The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Status of International Law
- English1. The Coprinces, under the provisions of article 46.1.f ), the Head of Government or a fifth of the General Council, may request an opinion about the constitutionality of international treaties prior to their ratification. Proceedings of this nature shall take priority.
2. The judgment admitting the unconstitutionality of a treaty shall prevent its ratification. In all cases the conclusion of an international treaty including stipulations contrary to the Constitution shall require the previous revision of the latter. (Art. 101) - Catalan1. Els coprínceps, en els termes de l'article 46.1.f), el cap de Govern o una cinquena part dels membres del Consell General, poden requerir dictamen previ d'inconstitucionalitat sobre els tractats internacionals abans de la seva ratificació. Aquest procediment tindrà caràcter preferent.
2. La resolució estimatòria d'inconstitucionalitat impedirà la ratificació del tractat. En tot cas, la celebració d'un tractat internacional que contingui estipulacions que contradiguin la Constitució exigirà la reforma prèvia d'aquesta. (Art. 101)
Status of International Law
- EnglishThe Federal Supreme Court and the other judicial authorities apply the federal acts and international law. (Art. 190)
- FrenchLe Tribunal fédéral et les autres autorités sont tenus d’appliquer les lois fédérales et le droit international. (Art. 190)
- GermanBundesgesetze und Völkerrecht sind für das Bundesgericht und die anderen rechtsanwendenden Behörden massgebend. (Art. 190)
- ItalianLe leggi federali e il diritto internazionale sono determinanti per il Tribunale federale e per le altre autorità incaricate dell’applicazione del diritto. (Art. 190)
Status of International Law
- English(1) The Constitutional Court shall:
4. rule on the compatibility between the Constitution and the international treaties concluded by the Republic of Bulgaria prior to their ratification, and on the compatibility of domestic laws with the universally recognized norms of international law and the international treaties to which Bulgaria is a party;
… (Art. 149) - Bulgarian(1) Конституционният съд:
4. произнася се за съответствието на сключените от Република България международнɢ договори с Конституцията преди ратификацията им, както и за съответствие на законите ɫ общопризнатите норми на международното право и с международните договори, по които Българиɹ е страна;
… (Чл. 149)
Status of International Law
- English…
An international obligation shall not endanger the democratic foundations of the Constitution. (Sec. 94) - Finnish…
Kansainvälinen velvoite ei saa vaarantaa valtiosäännön kansanvaltaisia perusteita. (94 §) - Swedish…
En internationell förpliktelse får inte äventyra konstitutionens demokratiska grunder. (94 §)
Status of International Law
- English
8. The entry into force of the Fundamental Law shall not affect the legal force of laws adopted, public law regulatory instruments and other legal instruments of state administration issued, specific decisions made and international legal commitments undertaken before its entry into force.
… (Closing and Miscellaneous Provisions) - Hungarian
8. Az Alaptörvény hatálybalépése nem érinti a hatálybalépése előtt alkotott jogszabályok, kibocsátott közjogi szervezetszabályozó eszközök és állami irányítás egyéb jogi eszközei, meghozott egyedi döntések, valamint vállalt nemzetközi jogi kötelezettségek hatályát.
… (Záró és vegyes rendelkezések)
Status of International Law
- English
(1) The Republic of Moldova commits to observe the Charter of the United Nations and the treaties to which it is a party, to ground its relationships with other states on the unanimously recognized principles and norms of international law.
(2) The coming into force of an international treaty containing provisions which are contrary to the Constitution shall be preceded by a revision of the latter. (Art. 8) - Moldovian
(1) Republica Moldova se obligă să respecte Carta Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite şi tratatele la care este parte, să-şi bazeze relaţiile cu alte state pe principiile şi normele unanim recunoscute ale dreptului internaţional.
(2) Intrarea în vigoare a unui tratat internaţional conţinînd dispoziţii contrare Constituţiei va trebui precedată de o revizuire a acesteia. (Art. 8)
Status of International Law
- English
The constitutionality of Acts of Parliament and treaties shall not be reviewed by the courts. (Art. 120)
- Dutch
De rechter treedt niet in de beoordeling van de grondwettigheid van wetten en verdragen. (Art. 120)
Status of International Law
- English1. Norms that contravene the provisions of the Constitution or the principles enshrined therein are unconstitutional.
2. On condition that the norms in question are applied in the legal order of the other party, the organic or formal unconstitutionality of properly ratified international treaties does not prevent the application of the norms they contain in the Portuguese legal order, save if that unconstitutionality results from the breach of a fundamental provision of the Constitution. (Art. 277) - Portuguese1. São inconstitucionais as normas que infrinjam o disposto na Constituição ou os princípios nela consignados.
2. A inconstitucionalidade orgânica ou formal de tratados internacionais regularmente ratificados não impede a aplicação das suas normas na ordem jurídica portuguesa, desde que tais normas sejam aplicadas na ordem jurídica da outra parte, salvo se tal inconstitucionalidade resultar de violação de uma disposição fundamental. (Art. 277)
Status of International Law
- English
The Constitution shall guarantee, and as such, directly implement human and minority rights guaranteed by the generally accepted rules of international law, ratified international treaties and laws. The law may prescribe manner of exercising these rights only if explicitly stipulated in the Constitution or necessary to exercise a specific right owing to its nature, whereby the law may not under any circumstances influence the substance of the relevant guaranteed right.
Provisions on human and minority rights shall be interpreted to the benefit of promoting values of a democratic society, pursuant to valid international standards in human and minority rights, as well as the practice of international institutions which supervise their implementation. (Art. 18) - Serbian Cyrillic
Уставом се јемче, и као таква, непосредно се примењују људска и мањинска права зајемчена општеприхваћеним правилима међународног права, потврђеним међународним уговорима и законима. Законом се може прописати начин остваривања ових права само ако је то Уставом изричито предвиђено или ако је то неопходно за остварење појединог права због његове природе, при чему закон ни у ком случају не сме да утиче на суштину зајемченог права.
Одредбе о људским и мањинским правима тумаче се у корист унапређења вредности демократског друштва, сагласно важећим међународним стандaрдима људских и мањинских права, као и пракси међународних институција којe надзиру њихово спровођење. (Члан 18)
Status of International Law
- English
(1) International treaties on human rights and fundamental freedoms which the Slovak Republic has ratified and were promulgated in the manner laid down by a law before taking effect of this constitutional act, shall be a part of its legal order and shall have precedence over laws if they provide a greater scope of constitutional rights and freedoms.
(2) Other international treaties which the Slovak Republic has ratified and were promulgated in the manner laid down by a law before taking effect of this constitutional act, shall be a part of its legal order, if so provided by a law. (Art. 154C) - Slovak
(1) Medzinárodné zmluvy o ľudských právach a základných slobodách, ktoré Slovenská republika ratifikovala a boli vyhlásené spôsobom ustanoveným zákonom pred nadobudnutím účinnosti tohto ústavného zákona, sú súčasťou jej právneho poriadku a majú prednosť pred zákonom, ak zabezpečujú väčší rozsah ústavných práv a slobôd.
(2) Iné medzinárodné zmluvy, ktoré Slovenská republika ratifikovala a boli vyhlásené spôsobom ustanoveným zákonom pred nadobudnutím účinnosti tohto ústavného zákona, sú súčasťou jej právneho poriadku, ak tak ustanovuje zákon. (Čl. 154c)