The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Religious Law
- English1. The Communal Chambers shall, in relation to their respective Community, have competence to exercise within the limits of this Constitution and subject to paragraph 3 of this Article, legislative power solely with regard to the following matters:—
(a) all religious matters;
(d) The composition and instances (βαθμούς δικαιοδοσίας - dereceleri) of courts dealing with civil disputes relating to personal status and to religious matters;
… (Art. 87) - GreekΕκατέρα Κοινοτική Συνέλευσις έχει αρμοδιότητα, εν σχέσει προς την αντίστοιχον κοινότητα, να ασκεί, ενός των ορίων του Συντάγματος και υπό τους περιορισμούς της τρίτης παραγράφου του παρόντος άρθρου, νομοθετικήν εξουσίαν αποκλειστικώς και μόνον επί των κατωτέρω θεμάτων:
(α) επί πάντων των θρησκευτικών θεμάτων,
(δ) επί της συνθέσεως και των βαθμών δικαιοδοσίας των δικαστηρίων, των εκδικαζόντων αστικάς διαφοράς, αναφερομένας εις τον προσωπικόν θεσμόν και εις θρησκευτικά ζητήματα,
… (Αρθρον 87) - Turkish1. Cemaat Meclisleri, kendi Cemaatleri bakımından, bu Anayasanın sınırları içinde ve bu maddenin 3. fıkrası hükümleri saklı kalmak şartıyla, yalnız aşağıdaki konularda yasama gücünü kullanma hakkına sahiptir:
(a) bütün dini konular;
(d) şahsi hâl ve dini konular ile ilgili hukuk davalarına bakacak mahkemelerin yapı ve dereceleri;
... (Madde 87)
Religious Law
- EnglishAlong with freedom of belief and religion, the State shall recognise the outstanding role of the Apostolic Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Georgia in the history of Georgia, and its independence from the State. The relationship between the state of Georgia and the Apostolic Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Georgia shall be determined by a constitutional agreement, which shall be in full compliance with the universally recognised principles and norms of international law in the area of human rights and freedoms. (Art. 8)
- Georgianრწმენისა და აღმსარებლობის თავისუფლებასთან ერთად სახელმწიფო აღიარებს საქართველოს სამოციქულო ავტოკეფალური მართლმადიდებელი ეკლესიის განსაკუთრებულ როლს საქართველოს ისტორიაში და მის დამოუკიდებლობას სახელმწიფოსაგან. საქართველოს სახელმწიფოსა და საქართველოს სამოციქულო ავტოკეფალური მართლმადიდებელი ეკლესიის ურთიერთობა განისაზღვრება კონსტიტუციური შეთანხმებით, რომელიც სრულად უნდა შეესაბამებოდეს საერთაშორისო სამართლის საყოველთაოდ აღიარებულ პრინციპებსა და ნორმებს ადამიანის უფლებათა და თავისუფლებათა სფეროში. (მუხლი 8)
Religious Law
- EnglishIslam is religion of [the] State.
The State draws on this religion, the Sunni principles and rules of obedience and the Chafi’i rites that govern the belief [culte] and social life. (Art. 97) - Arabicدين الدولة هو الإسلام.
تعتمد الدولة على هذا الدين والمبادئ السنية وقواعد الطاعة ومناسك الشافعي التي تحكم العقيدة والحياة الاجتماعية.ة (المادة 97) - FrenchL’Islam est religion d’État.
L’État puise dans cette religion, les principes et règles d’obédience Sunnites et de rîtes Chafiites qui régissent le culte et la vie sociale. (Art. 97)
Religious Law
Sao Tome and Principe
- EnglishThe following may not be the subject of constitutional revision:
b) The secular status of the State;
… (Art. 154) - PortugueseNão podem ser objecto de revisão constitucional:
b) O estatuto laico do Estado;
… (Art. 154)
Religious Law
Iran, Islamic Republic of
- EnglishAll civil, penal, financial, economic, administrative, cultural, military, political, and other laws and regulations must be based on Islamic criteria. This principle applies absolutely and generally to all articles of the Constitution as well as to all other laws and regulations, and the fuqaha' of the Guardian Council shall determine this matter. (Art. 4)
- Persianکلیه قوانین و مقررات مدنی، جزایی، مالی، اقتصادی، اداری، فرهنگی، نظامی، سیاسی و غیر اینها باید بر اساس موازین اسلامی باشد. این اصل بر اطلاق یا عموم همه اصول قانون اساسی و قوانین و مقررات دیگر حاکم است و تشخیص این امر بر عهده فقهاء شورای نگهبان است. (اص 4)
Religious Law
Czech Republic
- English…
(2) Churches and religious societies govern their own affairs; in particular, they establish their own bodies and appoint their clergy, as well as found religious orders and other church institutions, independent of state authorities.
… (Charter, Art. 16) - Czech…
(2) Církve a náboženské společnosti spravují své záležitosti, zejména ustavují své orgány, ustanovují své duchovní a zřizují řeholní a jiné církevní instituce nezávisle na státních orgánech.
… (Listina, Čl. 16)
Religious Law
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
- EnglishThe Democratic Republic of the Congo is, within its frontiers of 30 June 1960, a State of Law, independent, sovereign, united and indivisible, social, democratic and secular.
… (Art. 1) - FrenchLa République Démocratique du Congo est, dans ses frontières du 30 juin 1960, un Etat de droit, indépendant, souverain, uni et indivisible, social, démocratique et laïc.
… (Art. 1)
Religious Law
- English...
(2) The functions of the Human Rights Commission shall include the promotion of knowledge of human rights, and specifically Shari’ah, setting implementation standards and parameters for the fulfillment of human rights obligations, monitoring human rights within the country, and investigating allegations of human rights violations. (Art. 41) - Somali...
(2) Hawlaha Guddiga Xuquqda Aadanaha waa in ay ku jiraan horumarinta aqoonta xuquuqda Aadanaha iyo, gaar ahaan, Shareecada, asaga oo u dejinaaya halbeegyada dhaqangelinta lagu hirgelinaayo waajibaadka xuquuqda Aadanaha; dabagelidda xuquuqda Aadanaha ee dalka gudihiisa iyo baarista eedaha la xiriira xuquuqda aadanaha. (Qodobka 41aad.)
Religious Law
- EnglishCivil Courts in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan shall have the right to exercise jurisdiction over all persons in all civil and criminal matters, including cases filed by the Government or filed against it, with exception of the matters in respect of which jurisdiction is vested in Religious Courts or Special Courts in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution or any other legislation in force. (Art. 102)
- Arabicتمارس المحاكم النظامية في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية حق القضاء على جميع الأشخاص في جميع المواد المدنية والجزائية بما فيها الدعاوي التي تقيمها الحكومة أو تقام عليها بإستثناء المواد التي قد يفوض فيها حق القضاء إلى محاكم دينية أو محاكم خاصة بموجب أحكام هذا الدستور أو أي تشريع آخر نافذ المفعول. (المادّة 102)
Religious Law
- English…
The church shall be separate from the State. (Art. 99) - Latvian…
Baznīca ir atdalīta no valsts. (Art. 99)