Constitution of Tuvalu 1986, as amended to 2023
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    The High Court has the jurisdiction in relation to the interpretation, application and enforcement of this Constitution conferred by —
    (a) section 14 (Parliamentary declaration of purpose); 
    (b) Part II, Division 5 (Enforcement of the Bill of Rights); and
    (c) section 134 (constitutional interpretation), and otherwise by law. (Sec. 5)

Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    (1) The High Court has jurisdiction —
    (a) in relation to Part II (Bill of Rights) of this Constitution - as provided by Division 5 (Enforcement of the Bill of Rights) of that Part; and
    (b) in relation to questions as to membership of Parliament - as provided by section 102 (questions as to membership of Parliament); and
    (c) in relation to other questions as to the interpretation or application of this Constitution - as provided by section 134 (constitutional interpretation);
    (d) in relation to appeals generally - as provided by section 135 (appellate jurisdiction of the High Court); and
    (e) in other matters - as provided for by sections 14(3) (which relates to the effect of Parliamentary declarations of purpose) and 136 (other jurisdiction, etc., of the High Court), and otherwise in this Constitution.
    … (Sec. 133)

Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    (1) Subject to subsection (2), the High Court has original jurisdiction to determine any question as to the interpretation or application of this Constitution.
    (2) Where —
    (a) any question as to the interpretation or application of this Constitution arises in any proceedings in a subordinate court; and
    (b) that court is of the opinion that the question involves a substantial question of law,
    the court may, and shall if a party to the proceedings so requests, refer the question to the High Court for determination. (Sec. 134)

Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    (1) An appeal may be made from a decision of the Court of Appeal to the Sovereign in Council —
    (a) with the leave of the Court of Appeal —
    (i) in the case of a final decision on a question as to the interpretation or application of this Constitution; or
    (ii) in the case of a final decision in proceedings under Division 5 (Enforcement of the Bill of Rights) of Part II;
    … (Sec. 139)

Links to all sites last visited 20 August 2024

Part II on Bill of Rights. 


Part II on Bill of Rights. 

4, 5

4 - Division 5 on Enforcement of the Bill of Rights (Sections 38-42).
5 - Part II on Bill of Rights.


Part II on Bill of Rights. 


Also refer to Sec. 13: “The Principles set out in the Preamble are adopted as part of the basic law of Tuvalu, from which human rights and freedoms derive and on which they are based.”


Also refer to Sec. 13: “The Principles set out in the Preamble are adopted as part of the basic law of Tuvalu, from which human rights and freedoms derive and on which they are based.”


Also refer to Sec. 13: “The Principles set out in the Preamble are adopted as part of the basic law of Tuvalu, from which human rights and freedoms derive and on which they are based.”