Constitution of Tonga 1875, as amended to 2021
  • English
    The King and the Legislative Assembly shall have power to enact laws, and the representatives of the nobles and the representatives of the people shall sit as one House.
    … (Clause 56)
  • Tongan
    ‘Oku ‘i he Tu‘i mo e Fale Alea ke fokotu‘u ‘a e ngaahi lao, pea ‘e nofo fakataha ‘a e hou‘eiki nopele mo e kau fakafofonga ‘o e kakai ‘i he fale pe taha.
    … (Kupu 56)
  • English
    (1) The Legislative Assembly shall be composed of –
    (a) the representatives of the nobles;
    (b) the representatives of the people; and
    (c) all members of the Cabinet.
    (2) Cabinet Ministers who are elected representatives shall, unless dismissed after impeachment under clause 75, remain as members of the Legislative Assembly and representatives in their respective electoral constituency during their appointment as Minister. (Clause 59)
  • Tongan
    (1) Ko e Fale Alea kuo pau ke kau ki ai ‘a e —
    (a) kau fakafofonga ‘o e kau nopele;
    (b) kau fakafofonga ‘o e kakai; mo e
    (c) kotoa ‘o e kau memipa ‘o e Kapineti.
    (2) Kuo pau ki he kau Minisita ‘o e Kapineti ‘a ia ko e kau fakafofonga kuo fili, tukukehe ka tuku ki tu‘a hili hono faka‘ilo ‘i he kupu 75, ke hoko atu pe ko e kau memipa ‘o e Fale Alea pea kei fakafofonga pe ‘i honau vahenga fili takitaha lolotonga honau fakanofo ko e Minisita. (Kupu 59)
  • English
    There shall be elected by the nobles of the Kingdom from their number nine nobles as representatives of the nobles and there shall be elected by electors duly qualified seventeen representatives of the people.
    … (Clause 60)
  • Tongan
    ‘E fili ‘e he kau nopele ‘o e Pule‘anga mei he kau nopele ha toko hiva ko e kau fakafofonga nopele pea ‘e fili ‘e he kakai ‘oku ‘ata fakalao ha toko hongofulu ma fitu ko e kau fakafofonga kakai.
    … (Kupu 60)
  • English
    Representatives of the people shall be chosen by ballot and any person who is qualified to be an elector may nominate as a candidate and be chosen as a representative for the electoral constituency in which he is registered, save that no person may be chosen against whom an order has been made in any court in the Kingdom for the payment of a specific sum of money the whole or any part of which remains outstanding or if ordered to pay by instalments the whole or any part of such instalments remain outstanding on the day on which such person submits his nomination paper to the Returning Officer:
    Provided that a person resident outside of Tonga who is qualified to be an elector will qualify as a candidate only if he is present in Tonga for a period of 3 months within the 6 months before the relevant election. (Clause 65)
  • Tongan
    ‘E fai ‘a e fili ‘o e kau fakafofonga ‘o e kakai ‘aki ‘a e paloti pea ‘ilonga ha taha kuo fakangofua ke fili ‘e ngofua ke fokotu‘u ia koe kanititeiti pea ke fili ia ko e fakafofonga ma‘ae vahenga fili ‘a ia kuo lesisita ki ai, kae kehe kuo pau he ‘ikai fili ha taha ‘a ia kuo fai ki ai ha tu‘utu‘uni ‘i ha Fakamaau‘anga ‘i he Pule‘anga ke totongi ha pa‘anga kuo tuhu‘i pau ‘a ia ko hono kotoa pe konga ‘o ia ‘oku te‘eki ke totongi pe kuo tu‘utu‘uni ke totongi fakakongokonga ‘a e kotoa pe ha konga ‘o e pa‘anga ‘oku te‘eki ke totongi fakakongokonga ko ia ‘i he ‘aho ‘oku ‘oatu ai ‘e he toko taha ko ia ‘ene pepa fili ki he ‘Ofisa Faifili:
    Ka kuo pau ko ha taha ‘oku ‘ikai nofo ‘i Tonga ‘a ia ‘oku ngofua ke hoko ko e taha fili ‘e ‘i ai pe ‘ene mafai ke hoko ko ha kanititeiti kapau ‘oku ne ‘i Tonga ‘i ha vaha‘a taimi ko e mahina ‘e tolu ‘i loto ‘i he mahina ‘e ono kimu‘a ‘i he fili felave‘i ko ia. (Kupu 65)
Links to all sites last visited 27 November 2023