The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Employment Rights and Protection
- English1. Work shall be a right and a duty for every citizen, and the state shall endeavor to provide for all citizens, and the law shall organize work, its conditions and the workers’ rights;
2. Each worker shall have a fair wage according to the quality and output of the work; this wage shall be no less than the minimum wage that ensures the requirements of living and changes in living conditions;
3. The state shall guarantee social and health security of workers. (Art. 40) - Arabic1العمل حق لكل مواطن وواجب عليه، وتعمل الدولة على توفيره لجميع المواطنين ويتولى القانون تنظيم العمل وشروطه وحقوق العمال
2لكل عامل أجر عادل حسب نوعية العمل ومردوده، على أن لا يقل عن الحد الأدنى للأجور الذي يضمن متطلبات الحياة المعيشية وتغيرھا ُ
3تكفل الدولة الضمان الإجتماعي والصحي للعما ل. (المادّة 40)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishCitizens shall have the right to rest, as expressed in establishment of limits of work week, grant of annual paid holidays, and days of weekly rest.
The state shall create enabling environment for recreation and use of leisure time. (Art. 50) - RussianКаждый человек имеет право на отдых, которое выражается в установлении рабочей недели ограниченной продолжительности, предоставлении ежегодных оплачиваемых отпусков, дней еженедельного отдыха.
Государство создаёт для человека благоприятные условия отдыха и использования свободного времени. (Статья 50) - TurkmenHer bir adamyň dynç almaga hukugy bardyr we ol iş hepdesiniň çäklendirilen dowamlylygynyň bellenmeginden, her ýylky tölegli zähmet rugsatlarynyň, her hepdede dynç günleriniň berilmeginden ybaratdyr.
Döwlet adam üçin dynç almaga we boş wagtyny peýdalanmaga amatly şertleri döredýär. (50-nji madda)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishEveryone shall, in accordance with law, have the right to social security in cases of maternity, having many children, illness, disability, workplace accidents, need of care, loss of breadwinner, old age, unemployment, loss of employment, and in other cases. (Art. 83)
- ArmenianՅուրաքանչյուր ոք, օրենքին համապատասխան, ունի մայրության, բազմազավակության, հիվանդության, հաշմանդամության, աշխատավայրում դժբախտ պատահարների, խնամքի կարիք ունենալու, կերակրողին կորցնելու, ծերության, գործազրկության, աշխատանքը կորցնելու և այլ դեպքերում սոցիալական ապահովության իրավունք: (Հոդված 83)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishCitizens of the People's Republic of China have the right as well as the duty to work.
Using various channels, the state creates conditions for employment, strengthens labor protection, improves working conditions and, on the basis of expanded production, increases remuneration for work and social benefits.
Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen. All working people in State-owned enterprises and in urban and rural economic collectives should perform their tasks with an attitude consonant with their status as masters of the country. The State promotes socialist labor emulation, and commends and rewards model and advanced workers. The State encourages citizens to take part in voluntary labor.
The state provides necessary vocational training to citizens before they are employed. (Art. 42) - Chinese中华人民共和国公民有劳动的权利和义务。
国家对就业前的公民进行必要的劳动就业训练。 (第四十二条)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe State shall endeavour to secure, by suitable legislation or economic organisation or in any other way, to all workers, agricultural, industrial or otherwise, work, a living wage, conditions of work ensuring a decent standard of life and full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural opportunities and, in particular, the State shall endeavour to promote cottage industries on an individual or co-operative basis in rural areas. (Art. 43)
- Hindiराज्य, उपयुक्त विधान या आर्थिक संगठन द्वारा या किसी अन्य रीति से कृषि के, उद्योग के या अन्य प्रकार के सभी कर्मकारों को काम, निर्वाह मजदूरी, शिष्ट जीवनस्तर और अवकाश का संपूर्ण उपभोग सुनिश्चित करने वाली काम की दशाएँ तथा सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक अवसर प्राप्त कराने का प्रयास करेगा और विशिष्टतया ग्रामों में कुटीर उद्योगों को वैयक्तिक या सहकारी आधार पर बढ़ाने का प्रयास करेगा। (अनुच्छेद 43)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of labor, free choice of occupation and profession. Forced labor is allowed only on the basis of a judicial act on the conviction of a criminal or administrative offense or in a state of emergency or martial law.
2. Everyone has the right to working conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene, to remuneration for work without any discrimination, as well as to social protection against unemployment.
4. Everyone shall have the right to rest. Working labor agreements specifying the length of working time, days off and holidays, and paid annual leave shall be guaranteed by law. (Art. 24) - Kazak
1. Əркімнің еңбек ету бостандығына, қызмет пен кəсіп түрін еркін таңдауына құқығы бар. Еріксіз еңбекке қылмыстық немесе əкімшілік құқық бұзушылық жасауға кінəлі деп тану туралы сот актісінің негізінде не төтенше жағдайда немесе соғыс жағдайында ғана жол беріледі.
2. Әркiмнiң қауiпсiздiк пен тазалық талаптарына сай еңбек ету жағдайына, еңбегi үшiн нендей бiр кемсiтусiз сыйақы алуына, сондай-ақ жұмыссыздықтан әлеуметтiк қорғалуға құқығы бар.
4. Әркiмнiң тынығу құқығы бар. Еңбек шарты бойынша, жұмыс iстейтiндерге заңмен белгiленген жұмыс уақытының ұзақтығына, демалыс және мереке күндерiне, жыл сайынғы ақылы демалысқа кепiлдiк берiледi. (24-бап)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English…
(2) Except as expressly authorized by this Constitution, there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent, place of birth or gender in any law or in the appointment to any office or employment under a public authority or in the administration of any law relating to the acquisition, holding or disposition of property or the establishing or carrying on of any trade, business, profession, vocation or employment.
… (Art. 8) - Malay…
(2) Kecuali sebagaimana yang dibenarkan dengan nyata oleh Perlembagaan ini tidak boleh ada diskriminasi terhadap warganegara semata-mata atas alasan agama, ras, keturunan, tempat lahir atau jantina dalam mana-mana undang-undang atau dalam pelantikan kepada apa-apa jawatan atau pekerjaan di bawah sesuatu pihak berkuasa awam atau dalam pentadbiran mana-mana undang-undang yang berhubungan dengan pemerolehan, pemegangan atau pelupusan harta atau berhubungan dengan penubuhan atau penjalanan apa-apa pertukangan, perniagaan, profesion, kerjaya atau pekerjaan.
… (Perkara 8)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe State shall ensure the elimination of all forms of exploitation and the gradual fulfilment of the fundamental principle, from each according to his ability to each according to his work. (Art. 3)
- Urduمملکت استحصال کی تمام اقسام کے خاتمہ اور اس بنیادی اصول کی تدریجی تکمیل کو یقینی بنائے گی کہ ہر کسی سے اس کی اہلیت کے مطابق کام لیا جائے گا اور ہر کسی کو اس کے کام کے مطابق معاوضہ دیا جائے۔ (آرٹیکل ۳)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe State should organise an economic system which provides opportunities for the people to all together benefit from the economic growth in a comprehensive, fair and sustainable manner and to be self-reliant in accordance with the philosophy of sufficiency economy, should eliminate unfair economic monopoly, and should develop economic competitiveness of the people and the country. ...
The State shall promote, support, protect and stabilise the system of various types of co-operatives, and small and medium enterprises of the people and communities. ... (Sec. 75) - Thaiรัฐพึงจัดระบบเศรษฐกิจให้ประชาชนมีโอกาสได้รับประโยชน์จากความเจริญเติบโตทางเศรษฐกิจไปพร้อมกันอย่างทั่วถึง เป็นธรรม และยั่งยืน สามารถพึ่งพาตนเองได้ตามหลักปรัชญา ของเศรษฐกิจพอเพียง ขจัดการผูกขาดทางเศรษฐกิจที่ไม่เป็นธรรม และพัฒนาความสามารถในการแข่งขันทางเศรษฐกิจของประชาชนและประเทศ ...
รัฐพึงส่งเสริม สนับสนุน คุ้มครอง และสร้างเสถียรภาพให้แก่ระบบสหกรณ์ประเภทต่างๆ ตลอดจนกิจการวิสาหกิจขนาดย่อมและขนาดกลางของประชาชนและชุมชน ... (มาตรา ๗๕)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
The State shall take measures to ensure employment of citizens, to protect against unemployment and to reduce poverty.
The State shall organize and promote vocational training and retraining of citizens. (Art. 43) - Uzbek
Davlat fuqarolarning bandligini ta’minlash, ularni ishsizlikdan himoya qilish, shuningdek kambag‘allikni qisqartirish choralarini ko‘radi.
Davlat fuqarolarning kasbiy tayyorgarligini va qayta tayyorlanishini tashkil etadi hamda rag‘batlantiradi. (43-modda)