Constitution of Samoa 1960, as amended to 2020
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    (1) Except for Part IX Land and Titles Court and the laws administered thereunder, the Supreme Court shall:
    (a) have such original, appellate and, revisional jurisdiction; and
    (b) possess and exercise all the jurisdiction, power, and authority, which may be necessary to administer the laws of Samoa.
    (2) Except for Part IX Land and Titles Court and without prejudice to any appellate or revisional jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, where in any proceedings before another Court (except the Court of Appeal) a question arises as to the interpretation or effect of any provision of this Constitution, the Supreme Court may, on the application of any party to the proceedings, determine that question and either dispose of the case or remit it to that other Court to be disposed of in accordance with the determination.
    (3) Except for Part IX Land and Titles Court, the Head of State, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister, may refer to the Supreme Court for its opinion any question as to the interpretation or effect of any provision of this Constitution which has arisen or appears likely to arise, and the Court shall pronounce its opinion on any question so referred to it. (Art. 70)

  • Samoan

    (1) Ae vagana ai mo le Vaega IX Faamasinoga o Fanua ma Suafa ma Tulafono o Jo o faafoeina ai i lalo, o le a i ai i le Faamasinoga Sili:
    (a) o puleaga faavae, tau talosaga ma le toe iloiloga; ma
    (b) i ai ma faatino o puleaga uma, pule ma pule faataga, ia e ono mafai ona talafeagai i le faafoeina o Tulafono a Samoa.
    (2) Ae vagana ai mo le Vaega IX Faamasinoga o Fanua ma Suafa, ma e aunoa ma le faitioina o so o se itu e uiga i le toe iloiloga a le Faamasinoga Sili, i ni taualumaga i luma o se tasi faamasinoga (vagana ai a le Faamasinoga o Talosaga) e lagaina ai se faamatalaga po o se itu e uiga i le aoga o so o se aiaiga o lenei Faavae, e mafai e le Faamasinoga Sili, i le talosaga a so o se Vaega o tagata o Jo o auai i taualumaga ona faatatauina lena fesili ma faamaapeina le mataupu po o le tuu atu i luma o se tasi Faamasinoga e faamaapeina ai, ina ia talafeagai ma le fuafuaga ua faatatauina.
    (3) Ae vagana ai mo le Vaega IX Faamasinoga o Fanua ma Suafa, e mafai e le O Le Ao o le Malo, i luga o le fautuaga a le Palemia, ona siligia le Faamasinoga Sili mo sona finagalo i so o se mataupu e faaletonu ai e uiga i le faamatalaga po o se aoga o so o se aiaiga o lenei Faavae ua manu mai po o le faamata o le a manu mai, ma o le a faaalia e le Faamasinoga Sili i le faamasinoga e avanoa mo so o se tasi i sona finagalo e uiga i so o se mataupu na faapea ona tuuina atu ia te ia. (Mataupu 70)

Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    (2) Except for Part IX Land and Titles Court, an appeal shall lie to the Court of Appeal from any decision of the Supreme Court in any proceeding, if the Supreme Court certifies that the case involves a substantial question of law as to the interpretation or effect of any provision of this Constitution; and:
    (a) where such a certificate is given or such leave granted, any party in the case may appeal to the Court of Appeal on the ground that any such question has been wrongly decided and, with the leave of that Court, on any other ground; or
    (b) where the Supreme Court has refused to give such a certificate, the Court of Appeal may, if it is satisfied that the case involves a substantial question of law as to the interpretation or effect of any provision of this Constitution, grant special leave to appeal from that decision. (Art. 75)

  • Samoan

    (2) Vagana mo le Vaega IX - Faamasinoga o Fanua ma Suafa, o le a faia o se talosaga i le Faamasinoga o Talosaga faasaga i so o se faaiuga a le Faamasinoga Sili i so o se taualumaga, pe afai e faamaonia e le Faamasinoga Sili e faapea o le mataupu e aafia ai se Vaega tele tau le Tulafono i le itu i le faamalamalamaina po o le faatinoina o so o se aiaiga o lenei Faavae; ma:
    (a) i le itu ua tuuina mai o sea tusi faamaoni po o sea faatagaina e mafai e so o se itu faamasinoga i lea faamasinoga ona talosaga i le Faamasinoga o Talosaga i le mafuaaga e faapea, o sea mataupu sa faaiuina ma le sese ma, ina ua i ai ma le faatagaina o lena Faamasinoga ma luga o so o se tasi lava mafuaaga; po o
    (b) pe a oo ina ua l8 talia e le Faamasinoga Sili le tuuina atu o sea tusi faamaoni, e mafai e le Faamasinoga o Talosaga, pe afai ua faamalieina o ia e faapea, o le mataupu o lo o aafia ai se vaega tele tau le Tulafono i le itu i le faamalamalamaina po o le faatinoina o so o se aiaiga o lenei Faavae, ona tuuina atu le faatagaina faapito ina ia talosaga ai faasaga i lena faaiuga. (Mataupu 75)


Constitution of the Independent State of Samoa 1960, as amended to 2019 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024); Amendment to the Constitution 2020 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).


Constitution of the Independent State of Samoa 1960, as amended to 2019 (Samoan), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024); Amendment to the Constitution 2020 (Samoan), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

Documents last visited 8 January 2024