The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Religious Law
- EnglishA citizen is free to engage in any conduct or activity that is not expressly prohibited by Islamic Shari’ah or by law. No control or restraint may be exercised against any person unless it is expressly authorised by law. (Art. 19)
- Dhivehiއިސްލާމީ ޝަރީޢަތުގައި ނުވަތަ ޤާނޫނުގައި ކަނޑައެޅިގެން މާނަކޮށްފައިނުވާ ކޮންމެ ކަމެއްކުރުމުގެ މިނިވަނަކަން ކޮންމެ ރައްޔިތަކަށް ލިބިގެންވެއެވެ. އަދި ޤާނޫނަކުން ހުއްދަ ލިބިގެންމެނުވީ އެއްވެސް މީހަކު ކުރާ އެއްވެސް ކަމަކަށް ހަމަ އެކަކުވިޔަސް ހުރަސްއަޅައި ހުއްޓުވައިގެން ނުވާނެއެވެ. (ޤާނޫނުއަސާސީގެ 19 ވަނަ މާއްދާ)
Religious Law
- English…
(2) No person shall be exploited in any manner on the grounds of religion, custom, tradition, usage, practice or on any other grounds.
… (Art. 29) - Nepali…
(२) धर्म, प्रथा, परम्परा, संस्कार, प्रचलन वा अन्य कुनै आधारमा कुनै पनि व्यक्तिलाई कुनै किसिमले शोषण गर्न पाइने छैन ।
... (धारा २९)
Religious Law
- English(1) The Court may, either of its own motion or on the petition of a citizen of Pakistan or the Federal Government or a Provincial Government, examine and decide the question whether or not any law or provision of law is repugnant to the Injunctions of Islam, as laid down in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, hereinafter referred to as the Injunctions of Islam.
… (Art. 203D) - Urdu(١) عدالت، یا تو خود اپنی تحریک پر یا پاکستان کے کسی شہری یا وفاقی حکومت یا کسی صوبائی حکومت کی درخواست پر اس سوال کا جائزہ لے سکے گی اور فیصلہ کر سکے گی کہ آیا کوئی قانون یا قانون کا کوئی حکم ان اسلامی احکام کے منافی ہے یا نہیں جس طرح کہ قرآن پاک اور رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی سنت میں تعین کیا گیا ہے اور جن کا حوالہ بعد ازیں اسلامی احکام کے طور پر دیا گیا ہے۔
...(آرٹیکل ۲۰۳د)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe system of government in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is established on the foundation of justice, "Shoura" and equality in compliance with the Islamic Shari'ah (the revealed law of Islam). (Basic Law, Art. 8)
- Arabicﻴﻘﻭﻡ ﺍﻟﺤﻜﻡ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺭﺒﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺴﻌﻭﺩﻴﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺃﺴﺎﺱ ﺍﻟﻌﺩل ﻭﺍﻟﺸﻭﺭﻯ ﻭﺍﻟﻤﺴﺎﻭﺍﺓ ﻭﻓﻕ ﺍﻟﺸـﺭﻴﻌﺔ ﺍﻹﺴﻼﻤﻴﺔ. (النظام الأساسي، المادة 8)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe form of public administration, the territorial integrity, and the democratic, law-governed, secular and social nature of the state shall be irrevocable. (Art. 100)
- RussianРеспубликанская форма правления, территориальная целостность,демократическая, правовая, светская и социальная сущность государства неизменны. (Статья 100)
- TajikШакли идораи ҷумҳурӣ, тамомияти арзӣ, моҳияти демократӣ, ҳуқуқбунёдӣ, дунявӣ ва иҷтимоии давлат тағйирнопазиранд. (Моддаи 100)
Religious Law
- EnglishAlong with freedom of belief and religion, the State shall recognise the outstanding role of the Apostolic Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Georgia in the history of Georgia, and its independence from the State. The relationship between the state of Georgia and the Apostolic Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Georgia shall be determined by a constitutional agreement, which shall be in full compliance with the universally recognised principles and norms of international law in the area of human rights and freedoms. (Art. 8)
- Georgianრწმენისა და აღმსარებლობის თავისუფლებასთან ერთად სახელმწიფო აღიარებს საქართველოს სამოციქულო ავტოკეფალური მართლმადიდებელი ეკლესიის განსაკუთრებულ როლს საქართველოს ისტორიაში და მის დამოუკიდებლობას სახელმწიფოსაგან. საქართველოს სახელმწიფოსა და საქართველოს სამოციქულო ავტოკეფალური მართლმადიდებელი ეკლესიის ურთიერთობა განისაზღვრება კონსტიტუციური შეთანხმებით, რომელიც სრულად უნდა შეესაბამებოდეს საერთაშორისო სამართლის საყოველთაოდ აღიარებულ პრინციპებსა და ნორმებს ადამიანის უფლებათა და თავისუფლებათა სფეროში. (მუხლი 8)
Religious Law
- EnglishAll civil, penal, financial, economic, administrative, cultural, military, political, and other laws and regulations must be based on Islamic criteria. This principle applies absolutely and generally to all articles of the Constitution as well as to all other laws and regulations, and the fuqaha' of the Guardian Council shall determine this matter. (Art. 4)
- Persianکلیه قوانین و مقررات مدنی، جزایی، مالی، اقتصادی، اداری، فرهنگی، نظامی، سیاسی و غیر اینها باید بر اساس موازین اسلامی باشد. این اصل بر اطلاق یا عموم همه اصول قانون اساسی و قوانین و مقررات دیگر حاکم است و تشخیص این امر بر عهده فقهاء شورای نگهبان است. (اص 4)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe courts shall apply the Shia jurisprudence in cases involving personal matters of followers of the Shia sect in accordance with the provisions of the law. In other cases, if no clarification in this Constitution and other laws exist, the courts shall rule according to laws of this sect. (Art. 131)
- Dariمحاكم برای اهل تشیع، در قضایای مربوط به احوا ل شخصیه، احكام مذهب تشیع را مطابق به احكام قانون تطبیق می نمایند. در سایر دعاوی نیز اگر در این قانون اساسی و قوانین دیگر حكمی موجود نباشد، محاكم قضیه را مطابق به احكام این مذهب حل و فصل می نمایند. (مادۀ ۱۳۱)
- Pashtoمحكمې د اهل تشيع لپاره په شخصيه احوالو پورې مربوطو قضاياوو كې د تشيع د مذهب حكمونه د قانون له احكامو سره سم تطبيقوي. په نورو دعوو كې هم كه په دې اساسي قانون يا نورو قوانينو كې حكم موجود نه وي، محكمې قضيه د دې مذهب له حكمونو سره سم حل او فصل كوي. (۱۳۱ ماده)
Religious Law
- EnglishCivil Courts in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan shall have the right to exercise jurisdiction over all persons in all civil and criminal matters, including cases filed by the Government or filed against it, with exception of the matters in respect of which jurisdiction is vested in Religious Courts or Special Courts in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution or any other legislation in force. (Art. 102)
- Arabicتمارس المحاكم النظامية في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية حق القضاء على جميع الأشخاص في جميع المواد المدنية والجزائية بما فيها الدعاوي التي تقيمها الحكومة أو تقام عليها بإستثناء المواد التي قد يفوض فيها حق القضاء إلى محاكم دينية أو محاكم خاصة بموجب أحكام هذا الدستور أو أي تشريع آخر نافذ المفعول. (المادّة 102)
Religious Law
- English
(1) There shall be equality of opportunity for all citizens in respect of employment or office in the service of the Republic.
(2) No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth, be ineligible for, or discriminated against in respect of, any employment or office in the service of the Republic.
(3) Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from
(b) giving effect to any law which makes provision for reserving appointments relating to any religious or denominational institution to persons of that religion or denomination;
… (Art. 29) - Bengali
(১) প্রজাতন্ত্রের কর্মে নিয়োগ বা পদ-লাভের ক্ষেত্রে সকল নাগরিকের জন্য সুযোগের সমতা থাকিবে।
(২) কেবল ধর্ম, গোষ্ঠী, বর্ণ, নারী-পুরুষভেদ বা জন্মস্থানের কারণে কোন নাগরিক প্রজাতন্ত্রের কর্মে নিয়োগ বা পদ-লাভের অযোগ্য হইবেন না কিংবা সেই ক্ষেত্রে তাঁহার প্রতি বৈষম্য প্রদর্শন করা যাইবে না।
(৩) এই অনুচ্ছেদের কোন কিছুই-
(খ) কোন ধর্মীয় বা উপ-সমপ্রদায়গত প্রতিষ্ঠানে উক্ত ধর্মাবলম্বী বা উপ-সমপ্রদায়ভুক্ত ব্যক্তিদের জন্য নিয়োগ সংরক্ষণের বিধান-সংবলিত যে কোন আইন কার্যকর করা হইতে,
... (অনুচ্ছেদ ২৯)