The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- EnglishEveryone shall have the right to equal protection of the rights and liberties thereof. (Art. 19)
- MontenegrinSvako ima pravo na jednaku zaštitu svojih prava i sloboda. (Član 19)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- EnglishThe state shall guarantee the equality of women and men and shall develop the policy of equal opportunities. (Art. 18)
- MontenegrinDržava jemči ravnopravnost žene i muškarca i razvija politiku jednakih mogućnosti. (Član 18)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishDuring the proclaimed state of war or emergency, the exercise of certain human rights and freedoms may be limited, to the necessary extent.
The limitations shall not be introduced on the grounds of sex, nationality, race, religion, language, ethnic or social origin, political or other beliefs, financial standing or any other personal feature.
There shall be no limitations imposed on the rights to: life, legal remedy and legal aid; dignity and respect of a person; fair and public trail and the principle of legality; presumption of innocence; defence; compensation of damage for illegal or ungrounded deprivation of liberty and ungrounded conviction; freedom of thought, conscience and religion; entry into marriage.
There shall be no abolishment of the prohibition of: inflicting or encouraging hatred or intolerance; discrimination; trial and conviction twice for one and the same criminal offence (ne bis in idem); forced assimilation.
Measures of limitation may be in effect at the most for the duration of the state of war or emergency. (Art. 25) - MontenegrinZa vrijeme proglašenog ratnog ili vanrednog stanja može se ograničiti ostvarivanje pojedinih ljudskih prava i sloboda, u obimu u kojem je to neophodno.
Ograničenje se ne smije činiti po osnovu pola, nacionalnosti, rase, vjere, jezika, etničkog ili društvenog porijekla, političkog ili drugog uvjerenja, imovnog stanja ili bilo kakvog drugog ličnog svojstva.
Ne mogu se ograničiti prava na: život; pravni lijek i pravnu pomoć; dostojanstvo i poštovanje ličnosti; pravično i javno suđenje i načelo zakonitosti; pretpostavku nevinosti; odbranu; naknadu štete za nezakonito ili neosnovano lišenje slobode i neosnovanu osudu; slobodu misli, savjesti i vjeroispovijesti; zaključenje braka.
Ne mogu se ukidati zabrane: izazivanja ili podsticanja mržnje ili netrpeljivosti; diskriminacije; ponovnog suđenja i osude za isto krivično djelo; nasilne asimilacije.
Mjere ograničenja mogu važiti najduže dok traje ratno ili vanredno stanje. (Član 25)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishGuaranteed human rights and freedoms may be limited only by the law, within the scope permitted by the Constitution and to such an extent which is necessary to meet the purpose for which the limitation is allowed, in an open and democratic society.
Limitations shall not be introduced for other purposes except for those for which they have been provided for. (Art. 24) - MontenegrinZajemčena ljudska prava i slobode mogu se ograničiti samo zakonom, u obimu koji dopušta Ustav u mjeri koja je neophodna da bi se u otvorenom i slobodnom demokratskom društvu zadovoljila svrha zbog koje je ograničenje dozvoljeno.
Ograničenja se ne smiju uvoditi u druge svrhe osim onih radi kojih su propisana. (Član 24)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishEveryone shall have the right to health protection.
A child, a pregnant woman, an elderly person and a person with disability shall have the right to health protection from public revenues, if they do not exercise this right on some other grounds. (Art. 69) - MontenegrinSvako ima pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu.
Dijete, trudnica, staro lice i lice sa invaliditetom imaju pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu iz javnih prihoda, ako to pravo ne ostvaruju po nekom drugom osnovu. (Član 69)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishEverybody shall have the right to respect for his/her private and family life. (Art. 40)
- MontenegrinSvako ima pravo na poštovanje privatnog i porodičnog života. (Član 40)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishMother and child shall enjoy special protection.
The state shall create the conditions that encourage childbirth. (Art. 73) - MontenegrinMajka i dijete uživaju posebnu zaštitu.
Država stvara uslove kojima se podstiče rađanje djece. (Član 73)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishFamily shall enjoy special protection.
Parents shall be obliged to take care of their children, to bring them up and educate them.
Children shall take care of their own parents in need of assistance.
Children born out of wedlock shall have the same rights and responsibilities as children born in marriage. (Art. 72) - MontenegrinPorodica uživa posebnu zaštitu.
Roditelji su obavezni da brinu o djeci, da ih vaspitavaju i školuju.
Djeca su obavezna da se staraju o svojim roditeljima kojima je potrebna pomoć.
Djeca rođena van braka imaju ista prava i obaveze kao i djeca rođena u braku. (Član 72)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishMarriage may be entered into only on the basis of a free consent of a woman and a man. Marriage shall be based on equality of spouses. (Art. 71)
- MontenegrinBrak se može zaključiti samo uz slobodan pristanak žene i muškarca.
Brak se zasniva na ravnopravnosti supružnika. (Član 71)
- EnglishThe law, in accordance with the Constitution, shall regulate:
2) the manner of exercise of the special minority rights;
… (Art. 16) - MontenegrinZakonom se, u skladu sa Ustavom, uređuju:
2) način ostvarivanja posebnih manjinskih prava;
... (Član 16)