 2021
Political Rights and Association
  • English

    Everyone has the right to freedom of association with others.
    … (Art. 42)

  • Slovene

    Vsakdo ima pravico, da se svobodno združuje z drugimi.
    … (42. Člen)

Political Rights and Association
  • English
    The right to vote shall be universal and equal.
    Every citizen who has attained the age of eighteen years has the right to vote and be elected.

    The law shall provide measures for encouraging the equal opportunity of men and women in standing for election to state authorities and local community authorities. (Art. 43)
  • Slovene
    Volilna pravica je splošna in enaka.
    Vsak državljan, ki je dopolnil 18 let, ima pravico voliti in biti voljen.

    Zakon določi ukrepe za spodbujanje enakih možnosti moških in žensk pri kandidiranju na volitvah v državne organe in organe lokalnih skupnosti. (43. Člen)
Head of State
  • English
    The President of the Republic represents the Republic of Slovenia and is commander-in-chief of its defence forces. (Art. 102)
  • Slovene
    Predsednik republike predstavlja Republiko Slovenijo in je vrhovni poveljnik njenih obrambnih sil. (102. Člen)
Head of State
  • English
    The President of the Republic is elected in direct, general elections by secret ballot.

    Only a citizen of Slovenia may be elected President of the Republic.
    … (Art. 103)
  • Slovene
    Predsednik republike se izvoli na neposrednih, splošnih in tajnih volitvah.
    Za predsednika republike je lahko izvoljen le državljan Slovenije.
    … (103. Člen)
  • English
    The Government is composed of the president and ministers. Within the scope of their powers, the Government and individual ministers are independent and accountable to the National Assembly. (Art. 110)
  • Slovene
    Vlado sestavljajo predsednik in ministri. Vlada in posamezni ministri so v okviru svojih pristojnosti samostojni in odgovorni državnemu zboru. (110. Člen)
  • English
    After consultation with the leaders of deputy groups the President of the Republic proposes to the National Assembly a candidate for President of the Government.
    The President of the Government is elected by the National Assembly by a majority vote of all deputies unless otherwise provided by this Constitution.
    … (Art. 111)
  • Slovene
    Predsednik republike po posvetovanju z vodji poslanskih skupin predloži državnemu zboru kandidata za predsednika vlade.
    Predsednika vlade voli državni zbor z večino glasov vseh poslancev, če ni s to ustavo drugače določeno.
    … (111. Člen)
  • English
    Ministers are appointed and dismissed by the National Assembly on the proposal of the President of the Government.
    Prior to appointment a proposed minister must appear before a competent commission of the National Assembly and answer its questions. (Art. 112)
  • Slovene
    Ministre imenuje in razrešuje državni zbor na predlog predsednika vlade.
    Predlagani minister se mora pred imenovanjem predstaviti pristojni komisiji državnega zbora in odgovarjati na njena vprašanja. (112. Člen)
  • English

    The National Assembly is composed of deputies of the citizens of Slovenia and comprises ninety deputies.
    Deputies are elected by universal, equal, direct, and secret voting.
    One deputy of the Italian and one deputy of the Hungarian national communities shall always be elected to the National Assembly.

    Deputies, except for the deputies of the national communities, are elected according to the principle of proportional representation with a four-percent threshold required for election to the National Assembly, with due consideration that voters have a decisive influence on the allocation of seats to the candidates. (Art. 80)

  • Slovene

    Državni zbor sestavljajo poslanci državljanov Slovenije in šteje 90 poslancev.
    Poslanci se volijo s splošnim, enakim, neposrednim in tajnim glasovanjem.
    V državni zbor se vedno izvoli po en poslanec italijanske in madžarske narodne skupnosti.

    Poslanci, razen poslancev narodnih skupnosti, se volijo po načelu sorazmernega predstavništva ob štiriodstotnem volilnem pragu za vstop v Državni zbor, pri čemer imajo volivci odločilen vpliv na dodelitev mandatov kandidatom. (80. Člen)

  • English
    The National Council is the representative body for social, economic, professional, and local interests. The National Council has forty members. It is composed of:
    • four representatives of employers;
    • four representatives of employees;
    • four representatives of farmers, crafts and trades, and independent professions;
    • six representatives of non-commercial fields;
    • twenty-two representatives of local interests.
    The organisation of the National Council is regulated by law. (Art. 96)
  • Slovene
    Državni svet je zastopstvo nosilcev socialnih, gospodarskih, poklicnih in lokalnih interesov. Državni svet ima 40 članov. Sestavljajo ga:
    - štirje predstavniki delodajalcev;
    - štirje predstavniki delojemalcev;
    - štirje predstavniki kmetov, obrtnikov in samostojnih poklicev;
    - šest predstavnikov negospodarskih dejavnosti;
    - dvaindvajset predstavnikov lokalnih interesov.
    Organizacijo državnega sveta ureja zakon. (96. Člen)
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