The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Cabo Verde
- English1. Everyone shall have the freedom to learn, to educate and to teach.
2. The freedom to learn, to educate and to teach encompasses:
a) The right to attend teaching and education institutions and to teach there without any discrimination, under the terms of the law;
b) The right to choose a field of education and training;
c) The prohibition of the State to plan education and teaching in accordance with any philosophical, esthetic, political, ideological or religious guidelines;
… (Art. 50) - Portuguese1. Todos têm a liberdade de aprender, de educar e de ensinar.
2. A liberdade de aprender, de educar e de ensinar compreende:
a) O direito de frequentar estabelecimentos de ensino e de educação e de neles ensinar sem qualquer discriminação, nos termos da lei;
b) O direito de escolher o ramo de ensino e a formação;
c) A proibição de o Estado programar a educação e o ensino segundo quaisquer directrizes filosóficas, estéticas, políticas, ideológicas ou religiosas;
… (Art. 50)
Cabo Verde
- English1. Everyone shall have the right to education.
2. Education, achieved through school, the family and through other agents, must:
d) Contribute to the equality of opportunity in accessing material, social and cultural goods;
3. In order to guarantee the right to education, the State shall specifically have the responsibility:
a) To guarantee the right to equality of opportunities with respect to access and educational success;
b) To promote, encourage and organize pre-school education;
c) To guarantee mandatory, universal and free basic education, the duration of which shall be determined by law;
d) To promote the elimination of illiteracy and to promote permanent education;
e) To promote higher education, taking into consideration the needs within qualified frameworks and the raising of the educational, cultural and scientific level of the country;
f) To create conditions for everyone’s access, according to their abilities, to diverse levels of education, to scientific research and to artistic education and creation;
… (Art. 78) - Portuguese1. Todos têm direito à educação.
2. A educação, realizada através da escola, da família e de outros agentes, deve:
d) Contribuir para a igualdade de oportunidade no acesso a bens materiais, sociais e culturais;
3. Para garantir o direito à educação, incumbe ao Estado, designadamente:
a) Garantir o direito à igualdade de oportunidades de acesso e de êxito escolar;
b) Promover, incentivar e organizar a educação pré-escolar;
c) Garantir o ensino básico obrigatório, universal e gratuito, cuja duração será fixada por lei;
d) Promover a eliminação do analfabetismo e a educação permanente;
e) Promover a educação superior, tendo em conta as necessidades em quadros qualificados e a elevação do nível educativo, cultural e científico do país;
f) Criar condições para o acesso de todos, segundo as suas capacidades, aos diversos graus de ensino, à investigação científica e à educação e criação artísticas;
… (Art. 78)