Constitution of Nauru 1968, as amended to 2022
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    (1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Nauru.
    (2) A law inconsistent with this Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, void. (Art. 2)

Status of the Constitution
  • English

    (1) A law in force in Nauru immediately before Independence Day continues in force, subject to this Constitution and to any amendment of that law made by a law enacted under this Constitution or by order under clause (6) of this Article, until repealed by a law enacted under this Constitution.
    (2) A law which has not been brought into force in Nauru before Independence Day may, subject to this Constitution and to any amendment of that law made by law, be brought into force on or after Independence Day and a law brought into force under this clause continues in force subject as aforesaid, until repealed by a law enacted under this Constitution.

    (5) Where a matter that, under this Constitution, is to be prescribed or otherwise provided for by law, is prescribed or otherwise provided for by a law continued in force by clause (1) or (2) of this Article, that matter has, on and after Independence Day, effect as if it had also been prescribed or provided for by a law enacted under this Constitution.
    … (Art. 85)

Links to all sites last visited 20 November 2023
Part II on Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. 

Part II on Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.