Constitution of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea 1975, as amended to 2016
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English
    (1) There shall be an Ombudsman Commission, consisting of a Chief Ombudsman and two Ombudsmen.
    (2) The members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Head of State, acting with, and in accordance with, the advice of an Ombudsman Appointments Committee consisting of-
    (a) the Prime Minister, who shall be Chairman; and
    (b) the Chief Justice; and
    (c) the Leader of the Opposition; and
    (d) the Chairman of the appropriate Permanent Parliamentary Committee, or, if the Chairman is not a member of the Parliament who is recognized by the Parliament as being generally committed to support the Government in the Parliament, the Deputy Chairman of that Committee; and
    (e) the Chairman of the Public Services Commission.
    … (Sec. 217)
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English
    The purposes of the establishment of the Ombudsman Commission are-
    (a) to ensure that all governmental bodies are responsive to the needs and aspirations of the People; and
    (b) to help in the improvement of the work of governmental bodies and the elimination of unfairness and discrimination by them; and
    (c) to help in the elimination of unfair or otherwise defective legislation and practices affecting or administered by governmental bodies; and
    (d) to supervise the enforcement of Division III.2 (leadership code). (Sec. 218)
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English
    (1) Subject to this section and to any Organic Law made for the purposes of Subsection (7), the functions of the Ombudsman Commission are-
    (a) to investigate, on its own initiative or on complaint by a person affected, any conduct on the part of-
    i. any State Service or provincial service, or a member of any such service; or
    ii. any other governmental body, or an officer or employee of a governmental body; or
    iii. any local government body or an officer or employee of any such body; or
    iv. any other body set up by statute-
    A. that is wholly or mainly supported out of public moneys of Papua New Guinea; or
    B. all of, or the majority of, the members of the controlling authority of which are appointed by the National Executive, or an officer of employee of any such body; and
    v. any member of the personal staff of the Governor-General, a Minister or the Leader or Deputy Leader of the Opposition; or
    vi. any other body or person prescribed for the purpose by an Act of the Parliament, specified by or under an Organic Law in the exercise of a power or function vested in it or him by law in cases where the conduct is or may be wrong, taking into account, amongst other things, the National Goals and Directive Principles, the Basic Rights and the Basic Social Obligations;
    … (Sec. 219)
Links to all sites last visited 18 June 2024
Section 65 on Automatic Citizenship on Independence Day, Section 66 on Citizenship by Descent and Marriage, Section 67 on Citizenship by Naturalization.

Section 64 on Dual Citizenship.


Division 3 on Basic Rights.


Division 3 on Basic Rights.


Division 3 on Basic Rights.


Division 3 on Basic Rights.


Subdivision C on Qualified Rights.