The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Judicial Protection
- English
Everyone shall have the right to defend his/her rights and freedoms by all means not prohibited by law.
Everyone shall be entitled to legally defend his/her rights and freedoms, and shall have the right to appeal any unlawful decisions, acts and omissions of State bodies and other organizations, their officials.
Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to have his/her case examined by a competent, independent and impartial court within the time limits established by law in order to have his or her rights and freedoms restored.
Everyone shall have the right, in accordance with the legislation and international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to apply to international bodies for the protection of human rights and freedoms if all available domestic remedies have been exhausted.
Everyone shall have the right to compensation by the State for damage caused by unlawful decisions, acts or omissions of State bodies or their officials. (Art. 55) - Uzbek
Har kim o‘z huquq va erkinliklarini qonunda taqiqlanmagan barcha usullar bilan himoya qilishga haqli.
Har kimga o‘z huquq va erkinliklarini sud orqali himoya qilish, davlat organlarining hamda boshqa tashkilotlarning, ular mansabdor shaxslarining qonunga xilof qarorlari, harakatlari va harakatsizligi ustidan sudga shikoyat qilish huquqi kafolatlanadi.
Har kimga buzilgan huquq va erkinliklarini tiklash uchun uning ishi qonunda belgilangan muddatlarda vakolatli, mustaqil hamda xolis sud tomonidan ko‘rib chiqilishi huquqi kafolatlanadi.
Har kim O‘zbekiston Respublikasining qonunchiligiga va xalqaro shartnomalariga muvofiq, agar davlatning huquqiy himoyaga doir barcha ichki vositalaridan foydalanib bo‘lingan bo‘lsa, insonning huquq va erkinliklarini himoya qiluvchi xalqaro organlarga murojaat etishga haqli.
Har kim davlat organlarining yoxud ular mansabdor shaxslarining qonunga xilof qarorlari, harakatlari yoki harakatsizligi tufayli yetkazilgan zararning o‘rni davlat tomonidan qoplanishi huquqiga ega. (55-modda)