Constitution of Tonga 1875, as amended to 2021
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    Any foreigner after he has resided in the Kingdom for the space of five years or more may with the consent of the King take the oath of allegiance and he may be granted Certificates of Naturalization and all naturalized subjects shall have the same rights and privileges as native born subjects of Tonga with the exception that they shall not be entitled to the rights of hereditary tax allotments or town allotments. (Clause 29)
  • Tongan
    ‘E ngofua ki he Fale Alea ke fakamaau ‘a e anga ‘o e kau fakafofonga ‘o e Fale Alea pea neongo ‘e ‘ikai katoa ‘a e Fale Alea ‘e ngofua ki he Fale Alea ke fai ‘a e alea mo fokotu‘u ‘a e ngaahi lao mo e fai ‘a e ngaahi ngaue ‘o kapau ‘oku ‘i ai ‘a e vaeua malie ‘o e kau fakafofonga ‘o e Fale Alea pea kapau ‘oku si‘i hifo ‘i he vaeua malie ‘a e kau fakafofonga ‘o e Fale Alea ‘e tutuku ‘a e Fale Alea ‘o tuku ki ha ‘aho kehe, pea ‘i he ‘enau toe fakataha kapau ‘oku ‘ikai te nau tatau mo e vaeua malie ‘e ngofua ki he Tu‘i pe ‘Eiki Sea ‘o e Fale Alea ke fekau fakamalohi ke katoa mai ‘a e kau fakafofonga ‘o e Fale Alea pea kapau ‘oku ‘i ai ha ni‘ihi ‘oku ‘ikai te nau ha‘u leva ‘e ngofua ke tuut‘u‘uni he Fale Alea hanau tautea ‘i he ‘enau talangata‘a. (Kupu 29)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    (1) Notwithstanding clause 29 of this Constitution it shall be lawful for the King and the Legislative Assembly to enact specific laws declaring any persons whether or not they have ever resided in Tonga to be or to have become naturalized subjects of Tonga from any date. All persons who are declared to be naturalized subjects of Tonga by any such legislation shall have, and shall be deemed to have had from the effective dates of their naturalizations, the same rights and privileges as other foreigners becoming naturalized subjects of Tonga by the grant to them of Certificates of Naturalization.
    … (Clause 29A)
  • Tongan
    (1) Neongo ‘a e kupu 29 ‘o e Konisitutone ni kuo pau ke fakalao ki he Tu‘i mo e Fale Alea ke fa‘u ha ngaahi lao makehe ‘o fakaha ai ‘oku pe kuo liliu mei ha fa‘ahinga ‘aho pe ‘o hoko ko e tokotaha Tonga ha fa‘ahinga taha pe ‘o tatau ai pe pe kuo ne ‘osi nofo ‘i Tonga pe ‘ikai. Ko e kakai kotoa pe ‘a ia kuo fakaha kuo nau liliu ‘o hoko ko e kakai Tonga ‘e ha fa‘ahinga lao pehee kuo pau ke nau ma‘u pea kuo pau ‘e lau kuo nau ma‘u mei he ngaahi ‘aho ko ia na‘e kamata ngaue‘aki ai ‘enau liliu kakai, ‘a e ngaahi totonu mo e ngaahi faingamalie tatau mo e kau muli kehe kuo nau liliu ‘o hoko ko e kakai Tonga ‘aki hono ‘oatu kiate kinautolu ‘a e ngaahi Tohi Fakamo‘oni Liliu Kakai.
    ... (Kupu 29A)
Links to all sites last visited 27 November 2023