The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThere is for all Belgium a Constitutional Court, the composition, competences and functioning of which are established by the law.
This Court rules by means of judgments on:
1° those conflicts referred to in Article 141;
2° the violation of Articles 10, 11 and 24 by a law, a federate law or a rule as referred to in Article 134;
3° the violation of constitutional articles that the law determines by a law, a federate law or by a rule as referred to in Article 134.
A matter may be referred to the Court by any authority designated by the law, by any person that can prove an interest or, pre-judicially, by any court.
The Court pronounces by a ruling, under the conditions and according to the terms specified by the law, on every referendum described in Article 39bis before it is organised.
In the cases, under the conditions and according to the terms that it specifies, the law can give the Court competence to pronounce by a judgment on appeals lodged against decisions made by legislative assemblies or bodies thereof regarding the control of electoral expenditure incurred in the elections for the House of Representatives.
… (Art. 142) - DutchEr bestaat voor geheel België een Grondwettelijk Hof, waarvan de samenstelling, de bevoegdheid en de werking door de wet worden bepaald.
Dit Hof doet, bij wege van arrest, uitspraak over:
1° de in artikel 141 bedoelde conflicten;
2° de schending door een wet, een decreet of een in artikel 134 bedoelde regel, van de artikelen 10, 11 en 24;
3° de schending door een wet, een decreet of een in artikel 134 bedoelde regel, van de artikelen van de Grondwet die de wet bepaalt.
De zaak kan bij het Hof aanhangig worden gemaakt door iedere bij wet aangewezen overheid, door ieder die doet blijken van een belang of, prejudicieel, door ieder rechtscollege.
Het Hof doet bij wege van beslissing uitspraak over elke in artikel 39bis bedoelde volksraadpleging, voorafgaandelijk aan de organisatie ervan, onder de voorwaarden en op de wijze bepaald door de wet.
De wet kan, in de gevallen en onder de voorwaarden en op de wijze die zij bepaalt, het Hof de bevoegdheid toekennen om, bij wege van arrest, uitspraak te doen over de beroepen die worden ingesteld tegen de beslissingen van wetgevende vergaderingen of hun organen, betreffende de controle van de verkiezingsuitgaven voor de verkiezingen voor de Kamer van volksvertegenwoordigers.
… (Art. 142) - FrenchIl y a, pour toute la Belgique, une Cour constitutionnelle, dont la composition, la compétence et le fonctionnement sont déterminés par la loi.
Cette Cour statue par voie d’arrêt sur:
1° les conflits visés à l’article 141;
2° la violation par une loi, un décret ou une règle visée à l’article 134, des articles 10, 11 et 24;
3° la violation par une loi, un décret ou une règle visée à l’article 134, des articles de la Constitution que la loi détermine.
La Cour peut être saisie par toute autorité que la loi désigne, par toute personne justifiant d’un intérêt ou, à titre préjudiciel, par toute juridiction.
La Cour statue par voie de décision sur chaque consultation populaire visée à l’article 39bis, préalablement à son organisation, dans les conditions et selon les modalités fixées par la loi.
La loi peut, dans les cas et selon les conditions et les modalités qu’elle détermine, attribuer à la Cour la compétence de statuer, par voie d’arrêt, sur les recours formés contre les décisions des assemblées législatives ou de leurs organes, en matière de contrôle des dépenses électorales engagées pour les élections pour la Chambre des représentants.
… (Art. 142) - GermanEs gibt für ganz Belgien einen Verfassungsgerichtshof, dessen Zusammensetzung, Zuständigkeit und Arbeitsweise durch Gesetz bestimmt werden.
Dieser Verfassungsgerichtshof befindet im Wege eines Entscheids über:
1. die in Artikel 141 erwähnten Konflikte;
2. die Verletzung der Artikel 10, 11 und 24 durch ein Gesetz, ein Dekret oder eine in Artikel 134 erwähnte Regel;
3. die Verletzung der Verfassungsartikel, die das Gesetz bestimmt, durch ein Gesetz, ein Dekret oder eine in Artikel 134 erwähnte Regel.
Der Verfassungsgerichtshof kann angerufen werden von jeder durch Gesetz bezeichneten Behörde, von jedem, der ein Interesse nachweist, oder, zwecks Vorabentscheidung, von jedem Rechtsprechungsorgan.
Der Verfassungsgerichtshof befindet unter Bedingungen und gemäß Modalitäten, die das Gesetz festlegt, im Wege einer Entscheidung über jede in Artikel 39bis erwähnte Volksbefragung vor deren Organisation.
Das Gesetz kann in Fällen, unter Bedingungen und gemäß Modalitäten, die es bestimmt, dem Verfassungsgerichtshof die Zuständigkeit übertragen, im Wege eines Entscheids über Beschwerden zu befinden, die gegen die von gesetzgebenden Versammlungen oder ihren Organen gefassten Beschlüsse über die Kontrolle der Wahlausgaben für die Wahlen der Abgeordnetenkammer eingelegt werden.
… (Art. 142)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The Constitutional Law Committee shall issue statements on the constitutionality of legislative proposals and other matters brought for its consideration, as well as on their relation to international human rights treaties. (Sec. 74)
- Finnish
Eduskunnan perustuslakivaliokunnan tehtävänä on antaa lausuntonsa sen käsittelyyn tulevien lakiehdotusten ja muiden asioiden perustuslainmukaisuudesta sekä suhteesta kansainvälisiin ihmisoikeussopimuksiin. (74 §)
- Swedish
Riksdagens grundlagsutskott skall ge utlåtanden om grundlagsenligheten i fråga om lagförslag och andra ärenden som föreläggs utskottet samt om deras förhållande till internationella fördrag om mänskliga rättigheter. (74 §)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Government, not less than 1/5 of all the Members of the Seimas, and courts shall have the right to apply to the Constitutional Court concerning the acts specified in the first paragraph of Article 105.
Not less than 1/5 of all the Members of the Seimas and courts shall have the right to apply to the Constitutional Court concerning the conformity of the acts of the President of the Republic with the Constitution and laws.
Not less than 1/5 of all the Members of the Seimas, courts, as well as the President of the Republic, shall have the right to apply to the Constitutional Court concerning the conformity of the acts of the Government with the Constitution and laws.
Every person shall have the right to apply to the Constitutional Court concerning the acts specified in the first and second paragraphs of Article 105 if a decision adopted on the basis of these acts has violated the constitutional rights or freedoms of the person and the person has exhausted all legal remedies. The procedure for implementing this right shall be established by the Law on the Constitutional Court.
An application by the President of the Republic to the Constitutional Court, or a resolution of the Seimas, asking for an investigation into the conformity of an act with the Constitution shall suspend the validity of the act.
... (Art. 106) - LithuanianTeisę kreiptis į Konstitucinį Teismą dėl 105 straipsnio pirmojoje dalyje nurodytų aktų turi Vyriausybė, ne mažiau kaip 1/5 visų Seimo narių, taip pat teismai.
Dėl Respublikos Prezidento aktų sutikimo su Konstitucija ir įstatymais į Konstitucinį Teismą turi teisę kreiptis ne mažiau kaip 1/5 visų Seimo narių ir teismai.
Dėl Vyriausybės aktų sutikimo su Konstitucija ir įstatymais į Konstitucinį Teismą gali kreiptis ne mažiau kaip 1/5 visų Seimo narių, teismai, taip pat Respublikos Prezidentas.
Kiekvienas asmuo turi teisę kreiptis į Konstitucinį Teismą dėl Konstitucijos 105 straipsnio pirmojoje ir antrojoje dalyse nurodytų aktų, jeigu jų pagrindu priimtas sprendimas pažeidė šio asmens konstitucines teises ar laisves ir šis asmuo išnaudojo visas teisinės gynybos priemones. Šios teisės įgyvendinimo tvarką nustato Konstitucinio Teismo įstatymas.
Respublikos Prezidento teikimas Konstituciniam Teismui ar Seimo nutarimas ištirti, ar aktas sutinka su Konstitucija, sustabdo šio akto galiojimą.
... (106 straipsnis)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court shall repeal or invalidate a law if it determines that the law does not conform to the Constitution. The Constitutional Court shall repeal or invalidate a collective agreement, other regulation or enactment, statute or programme of a political party or association, if it determines that it does not conform to the Constitution or law. The decisions of the Constitutional Court are final and executive. (Art. 112)
- MacedonianУставниот суд ќе укине или поништи закон ако утврди дека не е во согласност со Уставот. Уставниот суд ќе укине или поништи друг пропис или општ акт, колективен договор, статут или програма на политичка партија или здружение, ако утврди дека тие не се во согласност со Уставот или со закон. Одлуките на Уставниот суд се конечни и извршни. (Член 112)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court shall have the following powers:
a) to adjudicate on the constitutionality of laws, before the promulgation thereof upon notification by the President of Romania, one of the presidents of the two Chambers, the Government, the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Advocate of the People, a number of at least 50 deputies or at least 25 senators, as well as ex officio, on initiatives to revise the Constitution;
b) to adjudicate on the constitutionality of treaties or other international agreements, upon notification by one of the presidents of the two Chambers, a number of at least 50 deputies or at least 25 senators;
c) to adjudicate on the constitutionality of the Standing Orders of Parliament, upon notification, by the president of either Chamber, by a parliamentary group or a number of at least 50 Deputies or at least 25 Senators;
d) to decide on objections as to the unconstitutionality of laws and ordinances, brought up before courts of law or commercial arbitration; the objection as to the unconstitutionality may also be brought up directly by the Advocate of the People;
e) to solve legal disputes of a constitutional nature between public authorities, at the request of the President of Romania, one of the presidents of the two Chambers, the Prime Minister, or of the president of the Superior Council of Magistracy;
f) to guard the observance of the procedure for the election of the President of Romania and to confirm the ballot returns;
g) to ascertain the circumstances which justify the interim in the exercise of the office of President of Romania, and to report its findings to Parliament and the Government; h) to give advisory opinion on the proposal to suspend from office the President of Romania;
l) to guard the observance of the procedure for the organization and holding of a referendum, and to confirm its returns;
j) to check on compliance with the conditions for the exercise of the legislative initiative by citizens;
k) to decide on the objections of unconstitutionality of a political party;
l) to carry out also other duties stipulated by the organic law of the Court. (Art. 146) - RomanianCurtea Constituţională are următoarele atribuţii:
a) se pronunţă asupra constituţionalităţii legilor, înainte de promulgarea acestora, la sesizarea Preşedintelui României, a unuia dintre preşedinţii celor două Camere, a Guvernului, a Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie, a Avocatului Poporului, a unui număr de cel puţin 50 de deputaţi sau de cel puţin 25 de senatori, precum şi, din oficiu, asupra iniţiativelor de revizuire a Constituţiei;
b) se pronunţă asupra constituţionalităţii tratatelor sau altor acorduri internaţionale, la sesizarea unuia dintre preşedinţii celor două Camere, a unui număr de cel puţin 50 de deputaţi sau de cel puţin 25 de senatori;
c) se pronunţă asupra constituţionalităţii regulamentelor Parlamentului, la sesizarea unuia dintre preşedinţii celor două Camere, a unui grup parlamentar sau a unui număr de cel puţin 50 de deputaţi sau de cel puţin 25 de senatori;
d) hotărăşte asupra excepţiilor de neconstituţionalitate privind legile şi ordonanţele, ridicate în faţa instanţelor judecătoreşti sau de arbitraj comercial; excepţia de neconstituţionalitate poate fi ridicată şi direct de Avocatul Poporului;
e) soluţionează conflictele juridice de natură constituţională dintre autorităţile publice, la cererea Preşedintelui României, a unuia dintre preşedinţii celor două Camere, a primului-ministru sau a preşedintelui Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii;
f) veghează la respectarea procedurii pentru alegerea Preşedintelui României şi confirmă rezultatele sufragiului;
g) constată existenţa împrejurărilor care justifică interimatul în exercitarea funcţiei de Preşedinte al României şi comunică cele constatate Parlamentului şi Guvernului;
h) dă aviz consultativ pentru propunerea de suspendare din funcţie a Preşedintelui României;
i) veghează la respectarea procedurii pentru organizarea şi desfăşurarea referendumului şi confirmă rezultatele acestuia;
j) verifică îndeplinirea condiţiilor pentru exercitarea iniţiativei legislative de către cetăţeni;
k) hotărăşte asupra contestaţiilor care au ca obiect constituţionalitatea unui partid politic;
l) îndeplineşte şi alte atribuţii prevăzute de legea organică a Curţii. (Art. 146)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
(1) Judges, in the performance of their function, shall be independent and, in decision making shall be bound by the Constitution, by constitutional law, by international treaty pursuant to Art. 7, paras. 2 and 5, and by law.
(2) If a Court assumes that other generally binding legal regulation, its part, or its individual provisions which concern a pending matter contradicts the Constitution, constitutional law, international treaty pursuant to Art. 7, para. 5 or law, it shall suspend the proceedings and shall submit a proposal for the commence of proceedings according to Art. 125, para. 1. Legal opinion of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic contained in the decision shall be binding for the Court. (Art. 144) - Slovak
(1) Sudcovia sú pri výkone svojej funkcie nezávislí a pri rozhodovaní sú viazaní ústavou, ústavným zákonom, medzinárodnou zmluvou podľa čl. 7 ods. 2 a 5 a zákonom.
(2) Ak sa súd domnieva, ţe iný všeobecne záväzný právny predpis, jeho časť alebo jeho jednotlivé ustanovenie, ktoré sa týka prejednávanej veci, odporuje ústave, ústavnému zákonu, medzinárodnej zmluve podľa čl. 7 ods. 5 alebo zákonu, konanie preruší a podá návrh na začatie konania na základe čl. 125 ods. 1. Právny názor ústavného súdu obsiahnutý v rozhodnutí je pre súd záväzný. (Čl. 144)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
Justice shall be administered by courts on the basis of the Constitution and other normative legal acts adopted in accordance with it.
If, during the hearing of a case the court has doubts as to the constitutionality of a legal act to be applied, it shall, before issuing a judgment, raise before the Constitutional Court the issue of reviewing the constitutionality of the legal act in question, in accordance with the procedure established by law. (Art. 112) - Belarusian
Суды ажыццяўляюць правасуддзе на падставе Канстытуцыі і прынятых у адпаведнасці з ёй іншых нарматыўных прававых актаў.
Калі пры разглядзе канкрэтнай справы ў суда ўзнікнуць сумненні ў канстытуцыйнасці нарматыўнага прававога акта, які падлягае прымяненню, суд да вынясення судовай пастановы ставіць ва ўстаноўленым законам парадку перад Канстытуцыйным Судом пытанне аб праверцы канстытуцыйнасці гэтага нарматыўнага прававога акта. (Артыкул 112) - Russian
Суды осуществляют правосудие на основании Конституции и принятых в соответствии с ней иных нормативных правовых актов.
Если при рассмотрении конкретного дела у суда возникнут сомнения в конституционности нормативного правового акта, подлежащего применению, суд до вынесения судебного постановления ставит в установленном законом порядке перед Конституционным Судом вопрос о проверке конституционности данного нормативного правового акта. (Статья 112)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
1. The Constitutional Court resolves constitutional disputes and makes the definitive interpretation of the Constitution.
2. The Constitutional Court is subject only to the Constitution.
… (Art. 124) - Albanian
1. Gjykata Kushtetuese zgjidh mosmarrëveshjet kushtetuese dhe bën interpretimin përfundimtar të Kushtetutës.
2. Gjykata Kushtetuese i nënshtrohet vetëm Kushtetutës.
… (Neni 124)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia:
- shall decide on the compliance of laws with the Constitution;
- shall decide on the compliance of other regulations with the Constitution and laws;
- may decide on the constitutionality of laws and the constitutionality and legality of other regulations which are no longer valid, provided that less than one year has elapsed from the moment of such cessation until the filing of a request or a proposal to institute proceedings;
- shall decide on constitutional complaints against individual decisions taken by state bodies, bodies of local and regional self-government and legal persons vested with public authority where such decisions violate human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as the right to local and regional self-government guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia;
- shall monitor compliance with the Constitution and laws and shall report to the Croatian Parliament on detected violations thereof
- shall decide on jurisdictional disputes between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches;
- shall decide, in conformity with the Constitution, on the impeachment of the President of the Republic;
- shall monitor compliance of the platforms and activities of political parties with the Constitution and may, in compliance with the Constitution, ban non-compliant parties;
- shall monitor whether elections and referenda are conducted in compliance with the Constitution and laws and shall resolve electoral disputes falling outside the jurisdiction of the courts;
- shall perform other duties specified by the Constitution. (Art. 125) - CroatianUstavni sud Republike Hrvatske:
- odlučuje o suglasnosti zakona s Ustavom;
- odlučuje o suglasnosti drugih propisa s Ustavom i zakonom;
- može ocjenjivati ustavnost zakona te ustavnost i zakonitost drugih propisa koji su prestali važiti ako od tog prestanka do podnošenja zahtjeva ili prijedloga za pokretanje postupka nije prošlo više od godine dana,
- odlučuje povodom ustavnih tužbi protiv pojedinačnih odluka državnih tijela, tijela jedinica lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave te pravnih osoba s javnim ovlastima kad su tim odlukama povrijeđena ljudska prava i temeljne slobode, kao i pravo na lokalnu i područnu (regionalnu) samoupravu zajamčeni Ustavom Republike Hrvatske,
- prati ostvarivanje ustavnosti i zakonitosti te o uočenim pojavama neustavnosti I nezakonitosti izvješćuje Hrvatski sabor
- rješava sukob nadležnosti između tijela zakonodavne, izvršne i sudbene vlasti;
- odlučuje, u skladu s Ustavom, o odgovornosti predsjednika Republike;
- nadzire ustavnost programa I djelovanja političkih stranaka i može, u skladu s Ustavom, zabraniti njihov rad;
- nadzire ustavnost i zakonitost izbora i državnog referenduma i rješava izborne sporove koji nisu u djelokrugu sudova;
- obavlja druge poslove određene Ustavom. (Članak 125)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishA Land law may assign the decision of constitutional disputes within a Land to the Federal Constitutional Court, and the final decision in matters involving the application of Land law to the supreme courts specified in paragraph (1) of Article 95. (Art. 99)
- GermanDem Bundesverfassungsgerichte kann durch Landesgesetz die Entscheidung von Verfassungsstreitigkeiten innerhalb eines Landes, den in Artikel 95 Abs. 1 genannten obersten Gerichtshöfen für den letzten Rechtszug die Entscheidung in solchen Sachen zugewiesen werden, bei denen es sich um die Anwendung von Landesrecht handelt. (Art. 99)