The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- English
The independence of the state and the integrity of its territory, dignity of the individual, human rights and freedoms, social justice, constitutional order, pluralism, national identity and national heritage, religious coexistence, as well as the coexistence and understanding of Albanians with minorities are the basis of this state, which has the duty of respecting and protecting them. (Art. 3)
- Albanian
Pavarësia e shtetit dhe tërësia e territorit të tij, dinjiteti i njeriut, të drejtat dhe liritë e tij, drejtësia shoqërore, rendi kushtetues, pluralizmi, identiteti kombëtar dhe trashëgimia kombëtare, bashkëjetesa fetare, si dhe bashkëjetesa dhe mirëkuptimi i shqiptarëve me pakicat janë baza e këtij shteti, i cili ka për detyrë t’i respektojë dhe t'i mbrojë. (Neni 3)
- EnglishNational minorities have the right, in the interests of their culture, to establish self-governing agencies under such conditions and pursuant to such procedure as are provided in the National Minorities Cultural Autonomy Act. (Sec. 50)
- EstonianVähemusrahvustel on õigus luua rahvuskultuuri huvides omavalitsusasutusi vähemusrahvuste kultuurautonoomia seaduses sätestatud tingimustel ja korras. (§ 50)
- EnglishPersons belonging to minority nations and other minority national communities shall be guaranteed the rights and liberties, which they can exercise individually or collectively with others, as follows:
1) the right to exercise, protect, develop and publicly express national, ethnic, cultural and religious particularities;
2) the right to choose, use and publicly post national symbols and to celebrate national holidays;
3) the right to use their own language and alphabet in private, public and official use;
4) the right to education in their own language and alphabet in public institutions and the right to have included in the curricula the history and culture of the persons belonging to minority nations and other minority national communities;
5) the right, in the areas with significant share in the total population, to have the local selfgovernment authorities, state and court authorities carry out the proceedings in the language of minority nations and other minority national communities;
6) the right to establish educational, cultural and religious associations, with the material support of the state;
7) the right to write and use their own name and surname also in their own language and alphabet in the official documents;
8) the right, in the areas with significant share in total population, to have traditional local terms, names of streets and settlements, as well as topographic signs written in the language of minority nations and other minority national communities;
9) the right to authentic representation in the Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro and in the assemblies of the local self-government units in which they represent a significant share in the population, according to the principle of affirmative action;
10) the right to proportionate representation in public services, state authorities and local self-government bodies;
11) the right to information in their own language;
12) the right to establish and maintain contacts with the citizens and associations outside of Montenegro, with whom they have common national and ethnic background, cultural and historic heritage, as well as religious beliefs;
13) the right to establish councils for the protection and improvement of special rights. (Art. 79) - MontenegrinPripadnicima manjinskih naroda i drugih manjinskih nacionalnih zajednica jemče se prava i slobode koja mogu koristiti pojedinačno i u zajednici sa drugima:
1) na izražavanje, čuvanje, razvijanje i javno ispoljavanje nacionalne, etničke, kulturne i vjerske posebnosti;
2) na izbor, upotrebu i javno isticanje nacionalnih simbola i obilježavanje nacionalnih praznika;
3) na upotrebu svog jezika i pisma u privatnoj, javnoj i službenoj upotrebi;
4) na školovanje na svom jeziku i pismu u državnim ustanovama i da nastavni programi obuhvataju i istoriju i kulturu pripadnika manjinskih naroda i drugih manjinskih nacionalnih zajednica;
5) da u sredinama sa značajnim učešćem u stanovništvu organi lokalne samouprave, državni i sudski organi vode postupak i na jeziku manjinskih naroda i drugih manjinskih nacionalnih zajednica;
6) da osnivaju prosvjetna, kulturna i vjerska udruženja uz materijalnu pomoć države;
7) da sopstveno ime i prezime upisuju i koriste na svom jeziku i pismu u službenim ispravama;
8) da u sredinama sa značajnim učešćem u stanovništvu tradicionalni lokalni nazivi, imena ulica i naselja, kao i topografske oznake budu ispisani i na jeziku manjinskih naroda i drugih manjinskih nacionalnih zajednica;
9) na autentičnu zastupljenost u Skupštini Crne Gore i skupštinama jedinica lokalne samouprave u kojima čine značajan dio stanovništva, shodno principu afirmativne akcije;
10) na srazmjernu zastupljenost u javnim službama, organima državne vlasti i lokalne samouprave;
11) na informisanje na svom jeziku;
12) da uspostavljaju i održavaju kontakte sa građanima i udruženjima van Crne Gore sa kojima imaju zajedničko nacionalno i etničko porijeklo, kulturno- istorijsko nasljeđe, kao i vjerska ubjeđenja;
13) na osnivanje savjeta za zaštitu i unapređenje posebnih prava. (Član 79)
- EnglishThe Republic of Serbia shall protect the rights of national minorities.
The State shall guarantee special protection to national minorities for the purpose of exercising full equality and preserving their identity. (Art. 14) - Serbian CyrillicРепублика Србија штити права националних мањина.
Држава јемчи посебну заштиту националним мањинама ради остваривања потпуне равноправности и очувања њиховог идентитета. (Члан 14)
- EnglishEveryone has the right to freely express affiliation with his nation or national community, to foster and give expression to his culture, and to use his language and script. (Art. 61)
- SloveneVsakdo ima pravico, da svobodno izraža pripadnost k svojemu narodu ali narodni skupnosti, da goji in izraža svojo kulturo in uporablja svoj jezik in pisavo. (61. Člen)
- English
Everyone shall have the right to maintain his national identity and no one shall be compelled to determine and declare his national identity.
Insult to national dignity is punishable under the law.
Everyone shall have the right to use his or her mother tongue and choose the language of communication. The state shall guarantee, in accordance with the law, the freedom to choose the language of upbringing and education. (Art. 50) - Belarusian
Кожны мае права захоўваць сваю нацыянальную прыналежнасць, таксама як ніхто не можа быць прымушаны да вызначэння і ўказання нацыянальнай прыналежнасці.
Знявага нацыянальнай годнасці караецца згодна з законам.
Кожны мае права карыстацца роднай мовай, выбіраць мову зносін. Дзяржава гарантуе ў адпаведнасці з законам свабоду выбару мовы выхавання і навучання. (Артыкул 50) - Russian
Каждый имеет право сохранять свою национальную принадлежность, равно как никто не может быть принужден к определению и указанию национальной принадлежности.
Оскорбление национального достоинства преследуется согласно закону.
Каждый имеет право пользоваться родным языком, выбирать язык общения. Государство гарантирует в соответствии с законом свободу выбора языка воспитания и обучения. (Статья 50)
- English
(1) National minorities living in Hungary shall be constituent parts of the State. Every Hungarian citizen belonging to a national minority shall have the right to freely express and preserve his or her identity. National minorities living in Hungary shall have the right to use their mother tongue, to use names in their own languages individually and collectively, to nurture their own cultures, and to receive education in their mother tongues.
(2) National minorities living in Hungary shall have the right to establish their self-government at both local and national level.
(3) The detailed rules relating to the rights of national minorities living in Hungary, the national minorities, the requirements for recognition as a national minority, and the rules for the election of the self-governments of national minorities at local and national level shall be laid down in a cardinal Act. A cardinal Act may provide that recognition as a national minority shall be subject to a certain length of time of presence and to the initiative of a certain number of persons declaring to be members of the national minority concerned. (Freedom and Responsibility, Art. XXIX) - Hungarian
(1) A Magyarországon élő nemzetiségek államalkotó tényezők. Minden, valamely nemzetiséghez tartozó magyar állampolgárnak joga van önazonossága szabad vállalásához és megőrzéséhez. A Magyarországon élő nemzetiségeknek joguk van az anyanyelvhasználathoz, a saját nyelven való egyéni és közösségi névhasználathoz, saját kultúrájuk ápolásához és az anyanyelvű oktatáshoz.
(2) A Magyarországon élő nemzetiségek helyi és országos önkormányzatokat hozhatnak létre.
(3) A Magyarországon élő nemzetiségek jogaira vonatkozó részletes szabályokat, a nemzetiségeket és a nemzetiségként való elismerés feltételeit, valamint a helyi és országos nemzetiségi önkormányzatok megválasztásának szabályait sarkalatos törvény határozza meg. Sarkalatos törvény a nemzetiségként való elismerést meghatározott idejű honossághoz és meghatározott számú, magát az adott nemzetiséghez tartozónak valló személy kezdeményezéséhez kötheti. (Szabadság és Felelősség, XXIX. cikk)
- English1. The Republic of Poland shall ensure Polish citizens belonging to national or ethnic minorities the freedom to maintain and develop their own language, to maintain customs and traditions, and to develop their own culture.
2. National and ethnic minorities shall have the right to establish educational and cultural institutions, institutions designed to protect religious identity, as well as to participate in the resolution of matters connected with their cultural identity. (Art. 35) - Polish1. Rzeczpospolita Polska zapewnia obywatelom polskim należącym do mniejszości narodowych i etnicznych wolność zachowania i rozwoju własnego języka, zachowania obyczajów i tradycji oraz rozwoju własnej kultury.
2. Mniejszości narodowe i etniczne mają prawo do tworzenia własnych instytucji edukacyjnych, kulturalnych i instytucji służących ochronie tożsamości religijnej oraz do uczestnictwa w rozstrzyganiu spraw dotyczących ich tożsamości kulturowej. (Art. 35)
- EnglishMembers of national minorities shall have the right to participate in administering public affairs and assume public positions, under the same conditions as other citizens.
When taking up employment in state bodies, public services, bodies of autonomous province and local self-government units, the ethnic structure of population and appropriate representation of members of national minorities shall be taken into consideration. (Art. 77) - Serbian CyrillicПрипадници националних мањина имају, под истим условима као остали грађани, право да учествују у управљању јавним пословима и да ступају на јавне функције.
При запошљавању у државним органима, јавним службама, органима аутономне покрајине и јединица локалне самоуправе води се рачуна о националном саставу становништва и одговарајућој заступљености припадника националних мањина. (Члан 77)
- English1 The Confederation shall legislate against abuses in tenancy matters, and in particular against unfair rents, as well as on the procedure for challenging unlawfully terminated leases and the limited extension of leases.
2 It may legislate to declare framework leases to be generally applicable. Such leases may be declared generally applicable only if they take appropriate account of the justified interests of minorities and regional particularities, and respect the principle of equality before the law. (Art. 109) - French1 La Confédération légifère afin de lutter contre les abus en matière de bail à loyer, notamment les loyers abusifs, ainsi que sur l’annulabilité des congés abusifs et la prolongation du bail pour une durée déterminée.
2 Elle peut légiférer sur la force obligatoire générale des contrats-cadres de bail. Pour pouvoir être déclarés de force obligatoire générale, ces contrats doivent tenir compte des intérêts légitimes des minorités et des particularités régionales et respecter le principe de l’égalité devant la loi. (Art. 109) - German1 Der Bund erlässt Vorschriften gegen Missbräuche im Mietwesen, namentlich gegen missbräuchliche Mietzinse, sowie über die Anfechtbarkeit missbräuchlicher Kündigungen und die befristete Erstreckung von Mietverhältnissen.
2 Er kann Vorschriften über die Allgemeinverbindlicherklärung von Rahmenmietverträgen erlassen. Solche dürfen nur allgemeinverbindlich erklärt werden, wenn sie begründeten Minderheitsinteressen sowie regionalen Verschiedenheiten angemessen Rechnung tragen und die Rechtsgleichheit nicht beeinträchtigen. (Art. 109) - Italian1 La Confederazione emana prescrizioni contro gli abusi nel settore locativo, in particolare contro le pigioni abusive, nonché sull’impugnabilità di disdette abusive e sulla protrazione temporanea dei rapporti di locazione.
2 Può emanare prescrizioni sul conferimento dell’obbligatorietà generale a contratti quadro di locazione. I contratti quadro possono essere dichiarati di obbligatorietà generale soltanto se tengono adeguatamente conto di legittimi interessi minoritari e delle diversità regionali e non pregiudicano l’uguaglianza giuridica. (Art. 109)