Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia 1991, as amended to 2021
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    If a court deciding some matter deems a law which it should apply to be unconstitutional, it must stay the proceedings and initiate proceedings before the Constitutional Court. The proceedings in the court may be continued after the Constitutional Court has issued its decision. (Art. 156)
  • Slovene
    Če sodišče pri odločanju meni, da je zakon, ki bi ga moralo uporabiti, protiustaven, mora postopek prekiniti in začeti postopek pred ustavnim sodiščem. Postopek pred sodiščem se nadaljuje po odločitvi ustavnega sodišča. (156. Člen)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    The Constitutional Court decides:
    - on the conformity of laws with the Constitution;
    - on the conformity of laws and other regulations with ratified treaties and with the general principles of international law;
    - on the conformity of regulations with the Constitution and with laws;
    - on the conformity of local community regulations with the Constitution and with laws;
    - on the conformity of general acts issued for the exercise of public authority with the Constitution, laws, and regulations;
    - on constitutional complaints stemming from the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms by individual acts;
    - on jurisdictional disputes between the state and local communities and among local communities themselves;
    - on jurisdictional disputes between courts and other state authorities;
    - on jurisdictional disputes between the National Assembly, the President of the Republic, and the Government;
    - on the unconstitutionality of the acts and activities of political parties; and
    - on other matters vested in the Constitutional Court by this Constitution or laws.
    In the process of ratifying a treaty, the Constitutional Court, on the proposal of the President of the Republic, the Government, or a third of the deputies of the National Assembly, issues an opinion on the conformity of such treaty with the Constitution. The National Assembly is bound by the opinion of the Constitutional Court.
    Unless otherwise provided by law, the Constitutional Court decides on a constitutional complaint only if legal remedies have been exhausted. The Constitutional Court decides whether to accept a constitutional complaint for adjudication on the basis of criteria and procedures provided by law. (Art. 160)
  • Slovene
    Ustavno sodišče odloča:
    - o skladnosti zakonov z ustavo;
    - o skladnosti zakonov in drugih predpisov z ratificiranimi mednarodnimi pogodbami in s splošnimi načeli mednarodnega prava;
    - o skladnosti podzakonskih predpisov z ustavo in zakoni;
    - o skladnosti predpisov lokalnih skupnosti z ustavo in z zakoni;
    - o skladnosti splošnih aktov, izdanih za izvrševanje javnih pooblastil, z ustavo, zakoni in podzakonskimi predpisi;
    - o ustavnih pritožbah zaradi kršitev človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin s posamičnimi akti;
    - o sporih glede pristojnosti med državo in lokalnimi skupnostmi, in med samimi lokalnimi skupnostmi;
    - o sporih glede pristojnosti med sodišči in drugimi državnimi organi;
    - o sporih o pristojnostih med državnim zborom, predsednikom republike in vlado;
    - o protiustavnosti aktov in delovanja političnih strank;
    - in o drugih zadevah, ki so mu naložene s to ustavo ali z zakoni.
    Na predlog predsednika republike, vlade ali tretjine poslancev državnega zbora izreka ustavno sodišče v postopku ratifikacije mednarodne pogodbe mnenje o njeni skladnosti z ustavo. Državni zbor je vezan na mnenje ustavnega sodišča.
    Če zakon ne določa drugače, odloča ustavno sodišče o ustavni pritožbi le, če je bilo izčrpano pravno varstvo. O tem, ali ustavno sodišče ustavno pritožbo sprejme v obravnavo, odloči na podlagi meril in postopka, določenih z zakonom. (160. Člen)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    Proceedings before the Constitutional Court shall be regulated by law.
    The law determines who may require the initiation of proceedings before the Constitutional Court. Anyone who demonstrates legal interest may request the initiation of proceedings before the Constitutional Court.
    … (Art. 162)
  • Slovene
    Postopek pred ustavnim sodiščem ureja zakon.
    Predlagatelje zahteve za začetek postopka pred ustavnim sodiščem določa zakon. Vsakdo lahko da pobudo za začetek postopka, če izkaže svoj pravni interes.
    … (162. Člen)
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