The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
The State guarantees to all citizens the public and individual freedoms,
Liberty cannot be limited except by the law. (Art. 10) - Arabic
تضمن الدّولة لكافة المواطنين الحرّيات العمومية و الفردية،
لا تحدّ الحرية إلا بقانون. (المادّة 10) - French
L'État garantit à tous les citoyens les libertés publiques et individuelles,
La liberté ne peut être limitée que par la loi. (Art. 10)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
(5) The declaration of a State of Emergency may give the executive special powers that are necessary to deal with the situation only.
(6) The powers granted under a State of Emergency shall not include powers to violate the rights under this Constitution, unless that violation is absolutely necessary for the purposes of dealing with the emergency situation.
… (Art. 131) - Somali
(5) Ku-dhawaaqista xaaladda degdegga ah waxaa ay laanta fulinta siin kartaa awoodo gaar ah oo loogu baahan yahay wax ka qabashada xaaladda oo keliya.
(6) Awoodaha lagu bixiyo xaaladda degdegga ah gudaheeda kuma jirayaan awoodo loogu xadgudbayo xuquuqaha ku jira dastuurkan, haddii xadgudubkaasi aanu gebi ahaanba lagamamaarmaan u ahayn ujeeddooyinka wax ka qabashada xaaladda degdegga ah.
… (Qodobka 131aad.)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
2. … The Constitution shall not deny other universally recognised human rights and freedoms that are not explicitly referred to herein, but that inherently derive from the principles of the Constitution.
… (Art. 4) - Georgian
2. … კონსტიტუცია არ უარყოფს ადამიანის საყოველთაოდ აღიარებულ უფლებებსა და თავისუფლებებს, რომლებიც აქ არ არის მოხსენიებული, მაგრამ თავისთავად გამომდინარეობს კონსტიტუციის პრინციპებიდან.
… (მუხლი 4)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English...
(3) When a Proclamation of Emergency has been made and so long as such Proclamation is in force, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan may make any Orders whatsoever which he considers desirable in the public interest; ...
(4) Without prejudice to the generality of Clause (3), such Orders may be made with regard to any matters coming within the classes of subject hereinafter enumerated, that is to say—
(a) censorship, the control and suppression of publications, writings, maps, plans, photographs, communications and means of communication;
(b) arrest, detention, exclusion and deportation;
(c) control of the harbours, ports and territorial waters of Brunei Darussalam, and of the movements of vessels;
(d) transportation by land, air or water and the control of the transport and movement of persons, animals and things;
(e) trading, storage, exportation, importation, production and manufacture;
(f) supply and distribution of food, water, fuel, light and other necessities;
(g) appropriation, control, forfeiture and disposition of property and the use thereof;
(h) conferring powers on public officers and others;
(i) requiring persons to do work or render services;
(j) constituting a special police force;
(k) formation of tribunals and other bodies for the purpose of deciding any matters specified in any such Orders;
(l) modification, amendment, supersession or suspension of all or any of the provisions of any written law;
(m) entry into, and search of, premises or other places, and search and interrogation of persons;
(n) prescribing fees or other payments; and
(o) control, exploitation, use, disposition, appropriation or deployment of any natural resources. (Sec. 83) - Malay...
(3) Apabila suatu Pemasyhuran Darurat telah dibuat dan selagi Pemasyhuran tersebut berkuatkuasa, Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan boleh membuat apa jua Perintah pun yang Baginda fikirkan dikehendaki bagi kepentingan orang ramai; dan boleh menetapkan hukuman-hukuman yang boleh dikenakan kerana sebarang kesalahan terhadap mana-mana Perintah tersebut; dan boleh membuat peruntukan bagi perbicaraan orang-orang yang dituduh melakukan kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut oleh mana-mana mahkamah.
(4) Tanpa menjejaskan keluasan makna Fasal (3), Perintah-Perintah sedemikian boleh dibuat berhubung dengan sebarang perkara yang termasuk dalam jenis-jenis perkara yang disebutkan satu persatu selepas ini, iaitu —
(a) penapisan, kawalan dan penahanan penerbitan-penerbitan, tulisan-tulisan, peta-peta, pelan-pelan, gambar-gambar, perhubungan-perhubungan dan alat-alat perhubungan;
(b) penangkapan, penahanan, tegahan dari memasuki negeri dan pembuangan negeri;
(c) kawalan ke atas pelabuhan-pelabuhan dan perairan wilayah Negara Brunei Darussalam dan ke atas pergerakan kapal-kapal;
(d) pengangkutan dengan jalan darat, udara atau air dan kawalan pengangkutan dan pergerakan orang-orang, binatang-binatang dan barang-barang;
(e) perdagangan, penyimpanan, pengeksportan, pengimportan, pengeluaran dan pengilangan;
(f) pembekalan dan pembahagian makanan, air, bahan bakar, api dan keperluan-keperluan lain;
(g) pengambilan, kawalan, perampasan dan pelupusan harta dan penggunaannya;
(h) memberikan kuasa-kuasa kepada pegawai-pegawai Kerajaan dan lain-lain;
(i) mengarahkan orang-orang untuk membuat kerja atau memberikan perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan;
(j) menubuhkan sebuah pasukan polis khas;
(k) penubuhan tribunal-tribunal dan badan-badan lain bagi maksud memutuskan sebarang perkara yang dinyatakan dalam mana-mana Perintah sedemikian;
(l) pengubahsuaian, pindaan, penggantian atau penggantungan semua atau mana-mana peruntukan sebarang undang-undang bertulis;
(m) memasuki, dan menggeledah, bangunan-bangunan atau tempat-tempat lain, dan memeriksa dan menyoal siasat orang-orang;
(n) menetapkan bayaran atau pembayaran lain; dan
(o) kawalan, pengeksploitasian, penggunaan, pelupusan, pengambilan atau penghantaran apa jua sumber asli. (Sec. 83)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English… No restrictions shall be placed on the exercise of these rights other than such as are prescribed by law and are necessary for the protection of public order and general welfare.
… (Art. 6) - Italian… La legge potrà limitare l'esercizio di tali diritti solo in casi eccezionali per gravi motivi di ordine e di interesse pubblico.
… (Art. 6)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe rights, duties, declarations and guarantees relating to the fundamental and other human rights and freedoms specifically mentioned in this Chapter shall not be regarded as excluding others not specifically mentioned. (Art. 45)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
Emergency regulations do not have the power to change this Basic Law, to temporarily suspend it, or to lay down conditions to it. However, when a state of emergency exists in the State, by virtue of a declaration under article 9 of the Law and Administration Ordinance 5708-1948, emergency regulations may be enacted on the basis of the said article, that will involve denial or limitation of rights under this Basic Law, provided that the denial or limitation shall be for a worthy purpose, and for a period and an extent that do not exceed the required. (Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty (1992), Sec. 12)
- Hebrew
אין בכוחן של תקנות שעת חירום לשנות חוק-יסוד זה, להפקיע זמנית את תקפו או לקבוע בו תנאים; ואולם בשעה שקיים במדינה מצב של חירום בתוקף הכרזה לפי סעיף 9 לפקודת סדרי השלטון והמשפט, התש"ח-1948, מותר להתקין תקנות שעת חירום מכוח הסעיף האמור שיהא בהן כדי לשלול או להגביל זכויות לפי חוק-יסוד זה, ובלבד שהשלילה או ההגבלה יהיו לתכלית ראויה ולתקופה ובמידה שלא יעלו על הנדרש. (חוק יסוד: כבוד האדם וחירותו (1992), סעיף 12)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishEvery person has the right to free development of his or her personality if the rights and freedoms of other persons are not violated thereby, and has duties before the society in which the free and comprehensive development of his or her personality is ensured. (Art. 23)
- UkrainianКожна людина має право на вільний розвиток своєї особистості, якщо при цьому не порушуються права і свободи інших людей, та має обов'язки перед суспільством, в якому забезпечується вільний і всебічний розвиток її особистості. (Стаття 23)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishWhereas every person in Barbados is entitled to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, that is to say, the right, whatever his race, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed or sex, but subject to respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for the public interest,
the following provisions of this Chapter4 shall have effect for the purpose of affording protection to those rights and freedoms subject to such limitations of that protection as are contained in those provisions, being limitations designed to ensure that the enjoyment of the said rights and freedoms by any individual does not prejudice the rights and freedoms of others or the public interest. (Sec. 11)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishAny law or part of any law contrary to the fundamental rights or freedoms guaranteed by this Chapter shall be void or void to the extent of such inconsistency. (Art. 63)
- Dhivehiއެއްވެސް ޤާނޫނެއް ނުވަތް ޤާނޫނަކުން ބައެއް ވިޔަސް މި ބާބުގައި ބަޔާންވެގެންވާ އަސާސީ ހައްޤަކާ ނުވަތަ މިނިވަންކަމަކާ ތަޢާރުޟްވާ ނަމަ، އެޤާނޫނެއް ނުވަތަ އެ ޤާނޫނަކުން އެ ޙައްޤަކާ ނުވަތަ އެ މިނިވަންކަމަކާ ތަޢާރުޟްވާ މިންވަރެއް ވާނީ ބާތިލް އެއްޗަކަށެވެ. (ޤާނޫނުއަސާސީގެ 63 ވަނަ މާއްދާ)