Constitution of the Republic of Fiji 2013
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
  • English

    (3) A person must not be unfairly discriminated against, directly or indirectly on the grounds of his or her—
    (a) actual or supposed personal characteristics or circumstances, including race, culture, ethnic or social origin, colour, place of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, birth, primary language, economic or social or health status, disability, age, religion, conscience, marital status or pregnancy;

    (7) Treating one person differently from another on any of the grounds prescribed under subsection (3) is discrimination, unless it can be established that the difference in treatment is not unfair in the circumstances.
    … (Sec. 26)
  • iTaukei

    (3) Na veivakaduiduitaki e vakatabui vakalawa kevaka e yaco vua e dua na tamata ena vuku ni—
    (a) nona ivakarau se kena ituvaki, oka kina na veimatatamata e lewena, nona itovo vakavanua, kawatamata, kuliniyago, na nona yavutu, kevaka e yalewa se tagane, kevaka e tagane, na nona digitaka me vinakata na tagane, kevaka e yalewa, na nona digitaka me vinakata na yalewa, se nona digitaka me vinakata ruarua na yalewa kei na tagane, nomu digitaka se vakaraitaka mo bulataka na bula vakatagane se bula vakayalewa, kevaka e gone susu se sucu ena daku ni vakamau, vosanisucu, ituvaki ni bula se bula vakailavo, vakaleqai vakayago, yabaki ni bula, nomu vakabauta, lewa e loma, vakawati se sega, se kevaka e bukete;

    (7) Ni sega ni tautauvata na nodrau qaravi e rua na tamata ena vuku ni dua na tikina e vakatabui ena wasetiki (3), ya sa wili me veivakaduiduitaki, vakavo ke rawa ni vakadeitaki ni na veivakaduiduitaki ya e ganita na vanua e vakayacori kina.
    … (Sec. 26)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English

    (3) Citizenship of Fiji shall only be acquired by birth, registration or naturalisation.
    (4) Citizens of Fiji may hold multiple citizenship, which means that—
    (a) upon accepting the citizenship of a foreign country, a person remains a citizen of Fiji unless he or she renounces that status;
    (b) a former citizen of Fiji, who lost that citizenship upon acquiring foreign citizenship, may regain citizenship of Fiji, while retaining that foreign citizenship unless the laws of that foreign country provide otherwise; and
    (c) upon becoming a citizen of Fiji, a foreign person may retain his or her existing citizenship unless the laws of that foreign country provide otherwise.
    (5) A written law shall prescribe—
    (a) the conditions upon which citizenship of Fiji may be acquired and the conditions upon which a person may become a citizen of Fiji;
    (b) procedures relating to the making of applications for citizenship by registration or naturalisation;
    (c) conditions relating to the right to enter and reside in Fiji;
    (d) provisions for the prevention of statelessness;
    (e) rules for the calculation of periods of a person’s lawful presence in Fiji for the purpose of determining citizenship;
    (f) provisions relating to the renunciation and deprivation of citizenship; and
    (g) such other matters as are necessary to regulate the granting of citizenship. (Sec. 5)

  • iTaukei

    (3) Na tauri ivolatara mo lewenivanua e Viti, e rawa ga ni vakayacori kevaka o sucu, volai se o sa dede na nomu mai tiko i Viti.
    (4) Na lewenivanua e Viti ena rawa mera taukena e vicavata na ivolatara ni lewenivanua tudei ni vanuatani, kena ibalebale—
    (a) ena rawa mo lewenivanua tudei e vanuatani, o se oka tiko ga mo lewenivanua e Viti, vakavo sara ke o kerea me boko na nomu lewenivanua e Viti;
    (b) ke dua a lewenivanua tu e Viti qai sa bokoci ni kerea me lai lewenivanua e vanuatani, ena rawa ni volai tale me lewenivanua e Viti, ka maroroya tiko na nona lewenivanua e vanuatani vakavo ke sega ni vakadonuya na lawa ni vanua ya; kei na
    (c) dua e sa mai lewenivanua e Viti, ena rawa vua me taukena tiko ga na nona lewenivanua ena vanua taumada vakavo ke sega ni vakadonuya na lawa ni vanua ya.
    (5) Na lawa tabaki e dodonu me vakamacalataka—
    (a) na rawati ni volatara ni lewenivanua kei na iwalewale ni nona lewenivanua e Viti e dua na tamata;
    (b) na ituvatuva ni kena vakarautaki na ivolatara ni lewenivanua ena ivola kerekere se na dede ni nona tiko e Viti;
    (c) na iwalewale ni curuvanua se vakaitikotiko e Viti;
    (d) na ituvatuva me vakadeitaka na lewenivanua e Viti;
    (e) na lawa me cakacakataki kina na balavu ni gauna me tiko kina e Viti, ena qai vakatautaki kina na soli vua ni ivolatara me lewenivanua;
    (f) na ituvatuva ni kena vakasukai se bokoci na ivolatara ni lewenivanua tudei; kei na
    (g) veika tale e so e gadrevi ena kena vakadeitaka na soli ni ivolatara ni lewenivanua. (Sec. 5)

Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    (5) Cabinet may seek an opinion from the Supreme Court on any matter concerning the interpretation or application of this Constitution. (Sec. 91)
  • iTaukei

    (5) Na Boseyaco me taro ivakasala i na Mataveilewai Cecere ena vuku ni kena vakamacalataki na Yavunivakavulewa qo. (Sec. 91)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    (3) The Supreme Court—
    (a) is the final appellate court;
    (b) has exclusive jurisdiction, subject to such requirements as prescribed by written law, to hear and determine appeals from all final judgments of the Court of Appeal; and
    (c) has original jurisdiction to hear and determine constitutional questions referred under section 91(5).
    (4) An appeal may not be brought to the Supreme Court from a final judgment of the Court of Appeal unless the Supreme Court grants leave to appeal.
    … (Sec. 98)
  • iTaukei

    (3) Na Mataveilewai Cecere e—
    (a) iotioti ni mataveilewai me rogoci kina e dua na kisi;
    (b) tiko vua na lewa cecere duadua, me vaka e vakaroti ena lawa tabaki, me rogoca ka vakatulewa ena lewa sa tauca na Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru; ka
    (c) tiko vua na lewa cecere me rogoca ka vakatulewa ena vakatataro ni Yavunivakavulewa me vaka e vakamacalataki ena tikina 91(5).
    (4) Na Mataveilewai Cecere ena sega ni rawa ni dikeva tale na vakatulewa ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru vakavo kevaka sa vakadonui.
    … (Sec. 98)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    (3) The Court of Appeal has jurisdiction, subject to this Constitution and to such requirements as prescribed by written law, to hear and determine appeals from all judgments of the High Court, and has such other jurisdiction as is conferred by written law.
    (4) Appeals lie to the Court of Appeal as of right from a final judgment of the High Court in any manner arising under this Constitution or involving its interpretation.
    … (Sec. 99)
  • iTaukei

    (3) Na Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru e tiko vua na kaukauwa, vakavo ke virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo kei na veilawa tabaki tale e so, me rogoca ka vakatulewa ena lewa sa tauca na Mataveilewai e Cake ka tu vua na kaukauwa tale e so e vakadeitaki ena lawa tabaki.
    (4) Na taro kece se vakavakadewa me baleta na Yavunivakavulewa qo e rawa ni dikeva tale na Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru ena gauna sa vakatulewa oti kina na Mataveilewai e Cake.
    … (Sec. 99)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    (4) The High Court also has original jurisdiction in any matter arising under this Constitution or involving its interpretation.

    (7) If in any proceedings in a Magistrates Court or a subordinate court, a question arises as to the interpretation of this Constitution, the Magistrates Court or a subordinate court may decide the matter, and its decision may be appealed as of right to the High Court. (Sec. 100)
  • iTaukei

    (4) Na Mataveilewai e Cake e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakatulewa ena dua na kisi me baleta na Yavunivakavulewa qo se na kena vakadewataki.

    (7) Kevaka e vure cake mai na vakatataro me baleta na vakamacalataki ni Yavunivakavulewa ena Mataveilewai e Ra se mataveilewai lalai tale e so, na Mataveilewai e Ra se mataveilewai lalai tale e so me vakatulewa kina, ia sa tiko na dodonu ena Mataveilewai e Cake me rogoca kevaka e dua na ilawalawa ena kisi e sega ni duavata kei na vakatulewa ena Mataveilewai e Ra se mataveilewai lalai tale e so. (Sec. 100)
  • English
    (1) Every person has the right to—
    (a) early childhood education;
    (b) primary and secondary education; and
    (c) further education.
    (2) The State must take reasonable measures within its available resources to achieve the progressive realisation of the right—
    (a) to free early childhood, primary, secondary and further education; and
    (b) to education for persons who were unable to complete their primary and secondary education.

    (5) In applying any right under this section, if the State claims that it does not have the resources to implement the right, it is the responsibility of the State to show that the resources are not available. (Sec. 31)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me—
    (a) virisova;
    (b) vuli ena paraimiri kei na sekendri; kei na
    (c) vuli torocake.
    (2) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti ena veika sa tu rawa me na qai rawata na kena yacovi na dodonu—
    (a) me kua ni saumi na nodra vuli na gone, wili kina na paraimiri, sekendri kei na vulitorocake; kei na
    (b) nodra vuli o ira era sega ni vakacavara na nodra vuli ena paraimiri kei na sekendri.

    (5) Ena taurivaki ni dodonu ena tikina qo, kevaka e vakaraitaka na Matanitu ni sega ni tiko vua na ivurevure ni veika me baleta na kena taurivaki na dodonu, e nona itavi na Matanitu me vakaraitaka ni sega vua na ivurevure. (Sec. 31)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    (1) Every person has the right to fair employment practices, including humane treatment and proper working conditions.
    … (Sec. 20)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na tamata taucoko e tiko vei ira na dodonu mera qaravi vakatautauvata ena gauna ni cakacaka, okati kina na nodra qaravi vinaka kei na tuvaki vinaka ni valenicakacaka.
    … (Sec. 20)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    (1) Every person has the right to full and free participation in the economic life of the State, which includes the right to choose their own work, trade, occupation, profession or other means of livelihood.
    (2) The State must take reasonable measures within its available resources to achieve the progressive realisation of the rights recognised in subsection (1).
    (3) To the extent that it is necessary, a law may limit, or may authorise the limitation of, the rights set out in subsection (1). (Sec. 32)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me vakaitavi ena bula vakailavo ni Vanua, qo e oka kina na dodonu ni nodra digitaka na nodra cakacaka, se so tale na gaunisala ni rawa ilavo.
    (2) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti ena veika sa tu rawa me na qai rawati na kena yacovi na dodonu e virikotori ena wasetiki (1).
    (3) Na lawa ena rawa ni yalana, se vakadonuya na kena yalani, na dodonu e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), ia na vakayacori ga ena gauna e gadrevi kina me yalani. (Sec. 32)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    (1) The State must take reasonable measures within its available resources to achieve the progressive realisation of the right of every person to work and to a just minimum wage.
    (2) In applying any right under this section, if the State claims that it does not have the resources to implement the right, it is the responsibility of the State to show that the resources are not available. (Sec. 33)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti ena veika sa tu rawa me qai rawati na dodonu ni tamata yadua me cakacaka ka me saumi ena isau e veiganiti.
    (2) Ena kena taurivaki na dodonu ena tikina qo, kevaka e vakaraitaka na Matanitu ni sega ni tiko vua na ivurevure ni veika me baleta na kena taurivaki na dodonu, e nona itavi na Matanitu me vakaraitaka ni sega vua na ivurevure. (Sec. 33)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English

    DECLARE that we are all Fijians united by common and equal citizenry;
    … (Preamble)
  • iTaukei

    TUSANAKA nida sa kai Viti eda sa dua bau na umatamata;
    … (Ikau)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    1. The Republic of Fiji is a sovereign democratic State founded on the values of—
    (a) common and equal citizenry and national unity;

    (d) equality for all and care for the less fortunate based on the values inherent in this section and in the Bill of Rights contained in Chapter 2;
    … (Sec. 1)
  • iTaukei
    1. Na Matanitu Tugalala o Viti e matanitu tuvakaikoya, yavutaki ena—
    (a) dua bau na umatamata kei na duavata vakalewenivanua;

    (d) qaravi vakatautauvata ni lewenivanua era sega ni rawaka, yavutaki ena veika e vakabibitaki ena tikina qo, kei na Lawa ni Dodonu ni Tamata me vaka e virikotori ena Wase 2;
    … (Sec. 1)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English

    (2) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, all Fijians have equal status and identity, which means that they are equally—
    (a) entitled to all the rights, privileges and benefits of citizenship;and
    (b) subject to the duties and responsibilities of citizenship.
    … (Sec. 5)
  • iTaukei

    (2) Ia kevaka e dua tale na tikina ena Yavunivakavulewa qo e yalana, na kai Viti taucoko era tautauvata ka dua na umatamata, kena ibalebale nira tautauvata—
    (a) ena nodra taqomaki ena dodonu ni tamata yadua, vakayagataka na galala ni lewenivanua e Viti; ka
    (b) yavutaki ena itavi vakalewenivanua.
    … (Sec. 5)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    (1) Every person is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection, treatment and benefit of the law.
    (2) Equality includes the full and equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter or any other written law.
    (3) A person must not be unfairly discriminated against, directly or indirectly on the grounds of his or her—
    (a) actual or supposed personal characteristics or circumstances, including race, culture, ethnic or social origin, colour, place of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, birth, primary language, economic or social or health status, disability, age, religion, conscience, marital status or pregnancy;
    (b) opinions or beliefs, except to the extent that those opinions or beliefs involve harm to others or the diminution of the rights or freedoms of others, or on any other ground prohibited by this Constitution.
    (4) A law or an administrative action taken under a law may not directly orindirectly impose a limitation or restriction on any person on a prohibited ground.
    (5) Every person has the right of access, membership or admission, without discrimination on a prohibited ground, to shops, hotels, lodging-houses, public restaurants, places of public entertainment, clubs, education institutions, public transportation services, taxis and public places.
    (6) The proprietor of a place or service referred to in subsection (5) must facilitate reasonable access for persons with disabilities to the extent prescribed by law.
    (7) Treating one person differently from another on any of the grounds prescribed under subsection (3) is discrimination, unless it can be established that the difference in treatment is not unfair in the circumstances.
    (8) A law, or an administrative action taken under a law, is not inconsistent with the rights mentioned in this section on the ground that it—

    (e) makes provision with respect to adoption, marriage, devolution of property on death, and pension;
    (f) excludes persons from holding certain public offices; or
    (g) to the extent necessary and without infringing the rights or freedoms set out in any other section of this Chapter, gives effect to the communal ownership of iTaukei, Rotuman and Banaban lands and access to marine resources, or the bestowing of iTaukei, Rotuman and Banaban chiefly title or rank. (Sec. 26)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me qaravi vakatautauvata ena mata ni lawa.
    (2) Na dodonu ni tamata me qaravi vakatautauvata ena mata ni lawa e okati kina na kena vakayagataki vakatautauvata na dodonu kei na galala e virikotori ena Wase qo se na dua tale na lawa tabaki.
    (3) Na veivakaduiduitaki e vakatabui vakalawa kevaka e yaco vua e dua na tamata ena vuku ni—
    (a) nona ivakarau se kena ituvaki, oka kina na veimatatamata e lewena, nona itovo vakavanua, kawatamata, kuliniyago, na nona yavutu, kevaka e yalewa se tagane, kevaka e tagane, na nona digitaka me vinakata na tagane, kevaka e yalewa, na nona digitaka me vinakata na yalewa, se nona digitaka me vinakata ruarua na yalewa kei na tagane, nomu digitaka se vakaraitaka mo bulataka na bula vakatagane se bula vakayalewa, kevaka e gone susu se sucu ena daku ni vakamau, vosanisucu, ituvaki ni bula se bula vakailavo, vakaleqai vakayago, yabaki ni bula, nomu vakabauta, lewa e loma, vakawati se sega, se kevaka e bukete;
    (b) nomu vakasama se vakabauta, vakavo kevaka na vakasama se vakabauta qo e vakamavoataka tale e so na tamata se na kena vakalailaitaka na nona dodonu se galala tale e so, se ena dua tale na tikina e vakatabui ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    (4) Na lawa se dua na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa ena sega ni rawa ni vakayagataka na yavu e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (3) me yalana na nona dodonu e dua.
    (5) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me lewena se curuma na sitoa, otela, valenikana, vanua ni veivakamarautaki, valenidanisi, tabana ni vuli, lori ni veivakaleleci, teksi, kei na vanua dola raraba, ka me kua ni vakaduiduitaki ena dua na yavu e virikotori ena wasetiki (3).
    (6) Na itaukei ni vanua dola raraba se itaukei ni vanua ni veiqaravi me vaka e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (5) me vakarautaka e so na gaunisala me vakarawarawataka na veitosoyaki vei ira na vakaleqai vakayago me vaka e virikotori ena lawa.
    (7) Ni sega ni tautauvata na nodrau qaravi e rua na tamata ena vuku ni dua na tikina e vakatabui ena wasetiki (3), ya sa wili me veivakaduiduitaki, vakavo ke rawa ni vakadeitaki ni na veivakaduiduitaki ya e ganita na vanua e vakayacori kina.
    (8) Na lawa se na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa tabaki, e sega ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo kevaka e—

    (e) vakarautaka na veika vakaivola me baleta na gone vakacabecabe, vakamau, dewa na taukeni ni iyau ena vuku ni mate kei na peniseni;
    (f) vakatabui na tamata me taura na itutu ena so na valenivolavola ni lewenivanua; se
    (g) me yalani ena gauna e gadrevi kina ka me kua ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu se na galala e virikotori ena dua na tikina ena Wase qo, e vakatara na kena taukeni vakavanua na kedra qele kei na nodra vakayagataka na iyaubula mai waitui o ira na iTaukei, Rotuma kei na Rabi se na ivakarau ni kena soli na itutu ni veiliutaki ni iTaukei, Rotuma kei na Rabi. (Sec. 26)
Obligations of the State
  • English

    COMMIT ourselves to the recognition and protection of human rights, and respect for human dignity;
    … (Preamble)
  • iTaukei

    CUQENA na rokovi kei na taqomaki ni dodonu ni lewenivanua kei na dokai ni itovo ni lewenivanua;
    … (Ikau)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    The Republic of Fiji is a sovereign democratic State founded on the values of—

    (b) respect for human rights, freedom and the rule of law;
    … (Sec. 1)
  • iTaukei
    Na Matanitu Tugalala o Viti e matanitu tuvakaikoya, yavutaki ena—

    (b) rokovi na dodonu ni tamata yadua, galala kei na lawa;
    … (Sec. 1)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    (1) This Chapter3 binds the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government at all levels, and every person performing the functions of any public office.
    (2) The State and every person holding public office must respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter.
    … (Sec. 6)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Wase qo e kovuta na tabana ni bulilawa, mataveilewai kei na veiliutaki vakamatanitu, okati kina na tamata cakacaka ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua.
    (2) Na Matanitu kei na tamata cakacaka ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua e dodonu mera doka, maroroya, vakadewataka ka muria na dodonu kei na galala e virikotori ena Wase qo.
    … (Sec. 6)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    (1) In addition to complying with section 3, when interpreting and applying this Chapter4, a court, tribunal or other authority—
    (a) must promote the values that underlie a democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom; and
    (b) may, if relevant, consider international law, applicable to the protection of the rights and freedoms in this Chapter.
    (2) This Chapter does not deny, or prevent the recognition of, any other right or freedom recognised or conferred by common law or written law, except to the extent that it is inconsistent with this Chapter.
    (3) A law that limits a right or freedom set out in this Chapter is not invalid solely because the law exceeds the limits imposed by this Chapter if the law is reasonably capable of a more restricted interpretation that does not exceed those limits, and in that case, the law must be construed in accordance with the more restricted interpretation.
    … (Sec. 7)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Ena iKuri ni veika e toqai ena tikina 3, na veigauna kece e vakamacalataki se vakayagataki kina na Wase qo, na mataveilewai, mataveivaqaqai se dua na matabose se tabacakacaka e cake—
    (a) e dodonu me tutaka ka vakamacalataka na ivalavala ni bula ni tu galala e rokovi kina na bula ni tamata, duavata kei na dodonu; kei na
    (b) ke yaga, me rawa ni vakasamataka tale ga na lawa levu kei vuravura e rawa ni vakayagataki ena maroroi ni dodonu kei na galala ena Wase qo.
    (2) Na Wase qo e sega ni cakitaka se tarova na kena kilai na dodonu se galala e umani ena lawa raraba se lawa tabaki, vakavo ke sega ni duavata kei na lawa ena Wase qo.
    (3) E dua na lawa e yalana na dodonu kei na galala e vakamacalataki ena Wase qo, e sega ni kena ibalebale ni sega na kena kaukauwa ni sa veicalati kei na iyalayala e dusimaka na Wase qo, kevaka e rawa ni vakaukauwataki na yalani ni kena vakamacalataki, me kua kina ni sivia na iyalayala e dusimaka na Wase qo. Ena tikina oya, e dodonu me vakaukauwataki na yalani ni kena ivakamacala.
    … (Sec. 7)
Obligations of the State
  • English

    (2) Equality includes the full and equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter5 or any other written law.
    … (Sec. 26)

  • iTaukei

    (2) Na dodonu ni tamata me qaravi vakatautauvata ena mata ni lawa e okati kina na kena vakayagataki vakatautauvata na dodonu kei na galala e virikotori ena Wase qo se na dua tale na lawa tabaki.
    … (Sec. 26)

Obligations of Private Parties
  • English

    (3) A provision of this Chapter6 binds a natural or legal person, taking into account—
    (a) the nature of the right or freedom recognised in that provision; and
    (b) the nature of any restraint or duty imposed by that provision.
    … (Sec. 6)
  • iTaukei

    (3) E dua na tiki ni Wase qo e kovuta na tamata se matakabani, okati kina—
    (a) na dodonu se galala e virikotori ena tiki ni Wase qo; kei na
    (b) vakatatabu se itavi e virikotori ena tiki ni Wase qo.
    … (Sec. 6)
Judicial Protection
  • English

    (4) This Constitution shall be enforced through the courts, to ensure that––

    (b) rights and freedoms are protected;
    … (Sec. 2)
  • iTaukei

    (4) Na Yavunivakavulewa qo e dodonu me vaqaqacotaka na mataveilewai me vakadeitaka na—

    (b) maroroi na dodonu kei na galala;
    … (Sec. 2)
Judicial Protection
  • English
    (1) This Chapter7 binds the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government at all levels, and every person performing the functions of any public office.
    … (Sec. 6)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Wase qo e kovuta na tabana ni bulilawa, mataveilewai kei na veiliutaki vakamatanitu, okati kina na tamata cakacaka ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua.
    … (Sec. 6)
Judicial Protection
  • English
    (1) If a person considers that any of the provisions of this Chapter8 has been or is likely to be contravened in relation to him or her (or, in the case of a person who is detained, if another person considers that there has been, or is likely to be, a contravention in relation to the detained person), then that person (or the other person) may apply to the High Court for redress.
    (2) The right to make application to the High Court under subsection (1) is without prejudice to any other action with respect to the matter that the person concerned may have.
    (3) The High Court has original jurisdiction—
    (a) to hear and determine applications under subsection (1); and
    (b) to determine questions that are referred to it under subsection (5), and may make such orders and give such directions as it considers appropriate.
    (4) The High Court may exercise its discretion not to grant relief in relation to an application or referral made under this section if it considers that an adequate alternative remedy is available to the person concerned.
    (5) If in any proceedings in a subordinate court any question arises as to the contravention of any of the provisions of this Chapter, the member presiding in the proceedings may, and must if a party to the proceedings so requests, refer the question to the High Court unless, in the member’s opinion (which is final and not subject to appeal), the raising of the question is frivolous or vexatious.
    … (Sec. 44)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Ke dua na tamata e vakabauta ni dua na nona dodonu e virikotori ena Wase qo e sa vakaleqai se rawa ni vakaleqai (se, ke dua e vesu tiko, ka vakabauta e dua tale na tamata ni rawa ni vakaleqai na nona dodonu na tamata e vesu tiko) na tamata qo (se na tamata e vesu tiko) e rawa ni kerea na Mataveilewai e Cake me dikevi na tabana qo.
    (2) Na dodonu ni kena kerei ena Mataveilewai e Cake me dikeva na kena vakaleqai na dodonu ni tamata me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), ena sega ni tarova na nona dodonu na tamata qo ena vuku ni so tale na veivuke vakalawa e tiko me baleti koya.
    (3) Na Mataveilewai e Cake e tu vua na kaukauwa—
    (a) me rogoca ka vakatulewataka ena nona kudru e dua e vakaleqai na nona dodonu me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (1); kei na
    (b) kena vakatulewataki na vakatataro a kau cake mai ena wasetiki (5); ka rawa ni solia na ivakaro kei na ivakasala e matau.
    (4) Na Mataveilewai e Cake e rawa ni vakatulewa vakamatau me kua ni vakadonuya na kerekere e biu cake yani, se e yavutaki ena wasetiki qo kevaka e vakabauta ni tiko tale e dua na iwali e rawa ni vakayagataki.
    (5) Kevaka e rogoci ena dua na mataveilewai lalai e so na vakatataro me baleta na kena saqati na veitikina e so ena Wase qo, sa nona itavi na Daunilewa me vagolea na vakatataro i na Mataveilewai e Cake, se ena nona kerekere e dua na ilawalawa i na kisi, na mataveilewai lalai e rawa ni vagolea na vakatataro i na Mataveilewai e Cake. Ia, na vagolei ni vakatataro i na Mataveilewai e Cake ena sega ni vakayacori kevaka ena nona nanuma na Daunilewa (ka na sega ni rawa ni rogoci tale na nona vakatulewa) kevaka na taro e vinakati me vagolei ena Mataveilewai e Cake e vaqitoqito se veivakacudrui.
    … (Sec. 44)
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English
    (1) The Human Rights Commission established under the Human Rights Commission Decree 2009 continues in existence as the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission.
    (2) The Commission consists of—
    (a) a chairperson, who must be a person who is or is qualified to be appointed as a judge; and
    (b) 4 other members, appointed by the President on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission.

    (4) Subject to this Constitution, the Commission is responsible for—
    (a) promoting the protection and observance of, and respect for, human rights in public and private institutions, and to develop a culture of human rights in Fiji;
    (b) education about the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter, as well as other internationally recognised rights and freedoms;
    (c) monitoring, investigating and reporting on the observance of human rights in all spheres of life;
    (d) making recommendations to Government concerning matters affecting the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter, including recommendations concerning existing or proposed laws;
    (e) receiving and investigating complaints about alleged abuses of human rights and take steps to secure appropriate redress if human rights have been violated, including making applications to court for redress or for other forms of relief or remedies;
    (f) investigating or researching, on its own initiative or on the basis of a complaint, any matter in respect of human rights, and make recommendations to improve the functioning of public or private entities;
    (g) monitoring compliance by the State with obligations under treaties and conventions relating to human rights; and
    (h) performing any other functions or exercising any powers as are conferred on the Commission by a written law.
    (5) Subject to this Constitution, any person has the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission, alleging that a right or freedom in this Chapter has been denied, violated or infringed, or is threatened.
    ... (Sec. 45)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata 2009, me na tomani tiko me Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni Veivakaduiduitaki.
    (2) Na Matabose me na lewena—
    (a) e dua na Jemeni, ka rawa ni digitaki me Daunilewa; kei na
    (b) 4 tale na lewena, me digitaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa.

    (4) Vakavo ke vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na itavi ni Matabose me—
    (a) vakatetea na taqomaki, dikevi na kena rokovi na dodonu ni tamata ena veimatabose taucoko, ka me vakatorocaketaka na itovo ni dodonu ni tamata e Viti;
    (b) vakayaco vuli me baleta na dodonu kei na galala e taurivaki ena Wase qo, oka kina na dodonu kei na galala e taurivaki ka vakayagataki ena veimatanitu e vuravura;
    (c) wanonova,vaqaqa ka volaitukutukutaka na kena vakamuri na dodonu ni tamata ena veitaba taucoko ni bula;
    (d) vakatututaka i na Matanitu na veiulutaga e so e vakaleqa tiko na dodonu kei na gagala taurivaki ena Wase qo, vakakina na vakatutu me baleta na lawa sa tiko rawa kei na kena e se qai vakarau buli;
    (e) ciqoma ka vaqaqa na kudru e so me baleta na veibeitaki ni kena voroki na dodonu ni tamata, ka cavuikalawa me walia, kevaka sa vakadinadinataki ni sa voroki na dodonu ni tamata, oka kina na kena vakatututaki ena mataveilewai se me vaqarai e so tale na iwali vinaka;
    (f) vaqaqa se vakadidiketaka ena nona vakatulewa ga se ena dua na kudru ni lewenivanua, e dua na kudru e baleta na dodonu ni tamata ka soli ivakasala me vakavinakataka na tabana oqo;
    (g) wanonova matua na Matanitu ena veiyalayalati kei na veidinadinati sa vakadeitaka kei na veimatanitu me baleta na dodonu ni tamata yadua; kei na
    (h) vakayacori ni itavi tale e so, se na kena vakayagataki na kaukauwa e solia na lawa tabaki vua na Matabose.
    (5) Vakavo ke vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me vakaraitaka nona kudru i na Matabose, me vakaraitaka kina na nona dodonu kei na galala e yavutaki ena Wase qo, e sega ni vakamuri se vakacacani.
    … (Sec. 45)
Indigenous Peoples
  • English
    RECOGNISING the indigenous people or the iTaukei, their ownership of iTaukei lands, their unique culture, customs, traditions and language;
    RECOGNISING the indigenous people or the Rotuman from the island of Rotuma, their ownership of Rotuman lands, their unique culture, customs, traditions and language;
    … (Preamble)
  • iTaukei
    ROKOVA na itaukei ni vanua se kawa itaukei, na nodra taukena na kedra qele, na nodra itovo, ivakarau kei na vosa;
    ROKOVA na itaukei ni vanua o Rotuma, mai na yanuyanu o Rotuma, na nodra taukena na kedra qele, nodra itovo, ivakarau kei na vosa;
    … (Ikau)
Indigenous Peoples
  • English

    (3) A person must not be unfairly discriminated against, directly or indirectly on the grounds of his or her—
    (a) actual or supposed personal characteristics or circumstances, including race, culture, ethnic or social origin, colour, place of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, birth, primary language, economic or social or health status, disability, age, religion, conscience, marital status or pregnancy;
    (b) opinions or beliefs, except to the extent that those opinions or beliefs involve harm to others or the diminution of the rights or freedoms of others, or on any other ground prohibited by this Constitution.
    (4) A law or an administrative action taken under a law may not directly orindirectly impose a limitation or restriction on any person on a prohibited ground.

    (8) A law, or an administrative action taken under a law, is not inconsistent with the rights mentioned in this section on the ground that it—

    (g) to the extent necessary and without infringing the rights or freedoms set out in any other section of this Chapter, gives effect to the communal ownership of iTaukei, Rotuman and Banaban lands and access to marine resources, or the bestowing of iTaukei, Rotuman and Banaban chiefly title or rank. (Sec. 26)
  • iTaukei

    (3) Na veivakaduiduitaki e vakatabui vakalawa kevaka e yaco vua e dua na tamata ena vuku ni—
    (a) nona ivakarau se kena ituvaki, oka kina na veimatatamata e lewena, nona itovo vakavanua, kawatamata, kuliniyago, na nona yavutu, kevaka e yalewa se tagane, kevaka e tagane, na nona digitaka me vinakata na tagane, kevaka e yalewa, na nona digitaka me vinakata na yalewa, se nona digitaka me vinakata ruarua na yalewa kei na tagane, nomu digitaka se vakaraitaka mo bulataka na bula vakatagane se bula vakayalewa, kevaka e gone susu se sucu ena daku ni vakamau, vosanisucu, ituvaki ni bula se bula vakailavo, vakaleqai vakayago, yabaki ni bula, nomu vakabauta, lewa e loma, vakawati se sega, se kevaka e bukete; se
    (b) nomu vakasama se vakabauta, vakavo kevaka na vakasama se vakabauta qo e vakamavoataka tale e so na tamata se na kena vakalailaitaka na nona dodonu se galala tale e so, se ena dua tale na tikina e vakatabui ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    (4) Na lawa se dua na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa ena sega ni rawa ni vakayagataka na yavu e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (3) me yalana na nona dodonu e dua.

    (8) Na lawa se na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa tabaki, e sega ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo kevaka e—

    (g) me yalani ena gauna e gadrevi kina ka me kua ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu se na galala e virikotori ena dua na tikina ena Wase qo, e vakatara na kena taukeni vakavanua na kedra qele kei na nodra vakayagataka na iyaubula mai waitui o ira na iTaukei, Rotuma kei na Rabi se na ivakarau ni kena soli na itutu ni veiliutaki ni iTaukei, Rotuma kei na Rabi. (Sec. 26)
Indigenous Peoples
  • English
    (1) The ownership of all iTaukei land shall remain with the customary owners of that land and iTaukei land shall not be permanently alienated, whether by sale, grant, transfer or exchange, except to the State in accordance with section 27.
    (2) Any iTaukei land acquired by the State for a public purpose after the commencement of this Constitution under section 27 or under any written law shall revert to the customary owners if the land is no longer required by the State.
    (3) The ownership of all Rotuman land shall remain with the customary owners of that land and Rotuman land shall not be permanently alienated, whether by sale, grant, transfer or exchange, except to the State in accordance with section 27.
    (4) Any Rotuman land acquired by the State for a public purpose after the commencement of this Constitution under section 27 or under any written law shall revert to the customary owners if the land is no longer required by the State.
    (5) The ownership of all Banaban land shall remain with the customary owners of that land and Banaban land shall not be permanently alienated, whether by sale, grant, transfer or exchange, except to the State in accordance with section 27.
    (6) Any Banaban land acquired by the State for a public purpose after the commencement of this Constitution under section 27 or under any written law shall revert to the customary owners if the land is no longer required by the State. (Sec. 28)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na qele ni iTaukei mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
    (2) Ke dua na qele ni iTaukei e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu.
    (3) Na qele ni Rotuma mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
    (4) Ke dua na qele ni Rotuma e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu.
    (5) Na qele ni Rabi mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
    (6) Ke dua na qele ni Rabi e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu. (Sec. 28)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English

    (4) A legal person has the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter, to the extent required by the nature of the right or freedom, and the nature of the particular legal person.
    (5) The rights and freedoms set out in this Chapter apply according to their tenor and may be limited by—
    (a) limitations expressly prescribed, authorised or permitted (whether by or under a written law) in relation to a particular right or freedom in this Chapter;
    (b) limitations prescribed or set out in, or authorised or permitted by, other provisions of this Constitution; or
    (c) limitations which are not expressly set out or authorised (whether by or under a written law) in relation to a particular right or freedom in this Chapter, but which are necessary and are prescribed by a law or provided under a law or authorised or permitted by a law or by actions taken under the authority of a law.
    … (Sec. 6)
  • iTaukei

    (4) Na matakabani e tu vua na dodonu kei na galala me vaka e virikotori ena Wase qo, me yacova na kena iyalayala e vakatarai me vakayagataki kina na dodonu se na galala qo ka na vakatautaki tale ga ena ituvaki ni matakabani.
    (5) Na dodonu kei na galala e vakamacalataki ena Wase qo ena rawa ni yalani ena—
    (a) so na vanua vakarautaki se vakadonui (veitalia ke virikotori ena lawa tabaki se sega) ena tiki ni dodonu se galala ena Wase qo;
    (b) so na vanua vakarautaki se vakadonui ena dua na tikina vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo; se
    (c) so na vanua e sega ni vakarautaki se vakadonui (veitalia ke virikotori ena lawa tabaki se sega) ena tiki ni dodonu se galala ena Wase qo; ia e gadrevi ka tauyavutaki vakalawa se vakarautaki ena dua na lawa se vakadonui vakalawa se vakayacori ena veivakadonui vakalawa.
    … (Sec. 6)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    (1) In addition to complying with section 3, when interpreting and applying this Chapter, a court, tribunal or other authority—
    (a) must promote the values that underlie a democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom; and
    (b) may, if relevant, consider international law, applicable to the protection of the rights and freedoms in this Chapter.
    (2) This Chapter does not deny, or prevent the recognition of, any other right or freedom recognised or conferred by common law or written law, except to the extent that it is inconsistent with this Chapter.
    (3) A law that limits a right or freedom set out in this Chapter is not invalid solely because the law exceeds the limits imposed by this Chapter if the law is reasonably capable of a more restricted interpretation that does not exceed those limits, and in that case, the law must be construed in accordance with the more restricted interpretation.
    … (Sec. 7)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Ena iKuri ni veika e toqai ena tikina 3, na veigauna kece e vakamacalataki se vakayagataki kina na Wase qo, na mataveilewai, mataveivaqaqai se dua na matabose se tabacakacaka e cake—
    (a) e dodonu me tutaka ka vakamacalataka na ivalavala ni bula ni tu galala e rokovi kina na bula ni tamata, duavata kei na dodonu; kei na
    (b) ke yaga, me rawa ni vakasamataka tale ga na lawa levu kei vuravura e rawa ni vakayagataki ena maroroi ni dodonu kei na galala ena Wase qo.
    (2) Na Wase qo e sega ni cakitaka se tarova na kena kilai na dodonu se galala e umani ena lawa raraba se lawa tabaki, vakavo ke sega ni duavata kei na lawa ena Wase qo.
    (3) E dua na lawa e yalana na dodonu kei na galala e vakamacalataki ena Wase qo, e sega ni kena ibalebale ni sega na kena kaukauwa ni sa veicalati kei na iyalayala e dusimaka na Wase qo, kevaka e rawa ni vakaukauwataki na yalani ni kena vakamacalataki, me kua kina ni sivia na iyalayala e dusimaka na Wase qo. Ena tikina oya, e dodonu me vakaukauwataki na yalani ni kena ivakamacala.
    … (Sec. 7)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    (1) Any law enacted or promulgated in consequence of a declaration of a state of emergency under this Constitution—
    (a) may limit a right or freedom set out in this Chapter (with the exception of the rights and freedoms set out in sections 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22 and 26) only to the extent that—
    (i) the limitation is strictly necessary and required by the emergency; and
    (ii) the law is consistent with Fiji’s obligations under international law applicable to a state of emergency; and
    (b) takes effect only when it has been published in the Gazette.
    (2) A person detained under a law contemplated in subsection (1) retains all the rights recognised in this Chapter, subject only to the limitations referred to in subsection (1). (Sec. 43)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Ni dua na lawa e sa vakadonui se sa taurivaki ena vuku ni tikoleqa vakamatanitu ena Yavunivakavulewa qo—
    (a) ena rawa ni yalana na dodonu se galala e yavutaki ena Wase qo (vakavo na dodonu kei na galala yavutaki ena tikina 8,10,11,13,14,15,16, 22 kei na 26) ia ena qai yalani ga ena gauna e gadrevi kina—
    (i) na kena yalani ena vakatabakidua ena kena gadrevi ena gauna ni tikoleqa vakamatanitu; kei na
    (ii) lawa e salavata kei na itavi ni vanua o Viti ena lawa levu kei vuravura ka dau vakayagataki ena gauna ni tikoleqa vakamatanitu; ka na
    (b) taurivaki ga ena gauna e sa tabaki i na iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu.
    (2) Ke dua e vesu ena wasetiki (1), e tu vua na dodonu e virikotori ena Wase qo, vakavo ke yalani me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (1). (Sec. 43)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    (1) Every person has the right to personal privacy, which includes the right to—

    (c) respect for their private and family life.
    … (Sec. 24)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu kei na galala yadua, qo e okati kina na dodonu ni kena—

    (c) rokovi na nodra bula vakaitaukei kei na gauna vakavuvale.
    … (Sec. 24)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    (3) A person must not be unfairly discriminated against, directly or indirectly on the grounds of his or her—
    (a) actual or supposed personal characteristics or circumstances, including race, culture, ethnic or social origin, colour, place of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, birth, primary language, economic or social or health status, disability, age, religion, conscience, marital status or pregnancy;
    (b) opinions or beliefs, except to the extent that those opinions or beliefs involve harm to others or the diminution of the rights or freedoms of others, or on any other ground prohibited by this Constitution.

    (8) A law, or an administrative action taken under a law, is not inconsistent with the rights mentioned in this section on the ground that it—

    (e) makes provision with respect to adoption, marriage, devolution of property on death, and pension;
    … (Sec. 26)
  • iTaukei

    (3) Na veivakaduiduitaki e vakatabui vakalawa kevaka e yaco vua e dua na tamata ena vuku ni—
    (a) nona ivakarau se kena ituvaki, oka kina na veimatatamata e lewena, nona itovo vakavanua, kawatamata, kuliniyago, na nona yavutu, kevaka e yalewa se tagane, kevaka e tagane, na nona digitaka me vinakata na tagane, kevaka e yalewa, na nona digitaka me vinakata na yalewa, se nona digitaka me vinakata ruarua na yalewa kei na tagane, nomu digitaka se vakaraitaka mo bulataka na bula vakatagane se bula vakayalewa, kevaka e gone susu se sucu ena daku ni vakamau, vosanisucu, ituvaki ni bula se bula vakailavo, vakaleqai vakayago, yabaki ni bula, nomu vakabauta, lewa e loma, vakawati se sega, se kevaka e bukete;
    (b) nomu vakasama se vakabauta, vakavo kevaka na vakasama se vakabauta qo e vakamavoataka tale e so na tamata se na kena vakalailaitaka na nona dodonu se galala tale e so, se ena dua tale na tikina e vakatabui ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

    (8) Na lawa se na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa tabaki, e sega ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo kevaka e—

    (e) vakarautaka na veika vakaivola me baleta na gone vakacabecabe, vakamau, dewa na taukeni ni iyau ena vuku ni mate kei na peniseni;
    … (Sec. 26)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    (1) Every child has the right—

    (c) to family care, protection and guidance, which includes the equal responsibility of the child’s parents to provide for the child—
    (i) whether or not the parents are, or have ever been, married to each other; and
    (ii) whether or not the parents are living together, have lived together, or are separated;
    … (Sec. 41)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na gone yadua e tu vua na dodonu—

    (c) me qaravi vakavinaka mai na matavuvale, taqomaki, ka vakasalataki, oka kina na nodrau vakaitavi vakatautauvata na itubutubu ena nona qaravi na gone—
    (i) veitalia ke rau sega ni vakamau na itubutubu; ka
    (ii) veitalia ke rau tiko vata na itubutubu se sega, rau a tiko vata ena dua na gauna, se rau sa veibiu;
    … (Sec. 41)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English

    (3) A person must not be unfairly discriminated against, directly or indirectly on the grounds of his or her—
    (a) actual or supposed personal characteristics or circumstances, including race, culture, ethnic or social origin, colour, place of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, birth, primary language, economic or social or health status, disability, age, religion, conscience, marital status or pregnancy;
    (b) opinions or beliefs, except to the extent that those opinions or beliefs involve harm to others or the diminution of the rights or freedoms of others, or on any other ground prohibited by this Constitution.
    (4) A law or an administrative action taken under a law may not directly or indirectly impose a limitation or restriction on any person on a prohibited ground.

    (8) A law, or an administrative action taken under a law, is not inconsistent with the rights mentioned in this section on the ground that it—

    (f) excludes persons from holding certain public offices;
    … (Sec. 26)
  • iTaukei

    (3) Na veivakaduiduitaki e vakatabui vakalawa kevaka e yaco vua e dua na tamata ena vuku ni—
    (a) nona ivakarau se kena ituvaki, oka kina na veimatatamata e lewena, nona itovo vakavanua, kawatamata, kuliniyago, na nona yavutu, kevaka e yalewa se tagane, kevaka e tagane, na nona digitaka me vinakata na tagane, kevaka e yalewa, na nona digitaka me vinakata na yalewa, se nona digitaka me vinakata ruarua na yalewa kei na tagane, nomu digitaka se vakaraitaka mo bulataka na bula vakatagane se bula vakayalewa, kevaka e gone susu se sucu ena daku ni vakamau, vosanisucu, ituvaki ni bula se bula vakailavo, vakaleqai vakayago, yabaki ni bula, nomu vakabauta, lewa e loma, vakawati se sega, se kevaka e bukete;
    (b) nomu vakasama se vakabauta, vakavo kevaka na vakasama se vakabauta qo e vakamavoataka tale e so na tamata se na kena vakalailaitaka na nona dodonu se galala tale e so, se ena dua tale na tikina e vakatabui ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    (4) Na lawa se dua na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa ena sega ni rawa ni vakayagataka na yavu e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (3) me yalana na nona dodonu e dua.

    (8) Na lawa se na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa tabaki, e sega ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo kevaka e—

    (f) vakatabui na tamata me taura na itutu ena so na valenivolavola ni lewenivanua;
    … (Sec. 26)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    The values and principles of State service include—

    (i) recruitment and promotion based on—
    (i) objectivity, impartiality and fair competition; and
    (ii) ability, education, experience and other characteristics of merit. (Sec. 123)
  • iTaukei
    Na veika me vakabibitaki ka rokovi ena veiqaravi vakamatanitu e okati kina na—

    (i) vakacurumi ni tamata cakacaka kei na tosoi ni itutu vakacakacaka me vakatautaki ena—
    (i) veitalanoa raraba, kua ni vakatabakidua, ka me valataki vakasavasava; kei na
    (ii) rawati ni veika lavaki, vuli, kila vakacakacaka kei na vei rawaka tale e so. (Sec. 123)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    (1) Every person has the right to freedom of association.
    … (Sec. 19)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na tamata taucoko e tiko nona dodonu me lewe ni dua na isoqosoqo.
    … (Sec. 19)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    (1) Every citizen has the freedom to make political choices, and the right to—
    (a) form or join a political party;
    (b) participate in the activities of, or recruit members for, a political party; and
    (c) campaign for a political party, candidate or cause.
    (2) Every citizen has the right to free, fair and regular elections for any elective institution or office established under this Constitution.
    (3) Every citizen who has reached the age of 18 years has the right—
    (a) to be registered as a voter;
    (b) to vote by secret ballot in any election or referendum under this Constitution;
    (c) to be a candidate for public office, or office within a political party of which the citizen is a member, subject to satisfying any qualifications for such an office; and
    (d) if elected, to hold office.
    … (Sec. 23)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na lewenivanua taucoko e Viti, e tu na nodra galala mera digitaka na matapolitiki, kei na dodonu—
    (a) me tauyavutaka se lewena e dua na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki;
    (b) me vakaitavi ena cakacaka e lavaki se vakacuru lewenivanua i na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki; kei na kena
    (c) vunautaki na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki, matavakaturi se na ka e vakabauta na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki.
    (2) Na lewenivanua e tu vei ira na dodonu mera vakaitavi ena veidigidigi e vakayacori vakasavasava ka matau ka solia vua na veimatavakaturi kei na veimatapolitiki mera cakacaka ena galala, kei na vakauitukutuku me vakayacori ena galala, kei na mataveilewai me soli vua na galala ni vakatulewa ka me vakayacori vakawasoma na veidigidigi ena kena digitaki na lewenimatabose se valenivolavola e yavutaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    (3) Na lewenivanua kece e sa yacova na yabaki 18 e tu vei ira na dodonu—
    (a) mera volayaca ni veidigidigi;
    (b) mera veidigidigi vuni ka me kua ni kilai na nona digidigi ena dua na veidigidigi, se na ivakarau ni veidigidigi era vakaitavi kina na lewenivanua volayaca, mera ciqoma se sega e dua na vakatutu;
    (c) me mata vakaturi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua, se dua na valenivolavola ni isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e lewena, kevaka e rawata na veika e gadrevi me lewena na valenivolavola ya; kei na
    (d) kena digitaki, me tawana na valenivolavola.
    … (Sec. 23)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    (1) Every citizen who is or will be the age of 18 years and over on or before the date of the issue of the writ for the next election of members to Parliament, has the right to be registered as a voter, in the manner and form prescribed by a written law governing elections or registration of voters.

    (4) Every person who is registered as a voter has the right to vote in the election of members of Parliament.
    … (Sec. 55)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na lewenivanua kece sa yacova na yabaki 18, se sa sivia na yabaki 18, se ni se bera ni vakarautaki na ivakaro tabaki ni veidigidigi tarava, e tu vua na dodonu me volayaca me veidigidigi, ena ivakarau kei na iwalewale e virikotori ena lawa tabaki ni veidigidigi se na lawa tabaki ni volayaca ni veidigidigi.

    (4) Na tamata yadua e sa volayaca me veidigidigi, e tu vua na dodonu me digitaka na nodra mata i na Palimedi ena gauna ni veidigidigi.
    … (Sec. 55)
Electoral Bodies
  • English
    (1) The Electoral Commission established under the State Services Decree 2009 continues in existence.
    (2) The Commission has the responsibility for the registration of voters and the conduct of free and fair elections in accordance with the written law governing elections and any other relevant law, and in particular for—
    (a) the registration of citizens as voters, and the regular revision of the Register of Voters;
    (b) voter education;
    (c) the registration of candidates for election;
    (d) the settlement of electoral disputes, including disputes relating to or arising from nominations, but excluding election petitions and disputes subsequent to the declaration of election results; and
    (e) monitoring and enforcing compliance with any written law governing elections and political parties.
    (3) The Commission has such other functions as are conferred on it by this Constitution or a written law.
    … (Sec. 75)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Matabose ni Veidigidigi e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu 2009 ena tomani tiko ga.
    (2) Na itavi ni Matabose me qarava na volayaca ni lewenivanua kei na qaravi ni veidigidigi e vakayacori vakasavasava ka vakamatau, e solia vua na veimatavakaturi kei na veimatapolitiki mera cakacaka ena galala, kei na vakauitukutuku me vakayacori ena galala, kei na mataveilewai me soli vua na galala ni vakatulewa me vaka e virikotori ena lawa tabaki ni veidigidigi kei na lawa tale e so, vakabibi—
    (a) na nodra volayaca na lewenivanua mera veidigidigi, kei na kena railesuvi wasoma na iVola ni Volayaca ni Veidigidigi;
    (b) na nodra vakavulici na dau veidigidigi;
    (c) na nodra volayaca na mata i na veidigidigi;
    (d) na iwali ni duidui e vu mai ena veidigidigi, okati kina na duidui e vu mai na vakatututaki ni mata, ia e sega ni okati kina na ivola ni kudru se duidui e vu mai na macala ni veidigidigi; kei na
    (e) raici me vaqaqacotaki ka vakamuri na lawa tabaki ni veidigidigi kei na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki.
    (3) Na Matabose e tiko tale ga na nona itavi me vaka e viritokori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se e na lawa tabaki.
    … (Sec. 75)
Electoral Bodies
  • English
    (1) The office of the Supervisor of Elections established under the State Services Decree 2009 continues in existence.
    (2) The Supervisor of Elections, acting under the direction of the Electoral Commission,—
    (a) administers the registration of voters for elections of members to Parliament;
    (b) conducts—
    (i) elections of members of Parliament; and
    (ii) such other elections as Parliament prescribes; and
    (c) may perform such other functions as are conferred by written law.
    … (Sec. 76)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na valenivolavola ni iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi a tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu 2009, ena tomani tiko ga.
    (2) Na iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi, ena veiqaravi ena vakatulewa ni Matabose ni Veidigidigi, ena—
    (a) qarava na volayaca ni veidigidigi ni lewenipalimedi;
    (b) qarava na—
    (i) digitaki ni lewenipalimedi; kei na
    (ii) so tale na veidigidigi e vakatulewataka na Palimedi me vakayacori; ka
    (c) rawa ni qarava tale e so na itavi e virikotori ena lawa tabaki.
    … (Sec. 76)
Head of State
  • English
    (1) This section establishes the office of the President.
    (2) The President is the Head of State, and the executive authority of the State is vested in the President.
    … (Sec. 81)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na tikina qo e tauyavutaka na valenivolavola ni Peresitedi.
    (2) Na Peresitedi e iLiuliu ni Vanua o Viti, e tu vua na vakatulewa cecere duadua ni Matanitu.
    … (Sec. 81)
Head of State
  • English
    (1) A person shall not be qualified to be nominated for the office of the President unless he or she—
    (a) has had a distinguished career in any aspect of national or international life, whether in the public or private sector;
    (b) holds only a Fijian citizenship;
    (c) is not a member of, or holds any office in, any political party;
    (d) is not a candidate for election to any other office in the State; and
    (e) has not, at any time during the 6 years immediately before being nominated, been convicted of any offence under any law.
    … (Sec. 83)
  • iTaukei
    (1) O ira era tawana na itutu ni Peresitedi e dodonu me—
    (a) dua e kilai vinaka na nona veiqaravi e Viti se veiyasai vuravura, ena tabana vakamatanitu se tabana tuvakaikoya;
    (b) lewenivanua ga e Viti;
    (c) sega ni lewena, se vakaitutu ena dua na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki;
    (d) sega ni mata vakaturi ni veidigidigi ena dua tale na valenivolavola ena Matanitu; ka
    (e) sega ni se totogitaki ena cala vakalawa ena dua na gauna, ena loma ni 6 na yabaki ni se bera ni digitaki kina.
    … (Sec. 83)
Head of State
  • English
    (1) The President shall be appointed by Parliament in accordance with this section.
    (2) Whenever a vacancy arises in the office of the President, the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition shall nominate one name each to the Speaker who shall put both the names to the floor of Parliament for voting by the members of Parliament.
    (3) The person who receives the support of the majority of the members of Parliament present shall be appointed as the President, and the Speaker shall publicly announce the name of the President.
    … (Sec. 84)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Palimedi me digitaka na Peresitedi ena iwalewale e virikotori ena tikina qo.
    (2) Kevaka e lala na itutu vakaPeresitedi, na Paraiminisita kei na iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa me rau na vakatura e yadua na yaca vua na Sipika, mera qai digitaka na lewenipalimedi na Peresitedi.
    (3) Na yaca vakaturi e tokona e lelevu na lewenipalimedi, ena vakatikori me Peresitedi, ka na vakaraitaka na Sipika na yacana na Peresitedi.
    … (Sec. 84)
  • English
    (1) Cabinet consists of the Prime Minister as chairperson, and such number of Ministers as determined by the Prime Minister.
    … (Sec. 91)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Boseyaco me lewena ka kena Jemeni na Paraiminisita, kei ira na Minisita e digitaka na Paraiminisita.
    … (Sec. 91)
  • English
    (1) The Prime Minister is the head of the Government.

    (3) The Prime Minister—
    (a) appoints Ministers with such titles, portfolios and responsibilities as the Prime Minister determines from time to time;
    … (Sec. 92)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Paraiminisita e iliuliu ni Matanitu.

    (3) Na Paraiminisita—
    (a) me digitaki ira na Minisita ena nodra itutu, kei na nodra itavi;
    … (Sec. 92)
  • English
    (1) The Prime Minister must be a member of Parliament.
    (2) After a general election, the member elected to Parliament who is the leader of one political party which has won more than 50% of the total number of seats in Parliament assumes office as the Prime Minister by taking before the President the oath or affirmation of allegiance and office (which the President must administer) as set out in the Schedule.
    … (Sec. 93)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Paraiminisita e dodonu me lewenipalimedi.
    (2) Ni oti na veidigidigi, na mata e sa digitaki me lewenipalimedi ka iliuliu ni isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e qaqa ni sivia na 50% na idabedabe ni Palimedi e rawata, me cabeta na itutu vakaParaiminisita, vosa bubului e matai Peresitedi (me liutaka na Peresitedi) me vaka e virikotori ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    … (Sec. 93)
  • English
    (1) Subject to section 96(3), a Minister must be a member of Parliament.
    … (Sec. 95)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Minisita e dodonu me lewenipalimedi, vakavo ena tikina 96(3).
    … (Sec. 95)
  • English
    (1) The authority and power to make laws for the State is vested in Parliament consisting of the members of Parliament and the President, and is exercised through the enactment of Bills passed by Parliament and assented to by the President.
    … (Sec. 46)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na kaukauwa ni buli lawa ni Matanitu sa vakatikori e na Palimedi era lewena na lewenipalimedi kei na Peresitedi, vakadonui ena lawa vakaturi e pasitaki ena Palimedi ka tokona na Peresitedi.
    … (Sec. 46)
  • English
    The members of Parliament shall be chosen by secret ballot in free and fair elections administered by the Electoral Commission, in accordance with this Constitution and any written law governing elections. (Sec. 52)
  • iTaukei
    Na lewenipalimedi mera digitaki ena veidigidigi vuni ka vakayacori ena savasava ka vakamatau ka solia vua na veimatavakaturi kei na veimatapolitiki mera cakacaka ena galala, kei na kena vakau na itukutuku me vakayacori ena galala, kei na mataveilewai me soli vua na galala ni vakatulewa ka qarava na cakacaka ni veidigidigi na Matabose ni Veidigidigi, me vaka e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se dua na lawa tabaki e kovuta na kena ivakarau ni kena vakayacori na veidigidigi. (Sec. 52)
  • English
    (1) The election of members of Parliament is by a multi-member open list system of proportional representation, under which each voter has one vote, with each vote being of equal value, in a single national electoral roll comprising all the registered voters.
    … (Sec. 53)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na lewenipalimedi era na digitaki ena iwiliwili ni mata dola raraba. Ena iwalewale ni veidigidigi qo, na levu na dabedabe e winitaka e dua na matapolitiki se ilawalawa ni matavakaturi, ena veiraurau kei na levu ni digidigi e rawata na matapolitiki se ilawalawa ni matavakaturi. Ena iwalewale ni veidigidigi qo na tamata taucoko e veidigidigi me dua na nona idigidigi, qo e kena ibalebale ni digidigi ni lewenivanua yadua e wiliki vakatautauvata ka na tu tale ga e dua na ivola ni veidigidigi vakamatanitu e tabaki kina o ira na lewenivanua taucoko era volayaca ni veidigidigi.
    … (Sec. 53)
  • English
    (1) A candidate for election to Parliament must be either nominated by a registered political party or nominated as an independent candidate in accordance with the laws governing elections.
    (2) A person may be a candidate for election to Parliament only if the person—
    (a) is a citizen of Fiji, and does not hold citizenship of any other country;
    (b) is registered on the Register of Voters;
    (c) is ordinarily resident in Fiji for at least 2 years immediately before being nominated;
    (d) is not an undischarged bankrupt;
    (e) is not a member of the Electoral Commission, and has not been a member of that Commission at any time during the 4 years immediately before being nominated;
    (f) is not subject to a sentence of imprisonment when nominated;
    (g) has not, at any time during the 8 years immediately before being nominated, been convicted of any offence under any law for which the maximum penalty is a term of imprisonment of 12 months or more; and
    (h) has not been found guilty of any offence under a law relating to elections, registration of political parties or registration of voters.
    … (Sec. 56)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na mata ni veidigidigi i na Palimedi me vakaturi mai na dua na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e vakamatanitutaki se vakaturi me mata tuvakaikoya ka salamuria na lawa tabaki ni veidigidigi.
    (2) E dua na tamata ena rawa me mata i na veidigidigi ni Palimedi kevaka—
    (a) e lewenivanua ga e Viti ka sega ni lewenivanua ni dua tale na matanitu;
    (b) e volai ena iVola ni Volayaca ni Veidigidigi;
    (c) sa lewenivanua oti e Viti ni bera e 2 na yabaki me qai mai vakaturi;
    (d) e sega ni beqaravu;
    (e) e sega ni lewe ni Matabose ni Veidigidigi, se a lewe tu ni Matabose, ni bera e 4 na yabaki me qai mai vakaturi;
    (f) e sega ni cakacakataka tiko na nona itotogi e valeniveivesu ena gauna sa vakaturi kina;
    (g) e sega ni totogitaki ena vuku ni dua na cala vakalawa ka kena iyalayala ni totogi e 12 na vula se sivia e valeniveivesu ena 8 na yabaki ni se bera ni vakaturi kina ena veidigidigi; se
    (h) e sega ni vakadeitaki vakalawa ni vakayacora e dua na cala ena lawa ni veidigidigi se lawa ni volayaca ni soqosoqo vakapolitiki se lawa ni volayaca ni veidigidigi.
    … (Sec. 56)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    RECOGNISING the indigenous people or the iTaukei, their ownership of iTaukei lands, their unique culture, customs, traditions and language;
    RECOGNISING the indigenous people or the Rotuman from the island of Rotuma, their ownership of Rotuman lands, their unique culture, customs, traditions and language;
    … (Preamble)
  • iTaukei
    ROKOVA na itaukei ni vanua se kawa itaukei, na nodra taukena na kedra qele, na nodra itovo, ivakarau kei na vosa;
    ROKOVA na itaukei ni vanua o Rotuma, mai na yanuyanu o Rotuma, na nodra taukena na kedra qele, nodra itovo, ivakarau kei na vosa;
    … (Ikau)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English

    (3) A person must not be unfairly discriminated against, directly or indirectly on the grounds of his or her—
    (a) actual or supposed personal characteristics or circumstances, including race, culture, ethnic or social origin, colour, place of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, birth, primary language, economic or social or health status, disability, age, religion, conscience, marital status or pregnancy;
    (b) opinions or beliefs, except to the extent that those opinions or beliefs involve harm to others or the diminution of the rights or freedoms of others, or on any other ground prohibited by this Constitution.
    (4) A law or an administrative action taken under a law may not directly or indirectly impose a limitation or restriction on any person on a prohibited ground.

    (8) A law, or an administrative action taken under a law, is not inconsistent with the rights mentioned in this section on the ground that it—

    (e) makes provision with respect to adoption, marriage, devolution of property9 on death, and pension;

    (g) to the extent necessary and without infringing the rights or freedoms set out in any other section of this Chapter, gives effect to the communal ownership of iTaukei, Rotuman and Banaban lands and access to marine resources, or the bestowing of iTaukei, Rotuman and Banaban chiefly title or rank. (Sec. 26)
  • iTaukei

    (3) Na veivakaduiduitaki e vakatabui vakalawa kevaka e yaco vua e dua na tamata ena vuku ni—
    (a) nona ivakarau se kena ituvaki, oka kina na veimatatamata e lewena, nona itovo vakavanua, kawatamata, kuliniyago, na nona yavutu, kevaka e yalewa se tagane, kevaka e tagane, na nona digitaka me vinakata na tagane, kevaka e yalewa, na nona digitaka me vinakata na yalewa, se nona digitaka me vinakata ruarua na yalewa kei na tagane, nomu digitaka se vakaraitaka mo bulataka na bula vakatagane se bula vakayalewa, kevaka e gone susu se sucu ena daku ni vakamau, vosanisucu, ituvaki ni bula se bula vakailavo, vakaleqai vakayago, yabaki ni bula, nomu vakabauta, lewa e loma, vakawati se sega, se kevaka e bukete; se
    (b) nomu vakasama se vakabauta, vakavo kevaka na vakasama se vakabauta qo e vakamavoataka tale e so na tamata se na kena vakalailaitaka na nona dodonu se galala tale e so, se ena dua tale na tikina e vakatabui ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    (4) Na lawa se dua na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa ena sega ni rawa ni vakayagataka na yavu e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (3) me yalana na nona dodonu e dua.

    (8) Na lawa se na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa tabaki, e sega ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo kevaka e—

    (e) vakarautaka na veika vakaivola me baleta na gone vakacabecabe, vakamau, dewa na taukeni ni iyau ena vuku ni mate kei na peniseni;

    (g) me yalani ena gauna e gadrevi kina ka me kua ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu se na galala e virikotori ena dua na tikina ena Wase qo, e vakatara na kena taukeni vakavanua na kedra qele kei na nodra vakayagataka na iyaubula mai waitui o ira na iTaukei, Rotuma kei na Rabi se na ivakarau ni kena soli na itutu ni veiliutaki ni iTaukei, Rotuma kei na Rabi. (Sec. 26)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    (1) The ownership of all iTaukei land shall remain with the customary owners of that land and iTaukei land shall not be permanently alienated, whether by sale, grant, transfer or exchange, except to the State in accordance with section 27.
    (2) Any iTaukei land acquired by the State for a public purpose after the commencement of this Constitution under section 27 or under any written law shall revert to the customary owners if the land is no longer required by the State.
    (3) The ownership of all Rotuman land shall remain with the customary owners of that land and Rotuman land shall not be permanently alienated, whether by sale, grant, transfer or exchange, except to the State in accordance with section 27.
    (4) Any Rotuman land acquired by the State for a public purpose after the commencement of this Constitution under section 27 or under any written law shall revert to the customary owners if the land is no longer required by the State.
    (5) The ownership of all Banaban land shall remain with the customary owners of that land and Banaban land shall not be permanently alienated, whether by sale, grant, transfer or exchange, except to the State in accordance with section 27.
    (6) Any Banaban land acquired by the State for a public purpose after the commencement of this Constitution under section 27 or under any written law shall revert to the customary owners if the land is no longer required by the State. (Sec. 28)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na qele ni iTaukei mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
    (2) Ke dua na qele ni iTaukei e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu.
    (3) Na qele ni Rotuma mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
    (4) Ke dua na qele ni Rotuma e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu.
    (5) Na qele ni Rabi mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
    (6) Ke dua na qele ni Rabi e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu. (Sec. 28)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    (1) All ownership of land, and all rights and interests in land leases and land tenancies that existed immediately before the commencement of this Constitution shall continue to exist under this Constitution.
    (2) No law shall be made to diminish or adversely affect the rights and interests in land leases and land tenancies, whether existing immediately before the commencement of this Constitution or made or issued after the commencement of this Constitution.
    (3) All land lessees and land tenants have the right not to have their land leases or land tenancies terminated other than in accordance with their land leases or land tenancies.
    (4) Parliament and Cabinet, through legislative and other measures, must ensure that all land leases and land tenancies provide a fair and equitable return to the landowners whilst protecting the rights of land lessees and land tenants, including security and protection of tenure of land leases and land tenancies and terms and conditions of land leases and land tenancies which must be just, fair and reasonable.
    (5) All land that existed as freehold land immediately before the commencement of this Constitution shall remain as freehold land even if it is sold or purchased, unless it is sold to the State or is acquired by the State for a public purpose under section 27.
    (6) For the purposes of this section—
    “land leases” or “land tenancies” includes sub-leases, sub-tenancies and tenancies-at-will, but shall not include leases, agreements or tenancies for any building, structure or dwelling, whether used for residential, commercial, industrial or for tourism purposes, and shall not include any leases, agreements or tenancies for any fixture, equipment, plant or fittings on any land; and “land lessees” or “land tenants” includes sub-lessees, sub-tenants or tenantsat-will of land leases or land tenancies. (Sec. 29)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na qele ni iTaukei mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
    (2) Ke dua na qele ni iTaukei e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu.
    (3) Na qele ni Rotuma mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
    (4) Ke dua na qele ni Rotuma e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu.
    (5) Na qele kece era oka me qele voli vakadua ni bera na taurivaki ni Yavunivakavulewa qo me na oka tiko ga vaka qele volivakadua, vakavo kevaka e volitaki vua na Matanitu se taura na Matanitu ena inaki raraba me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
    (6) Ena vuku ni tikina qo—
    “qele lisitaki” se “qele saumi” oka kina na lisitiki ni qele lisitaki kei na lisitiki ni qele saumi, ia e sega ni okati kina na lisi se veidinadinati ni vale, vale nibisinisi, vale nibuliyaya kei na vuku ni saravanua, ena sega ni oka kina na lisi se veidinadinati ni yaya tudei ni vale, na misini, se na gacagaca ni vale ena dua na tikiniqele; kei na“ira na saumi lisi” se “ira na saumi qele” e wili kina ira na saumi lisitiki, se na yalovinaka ni taukei ni qele me toso na lisi. (Sec. 29)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    (1) A person must not be held in slavery or servitude, or subjected to forced labour or human trafficking.
    … (Sec. 10)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na tamata e sega ni dodonu me vakayacori vua na cakacaka ni veivakabobulataki se veivakasaurarataki se na veivolitaki vakabutobuto ni tamata.
    … (Sec. 10)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    (1) Every person has the right to freedom from torture of any kind, whether physical, mental or emotional, and from cruel, inhumane, degrading or disproportionately severe treatment or punishment.
    (2) Every person has the right to security of the person, which includes the right to be free from any form of violence from any source, at home, school, work or in any other place.
    (3) Every person has the right to freedom from scientific or medical treatment or procedures without an order of the court or without his or her informed consent, or if he or she is incapable of giving informed consent, without the informed consent of a lawful guardian. (Sec. 11)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na tamata taucoko e tu vua na dodonu me galala mai na veivakararawataki vakayago, vakavakasama se vakayalo kei na dodonu me galala mai na veivakalolomataki, itovo lolovira, se ivalavala se totogitaki vakaca.
    (2) Na tamata taucoko e tu vua na dodonu ni nona taqomaki, wili kina na galala mai na veivalavala kaukauwa mai vale, koronivuli, vanua ni cakacaka se dua tale na vanua.
    (3) Na tamata taucoko e tu vua na dodonu me kua ni vakayacori vua e dua na ivakarau ni vakadidike se vakadidike vakavuniwai, se ivalavala e sega ni vakarota na mataveilewai se a sega ni kerei na nona veivakadonui, se kevaka e sega ni rawa ni solia na nona veivakadonui qai sega ni kerei na veivakadonui ni itubutubu se dauniveisusu. (Sec. 11)
Protection from Violence
  • English

    (2) Freedom of speech, expression, thought, opinion and publication does not protect—
    (a) propaganda for war;
    (b) incitement to violence or insurrection against this Constitution; or
    (c) advocacy of hatred that—
    (i) is based on any prohibited ground of discrimination listed or prescribed under section 26; and
    (ii) constitutes incitement to cause harm.
    … (Sec. 17)
  • iTaukei

    (2) Galala ni vosa doudou, kena matanataki, vakasama, nanuma kei na itukutuku tabaki e sega ni wili kina—
    (a) na kena vakau na itukutuku me baleta na ivalu;
    (b) na kena bukani na vakacaca se na sasaga me saqata na Yavunivakavulewa qo; se
    (c) na kena navuci na veicati ka—
    (i) yavutaki ena dua na yavu tabu ni veivakaduiduitaki e volai e na tikina 26; ka
    (ii) okati kina na kena bukani na vakacaca.
    … (Sec. 17)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    (1) Every child has the right—

    (d) to be protected from abuse, neglect, harmful cultural practices, any form of violence, inhumane treatment and punishment, and hazardous or exploitative labour;
    … (Sec. 41)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na gone yadua e tu vua na dodonu—

    (d) me taqomaki mai na kena rawa ni vakayacori vua e dua na itovo e veivakamavoataki, sega ni kauwaitaki, itovo vakavanua e rawa ni veivakamavoataki, itovo kaukauwa, itovo vakamanumanu kei na nona totogitaki, kei na veivakacakacakataki e rawa ni mavoa kina se lolovira;
    … (Sec. 41)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    (1) The State must take reasonable measures within its available resources to achieve the progressive realisation of the right of every person to social security schemes, whether private or public, for their support in times of need, including the right to such support from public resources if they are unable to support themselves and their dependents.
    (2) In applying any right under this section, if the State claims that it does not have the resources to implement the right, it is the responsibility of the State to show that the resources are not available. (Sec. 37)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti kei na veika sa tu rawa me qai rawati na dodonu ni tamata yadua, me vakarautaki vua na veivuke raraba me vukei ena gauna e gadrevi kina, qo e oka kina na veivuke Vakamatanitu kevaka e gadreva na veivuke na tamata yadua kei ira era vakararavi vua.
    (2) Ena kena taurivaki na dodonu ena tikina qo, kevaka e vakaraitaka na Matanitu ni sega ni tiko vua na ivurevure ni veika me baleta na kena taurivaki na dodonu, e nona itavi na Matanitu me vakaraitaka ni sega vua na ivurevure. (Sec. 37)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    (1) The State must take reasonable measures within its available resources to achieve the progressive realisation of the right of every person to health, and to the conditions and facilities necessary to good health, and to health care services, including reproductive health care.
    … (Sec. 38)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti kei na veika sa tu rawa me qai rawati na dodonu ni tamata yadua me tikobulabula, ena ivakarau kei na veika e gadrevi ena tikobulabula, kei na veiqaravi ni kena maroroi na bula, oka kina na tikobulabula vakamatavuvale.
    … (Sec. 38)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The values and principles of State service include—

    (e) prompt response to requests and questions from the public, and delivery of service to the public, in a manner that is respectful, effective, impartial, fair, and equitable;
    … (Sec. 123)
  • iTaukei
    Na veika me vakabibitaki ka rokovi ena veiqaravi vakamatanitu e okati kina na—

    (e) na kena rogoci ka saumi totolo na vakatataro ni lewenivanua kei na nodra qaravi e na sala e veidokai, dodonu, veiganiti, savasava ka vakatautauvata;
    … (Sec. 123)
Sexual and Reproductive Rights
  • English
    (1) The State must take reasonable measures within its available resources to achieve the progressive realisation of the right of every person to health, and to the conditions and facilities necessary to good health, and to health care services, including reproductive health care.
    … (Sec. 38)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti kei na veika sa tu rawa me qai rawati na dodonu ni tamata yadua me tikobulabula, ena ivakarau kei na veika e gadrevi ena tikobulabula, kei na veiqaravi ni kena maroroi na bula, oka kina na tikobulabula vakamatavuvale.
    … (Sec. 38)
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
  • English

    (3) A person must not be unfairly discriminated against, directly or indirectly on the grounds of his or her—
    (a) actual or supposed personal characteristics or circumstances, including race, culture, ethnic or social origin, colour, place of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, birth, primary language, economic or social or health status, disability, age, religion, conscience, marital status or pregnancy;
    … (Sec. 26)
  • iTaukei

    (3) Na veivakaduiduitaki e vakatabui vakalawa kevaka e yaco vua e dua na tamata ena vuku ni—
    (a) nona ivakarau se kena ituvaki, oka kina na veimatatamata e lewena, nona itovo vakavanua, kawatamata, kuliniyago, na nona yavutu, kevaka e yalewa se tagane, kevaka e tagane, na nona digitaka me vinakata na tagane, kevaka e yalewa, na nona digitaka me vinakata na yalewa, se nona digitaka me vinakata ruarua na yalewa kei na tagane, nomu digitaka se vakaraitaka mo bulataka na bula vakatagane se bula vakayalewa, kevaka e gone susu se sucu ena daku ni vakamau, vosanisucu, ituvaki ni bula se bula vakailavo, vakaleqai vakayago, yabaki ni bula, nomu vakabauta, lewa e loma, vakawati se sega, se kevaka e bukete;
    … (Sec. 26)
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    RECOGNISE the Constitution as the supreme law of our country that provides the framework for the conduct of Government and all Fijians;
    … (Preamble)
  • iTaukei

    ROKOVA na Yavunivakavulewa ni lawa cecere duadua ni noda vanua ka vakarautaka na ituvatuva ni kena qaravi na Matanitu kei ira na lewei Viti;
    … (Ikau)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    (1) This Constitution is the supreme law of the State.
    (2) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, any law inconsistent with this Constitution is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.
    (3) This Constitution shall be upheld and respected by all Fijians and the State, including all persons holding public office, and the obligations imposed by this Constitution must be fulfilled.
    (4) This Constitution shall be enforced through the courts, to ensure that––
    (a) laws and conduct are consistent with this Constitution;
    (b) rights and freedoms are protected; and
    (c) duties under this Constitution are performed.
    (5) This Constitution cannot be abrogated or suspended by any person, and may only be amended in accordance with the procedures prescribed in Chapter 11.
    (6) Any attempt to establish a Government other than in compliance with this Constitution shall be unlawful, and––
    (a) anything done to further that attempt is invalid and of no force or effect; and
    (b) no immunities can lawfully be granted under any law to any person in respect of actions taken or omitted in furtherance of such an attempt. (Sec. 2)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Yavunivakavulewa qo e lawa cecere duadua ni Matanitu.
    (2) Ia kevaka e dua tale na tikina ena Yavunivakavulewa qo e yalana e dua na lawa e sega ni salavata kei na Yavunivakavulewa qo, ena sega ni vakabau.
    (3) Na itavi e vakarota na Yavunivakavulewa qo e dodonu me vakamuri ka rokovi vei ira kece na kai Viti kei na Matanitu, oka kina na tamata cakacaka ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua, kei na itavi e vakarota na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vakayacori.
    (4) Na Yavunivakavulewa qo e dodonu me vaqaqacotaka na mataveilewai me vakadeitaka na—
    (a) lawa kei na ivakarau me salavata na Yavunivakavulewa qo;
    (b) maroroi na dodonu kei na galala; kei na
    (c) qaravi ni itavi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    (5) Na Yavunivakavulewa qo e sega ni rawa ni bokoca se vakarubeca e dua na tamata, ka rawa ga ni veisautaki ena iwalewale e virikotori ena Wase 11.
    (6) E cala vakalawa na kena sagai me vakaduri e dua na Matanitu ka sega ni vakarota na Yavunivakavulewa qo, kei na—
    (a) veika e navuci me vakavotukanataka na sasaga qo ena sega ni vakabau se wili; ka
    (b) na sega ni dua na lawa me na vagalalataka e dua na tamata e navuca se vakayacora na cakacaka qo. (Sec. 2)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    (1) Any person interpreting or applying this Constitution must promote the spirit, purpose and objects of this Constitution as a whole, and the values that underlie a democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom.
    (2) If a law appears to be inconsistent with a provision of this Constitution, the court must adopt a reasonable interpretation of that law that is consistent with the provisions of this Constitution over an interpretation that is inconsistent with this Constitution.
    … (Sec. 3)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Ke dua na tamata e vakadewataka se taurivaka na Yavunivakavulewa qo, me tokona na inaki kei na kena yavu, oya me rokovi na tamata yadua ka me kua naveivakaduiduitaki.
    (2) Ke dua na lawa e sega ni salavata kei na Yavunivakavulewa qo, na mataveilewai me na vakarautaka e dua na kena ivakavakadewa vakalawa me veiganiti kei na veika e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    … (Sec. 3)
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    (3) Religion and the State are separate, which means—

    (d) no person shall assert any religious belief as a legal reason to disregard this Constitution or any other law. (Sec. 4)
  • iTaukei

    (3) E sega ni okati vata na lotu kei na Matanitu, e kena ibalebale ya ni—

    (d) me kua ni dua na tamata me vakayagataka na nona vakabauta vakalotu me vakacala vakalawa na Yavunivakavulewa qo se dua tale na lawa tabaki. (Sec. 4)
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    (6) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, this Chapter applies to all laws in force at the commencement of this Constitution.
    (7) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, laws made, and administrative and judicial actions taken, after the commencement of this Constitution, are subject to the provisions of this Chapter.
    … (Sec. 6)
  • iTaukei

    (6) Kevaka e dua tale na tikina ena Yavunivakavulewa qo e yalana, na Wase qo e okati kina na lawa taucoko ena gauna sa taurivaki kina na Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    (7) Kevaka e dua tale na tikina ena Yavunivakavulewa qo e yalana, na lawa buli, na veiqaravi kei na lewa e tau ni sa taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo, era na vakarurugi ena Wase qo.
    … (Sec. 6)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    (1) Subject to subsection (2), all written laws in force immediately before the date of commencement of this Constitution (other than the laws referred to in Part C of this Chapter) shall continue in force as if they had been made under or pursuant to this Constitution, and shall be construed with such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions as may be necessary to bring them into conformity with this Constitution.
    … (Sec. 173)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Vakavo ke yalani ena wasetiki (2), na lawa tabaki taucoko e sa vakayagataki ni bera ni taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo, (sega ni okati kina na lawa e vakamacalataki ena Tabana C ni Wase qo) ena taurivaki tiko me vaka ga e buli ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ka me ra moici ka vakaibalebaletaki vakavinaka me veidonui kei na Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    … (Sec. 173)
Status of International Law
  • English
    (1) In addition to complying with section 3, when interpreting and applying this Chapter10 a court, tribunal or other authority—

    (b) may, if relevant, consider international law, applicable to the protection of the rights and freedoms in this Chapter.
    … (Sec. 7)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Ena iKuri ni veika e toqai ena tikina 3, na veigauna kece e vakamacalataki se vakayagataki kina na Wase qo, na mataveilewai, mataveivaqaqai se dua na matabose se tabacakacaka e cake—

    (b) ke yaga, me rawa ni vakasamataka tale ga na lawa levu kei vuravura e rawa ni vakayagataki ena maroroi ni dodonu kei na galala ena Wase qo.
    … (Sec. 7)
Status of International Law
  • English
    (1) The Human Rights Commission established under the Human Rights Commission Decree 2009 continues in existence as the Human Rights and AntiDiscrimination Commission.

    (4) Subject to this Constitution, the Commission is responsible for—

    (b) education about the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter, as well as other internationally recognised rights and freedoms;

    (g) monitoring compliance by the State with obligations under treaties and conventions relating to human rights;
    … (Sec. 45)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata 2009, me na tomani tiko me Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni Veivakaduiduitaki.

    (4) Vakavo ke vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na itavi ni Matabose me—

    (b) vakayaco vuli me baleta na dodonu kei na galala e taurivaki ena Wase qo, oka kina na dodonu kei na galala e taurivaki ka vakayagataki ena veimatanitu e vuravura;

    (g) wanonova matua na Matanitu ena veiyalayalati kei na veidinadinati sa vakadeitaka kei na veimatanitu me baleta na dodonu ni tamata yadua;
    … (Sec. 45)
Status of International Law
  • English
    An international treaty or convention binds the State only after it has been approved by Parliament. (Sec. 51)
  • iTaukei
    Na veidinadinadinati kei na veimatanitu e vauca na Matanitu kevaka sa vakadonui mai na Palimedi. (Sec. 51)
Religious Law
  • English

    (3) Religion and the State are separate, which means—
    (a) the State and all persons holding public office must treat all religions equally;
    (b) the State and all persons holding public office must not dictate any religious belief;
    (c) the State and all persons holding public office must not prefer or advance, by any means, any particular religion, religious denomination, religious belief, or religious practice over another, or over any non-religious belief; and
    (d) no person shall assert any religious belief as a legal reason to disregard this Constitution or any other law. (Sec. 4)
  • iTaukei

    (3) E sega ni okati vata na lotu kei na Matanitu, e kena ibalebale ya ni—
    (a) na Matanitu kei ira na vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua e dodonu mera rokova na veimatalotu kece;
    (b) na Matanitu kei ira na kena vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua mera kua ni vakatulewataka e dua na vakabauta vakalotu;
    (c) na Matanitu kei ira na kena vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua mera kua ni totaka e dua na matalotu, isoqosoqo lotu, se mata vakabauta, oka tale ga kina na vakabauta sega ni yavutaki vakalotu; ka
    (d) me kua ni dua na tamata me vakayagataka na nona vakabauta vakalotu me vakacala vakalawa na Yavunivakavulewa qo se dua tale na lawa tabaki. (Sec. 4)

Constitution of The Republic of Fiji of 2013 (English). According to Sec. 3(4): "If there is an apparent difference between the meaning of the English version of a provision of this Constitution, and its meaning in the iTaukei and Hindi versions, the English version prevails.”

Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.

Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.

Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
According to Sec. 163: ““property” includes any vested or contingent right to, or interest in or arising from— (a) land, or permanent fixtures on, or improvements to, land; (b) goods or personal property; …”
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.