The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishFreedoms and rights may only be restricted by law in order to protect the freedoms and rights of others, the legal order, and public morals and health.
Any restriction of freedoms or rights shall be proportionate to the nature of the need for such restriction in each individual case. (Art. 16) - CroatianSlobode i prava mogu se ograničiti samo zakonom da bi se zaštitila sloboda i prava drugih ljudi te pravni poredak, javni moral i zdravlje.
Svako ograničenje slobode ili prava mora biti razmjerno naravi potrebe za ograničenjem u svakom pojedinom slučaju. (Članak 16)
Limitations and/or Derogations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- English…
2. No amendment to this Constitution may eliminate or diminish any of the rights and freedoms referred to in Article II of this Constitution or alter the present paragraph. (Art. X) - Bosnian…
2. Nijednim amandmanom na ovaj Ustav ne može se eliminisati, niti umanjiti bilo koje od prava i sloboda iz člana II ovog Ustava, niti izmijeniti ova odredba. (Član X) - Croatian…
2. Ni jedna izmjena ili dopuna ovog Ustava ne može dokinuti ili umanjiti ni jedno od prava i sloboda navedenih u članku II ovog Ustava ili izmijeniti ovaj stavak. (Članak X) - Serbian…
2. Ниједан амандман овог Устава не може да елиминише или умањи права и слободе из члана II овог Устава или да измијени ову одредбу. (Члан X)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe Croatian Parliament may, for a maximum period of one year, authorise the Government of the Republic of Croatia to regulate by decree individual issues falling within the remit of Parliament, save for those pertaining to the elaboration of constitutionally established human rights and fundamental freedoms,
… (Art. 88) - CroatianHrvatski sabor može, najviše na vrijeme od godinu dana, ovlastiti Vladu Republike Hrvatske da uredbama uređuje pojedina pitanja iz njegova djelokruga, osim onih koja se odnose na razradu Ustavom utvrđenih ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda,
… (Članak 88)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishIndividual constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and rights may be restricted during a state of war or any clear and present danger to the independence and unity of the Republic of Croatia or in the event of any natural disaster. Such restriction shall be decided upon by the Croatian Parliament by a two-thirds majority of all Members of Parliament or, if the Croatian Parliament is unable to convene, at the proposal of the Government and with the countersignature of the Prime Minister, by the President of the Republic.
The extent of such restrictions must be appropriate to the nature of the threat, and may not result in the inequality of citizens with respect to race, colour, sex, language, religion, or national or social origin.
Even in cases of clear and present danger to the existence of the state, no restrictions may be imposed upon the provisions of this Constitution stipulating the right to life, prohibition of torture, cruel or degrading treatment or punishment, and concerning the legal definitions of criminal offences and punishment, and the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. (Art. 17) - CroatianU doba ratnog stanja ili neposredne ugroženosti neovisnosti i jedinstvenosti države, te velikih prirodnih nepogoda pojedine slobode i prava zajamčena Ustavom mogu se ograničiti. O tome odlučuje Hrvatski sabor dvotrećinskom većinom svih zastupnika, a ako se Hrvatski sabor ne može sastati, na prijedlog Vlade i uz supotpis predsjednika Vlade, Predsjednik Republike.
Opseg ograničenja mora biti primjeren naravi pogibelji, a za posljedicu ne može imati nejednakost osoba s obzirom na rasu, boju kože, spol, jezik, vjeru, nacionalno ili socijalno podrijetlo.
Niti u slučaju neposredne opasnosti za opstanak države ne može se ograničiti primjena odredbi ovoga Ustava o pravu na život, zabrani mučenja, surovog ili ponižavajućeg postupanja ili kažnjavanja, o pravnoj određenosti kažnjivih djela i kazni, te o slobodi misli, savjesti i vjeroispovijedi. (Članak 17)