The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- English
(1) If at a general election which is contested by two or more political parties and in which only candidates of two parties are elected or in the eventuality of an election result as provided for in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) of the proviso to sub-article (1) of article 52 and in the event that the number of Members of Parliament of the under-represented sex, elected by virtue of article 52, inclusive of those members elected at a casual election in terms of the relevant regulations, is less than forty per cent (40%) of all the Members of Parliament, then the number of Members of Parliament shall increase by not more than twelve (12) Members of the under-represented sex:
Provided that the number of Members of Parliament of the under-represented sex elected by virtue of article 52 added to the members of the under-represented sex elected by virtue of this article shall not exceed forty per cent (40%) of the total number of elected Members of Parliament making up the House.
The candidates elected by virtue of this article are to be apportioned equally between the absolute majority party or the relative majority party and the minority party.
... (Art 52A) - Maltese
(1) Jekk f’elezzjoni ġenerali li tkun ikkontestata minn żewġ partiti politiċi jew aktar u li fiha l-kandidati ta’ żewġ partiti biss ikunu eletti jew f’każ ta’ riżultat ta’ elezzjoni kif provdut fis-subparagrafi (i) u (ii) tal-proviso tas-subartikolu (1) tal-artikolu 52 u fil-każ li n-numru ta’ Membri tal-Parlament tas-sess l-inqas rappreżentat, elett bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 52, inkluż dawk il-membri eletti f’elezzjoni każwali skont ir-regolamenti rilevanti, huwa inqas minn erbgħin fil-mija (40%) tal-Membri kollha tal-Parlament, allura n-numru ta’ Membri tal Parlament għandu jiżdied b’mhux aktar minn tnax (12)-il Membru tas-sess l-inqas rappreżentat:
Iżda n-numru ta’ Membri Parlamentari tas-sess l-inqas rappreżentat elett bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 52 miżjud mal-membri tas-sess l-inqas rappreżentat elett bis-saħħa ta’ dan l-artikolu ma għandux jaqbeż l-erbgħin fil-mija (40%) tan-numru totali ta’ Membri eletti tal-Parlament li jifforma l-Kamra.
Il-kandidati eletti bis-saħħa ta’ dan l-artikolu għandhom ikunu mqassma ugwalment bejn il-partit b’maġġoranza assoluta jew il partit b’maġġoranza relattiva u l-partit b’minoranza.
... (Art. 52A)
Religious Law
- English(1) The religion of Malta is the Roman Catholic Apostolic Religion.
(2) The authorities of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church have the duty and the right to teach which principles are right and which are wrong.
(3) Religious teaching of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Faith shall be provided in all State schools as part of compulsory education. (Art. 2) - Maltese(1) Ir-reliġjon ta’ Malta hija r-Reliġjon Kattolika Apostolika Rumana.
(2) L-awtoritajiet tal-Knisja Kattolika Apostolika Rumana għandhom id-dmir u l-jedd li jgħallmu liema prinċipji huma tajbin u liema huma ħżiena.
(3) It-tagħlim reliġjuż tal-fidi Kattolika Apostolika Rumana għandu jkun provdut fl-iskejjel kollha tal-Istat bħala parti mill-edukazzjoni obbligatorja. (Art. 2)