The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- EnglishThe children born in or out of matrimony and the adopted [ones], have equal rights before their parents. [It] is the obligation of these to give their children protection, assistance, education and security.
… (Art. 36) - SpanishLos hijos nacidos dentro o fuera de matrimonio y los adoptivos, tienen iguales derechos frente a sus padres. Es obligación de éstos dar a sus hijos protección, asistencia, educación y seguridad.
… (Art. 36)
- English(1) Every child is entitled to free primary and secondary education in schools owned or funded by the State.
(2) The right conferred in paragraph (1) does not imply a right to free education at a specific school.
(3) Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of paragraph (1) to the extent that the law in question makes provision for standards or qualifications, not being standards or qualifications which are discriminatory within the meaning of article 149(2), to be required for admission to a specific school. (Art. 149H)
- English…
2. Subject to sections 18 and 49, and to subsections (9) and (12) of this section, and save only as may be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society-
a. this Chapter3 guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in subsections (3) and (6) of this section and in sections 14, 15, 16 and 17; and
b. Parliament shall pass no law and no organ of the State shall take any action which abrogates, abridges or infringes those rights.
3. The rights and freedoms referred to in subsection (2) are as follows-
k. the right of every child-
ii. who is a citizen of Jamaica, to publicly funded tuition in a public educational institution at the pre-primary and primary levels;
13. In this section "public educational institution" means an all-age school, a pre-primary school or a primary school that is maintained or assisted by the Government. (Sec. 13)
- EnglishAll persons have [the] right to [a] complete [integral] and permanent education, which[,] as a system and [a] process[,] is accomplished within the context of the culture of the community. Its goals [fines] are the full development of the human personality and the promotion of freedom and peace, social justice, solidarity, cooperation and the integration of the peoples; the respect for human rights and the democratic principles; the affirmation of the commitment to the Fatherland [Patria], to the cultural identity and the intellectual, moral, and civic training, as well as the elimination of the educational contents of a discriminatory character.
The eradication of illiteracy and the preparation [capacitación] for work are permanent objectives of the educational system. (Art. 73) - SpanishToda persona tiene derecho a la educación integral y permanente, que como sistema y proceso se realiza en el contexto de la cultura de la comunidad. Sus fines son el desarrollo pleno de la personalidad humana y la promoción de la libertad y la paz, la justicia social, la solidaridad, la cooperación y la integración de los pueblos; el respeto a los derechos humanos y los principios democráticos; la afirmación del compromiso con la Patria, de la identidad cultural y la formación intelectual, moral y cívica, así como la eliminación de los contenidos educativos de carácter discriminatorio.
La erradicación del analfabetismo y la capacitación para el trabajo son objetivos permanentes del sistema educativo. (Art. 73)
- EnglishThe care and education of children, so that they may attain their fullest physical, intellectual, and social capacity, is the duty and the right of parents. … (Art. 41)
- SpanishEl cuidado y educación de los hijos para que éstos alcancen su plena capacidad corporal, intelectual y social, es un deber y un derecho de los padres. ... (Art. 41)
- EnglishI. Education is unitary, public, universal, democratic, participatory, communitarian, decolonizing and of quality.
II. Education is intra-cultural, inter-cultural and multi-lingual throughout the entire educational system.
III. The educational system is based on education that is open, humanistic, scientific, technical and technological, productive, territorial, theoretical and practical, liberating and revolutionary, critical and supportive.
IV. The State guarantees vocational education and humanist technical learning for men and women, which is related to life, work and productive development. (Art. 78) - SpanishI. La educación es unitaria, pública, universal, democrática, participativa, comunitaria, descolonizadora y de calidad.
II. La educación es intracultural, intercultural y plurilingüe en todo el sistema educativo.
III. El sistema educativo se fundamenta en una educación abierta, humanista, científica, técnica y tecnológica, productiva, territorial, teórica y práctica, liberadora y revolucionaria, crítica y solidaria.
IV. El Estado garantiza la educación vocacional y la enseñanza técnica humanística, para hombres y mujeres, relacionada con la vida, el trabajo y el desarrollo productivo. (Art. 78)
- English
The duty of the State towards education shall be fulfilled by ensuring the following:
I – mandatory basic education, free of charge, for every individual from the age of 4 (four) through the age of 17 (seventeen), including the assurance of its free offer to all those who did not have access to it at the proper age;
II – progressive universalization of the free high-school education;
III – specialized schooling for the handicapped, preferably in the regular school system;
IV – infant education to children of up to 5 (five) years of age in day-care centers and pre-schools;
V – access to higher levels of education, research and artistic creation according to individual capacity;
VI – provision of regular night courses adequate to the conditions of the student;
VII – assistance to students in all grades of basic education, by means of supplementary programmes providing school materials, transportation, food, and health care.
Paragraph 1. The access to compulsory and free education is a subjective public right.
Paragraph 2. The competent authority shall be liable for the failure of the Government in providing compulsory education, or providing it irregularly.
Paragraph 3. The Government has the power to take a census of elementary school students, call them for enrollment and ensure that parents or guardians see to their children’s attendance to school. (Art. 208) - Portuguese
O dever do Estado com a educação será efetivado mediante a garantia de:
I - educação básica obrigatória e gratuita dos 4 (quatro) aos 17 (dezessete) anos de idade, assegurada inclusive sua oferta gratuita para todos os que a ela não tiveram acesso na idade própria;
II - progressiva universalização do ensino médio gratuito;
III - atendimento educacional especializado aos portadores de deficiência, preferencialmente na rede regular de ensino;
IV - educação infantil, em creche e pré-escola, às crianças até 5 (cinco) anos de idade;
V - acesso aos níveis mais elevados do ensino, da pesquisa e da criação artística, segundo a capacidade de cada um;
VI - oferta de ensino noturno regular, adequado às condições do educando;
VII - atendimento ao educando, em todas as etapas da educação básica, por meio de programas suplementares de material didáticoescolar, transporte, alimentação e assistência à saúde.
§ 1º - O acesso ao ensino obrigatório e gratuito é direito público subjetivo.
§ 2º - O não-oferecimento do ensino obrigatório pelo Poder Público, ou sua oferta irregular, importa responsabilidade da autoridade competente.
§ 3º - Compete ao Poder Público recensear os educandos no ensino fundamental, fazer-lhes a chamada e zelar, junto aos pais ou responsáveis, pela freqüência à escola. (Art. 208)
- English…
Mothers and fathers have essential responsibilities and roles in the holistic education and upbringing them as citizens with moral, ethical, and civic values in correspondence with life within our socialist society.
… (Art. 84) - Spanish…
Las madres y los padres tienen responsabilidades y funciones esenciales en la educación y formación integral de las nuevas generaciones en los valores morales, éticos y cívicos, en correspondencia con la vida en nuestra sociedad socialista.
… (Art. 84)
- EnglishNo educational establishment may refuse to admit students for reasons of the nature of the union of their parents or guardians, or for social, religious, racial, or political differences. (Art. 58)
- SpanishNingún establecimiento de educación podrá negarse a admitir alumnos por motivos de la naturaleza de la unión de sus progenitores o guardadores, ni por diferencias sociales, religiosas, raciales o políticas. (Art. 58)
- EnglishAgricultural, vocational and technical education is a responsibility taken by the State and the territorial collectivities. (Art. 32-4)
- FrenchL'enseignement agricole, professionnel et technique est pris en charge par l'État et les collectivités territoriales. (Art. 32.4)