Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia 1991, as amended to 2021
  • English
    The Government is composed of the president and ministers. Within the scope of their powers, the Government and individual ministers are independent and accountable to the National Assembly. (Art. 110)
  • Slovene
    Vlado sestavljajo predsednik in ministri. Vlada in posamezni ministri so v okviru svojih pristojnosti samostojni in odgovorni državnemu zboru. (110. Člen)
  • English
    After consultation with the leaders of deputy groups the President of the Republic proposes to the National Assembly a candidate for President of the Government.
    The President of the Government is elected by the National Assembly by a majority vote of all deputies unless otherwise provided by this Constitution.
    … (Art. 111)
  • Slovene
    Predsednik republike po posvetovanju z vodji poslanskih skupin predloži državnemu zboru kandidata za predsednika vlade.
    Predsednika vlade voli državni zbor z večino glasov vseh poslancev, če ni s to ustavo drugače določeno.
    … (111. Člen)
  • English
    Ministers are appointed and dismissed by the National Assembly on the proposal of the President of the Government.
    Prior to appointment a proposed minister must appear before a competent commission of the National Assembly and answer its questions. (Art. 112)
  • Slovene
    Ministre imenuje in razrešuje državni zbor na predlog predsednika vlade.
    Predlagani minister se mora pred imenovanjem predstaviti pristojni komisiji državnega zbora in odgovarjati na njena vprašanja. (112. Člen)
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