The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- EnglishFreedom of education shall be guaranteed.
Primary education is compulsory and shall be financed from public funds.
The state shall create the opportunities for citizens to obtain a proper education. (Art. 57) - SloveneIzobraževanje je svobodno.
Osnovnošolsko izobraževanje je obvezno in se financira iz javnih sredstev.
Država ustvarja možnosti, da si državljani lahko pridobijo ustrezno izobrazbo. (57. Člen)
- English…
3. All persons within the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall enjoy the human rights and fundamental freedoms referred to in paragraph 2 above; these include:
l) The right to education.
… (Art. II) - Bosnian…
3. Sva lica na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine uživaju ljudska prava i slobode iz stava 2. ovog člana, što uključuje:
l) Pravo na obrazovanje.
… (Član II) - Croatian…
3. Sve osobe na teritoriju Bosne i Hercegovine uživaju ljudska prava i temeljne slobode iz ovog članka, stavak 2 što uključuje:
l) Pravo na obrazovanje.
… (Članak II) - Serbian…
3. Сва лица на територији Босне и Херцеговине уживају људска права и основне слободе из става 2 овог члана, а она обухватају:
l) л) Право на образовање.
… (Члан II)
- English
It is the duty and right of parents to support, raise and educate their children, even if born out of wedlock.
… (Art. 30) - Italian
È dovere e diritto dei genitori mantenere, istruire ed educare i figli, anche se nati fuori del matrimonio.
… (Art. 30)
- English
(3) The organic laws shall govern:
k) general organisation of the education system;
… (Art. 72) - Moldovian
(3) Prin lege organică se reglementează:
(k) organizarea generală a învăţămîntului;
… (Art. 72)
- English1. The state shall create a network of public education establishments that covers the needs of the whole population.
… (Art. 75) - Portuguese1. O Estado criará uma rede de estabelecimentos públicos de ensino que cubra as necessidades de toda a população.
… (Art. 75)
- English1 The Confederation and the Cantons shall, as a complement to personal responsibility and private initiative, endeavour to ensure that:
f. children and young people as well as persons of employable age can obtain an education and undergo basic and advanced training in accordance with their abilities;
… (Art. 41) - French1 La Confédération et les cantons s’engagent, en complément de la responsabilité individuelle et de l’initiative privée, à ce que:
f. les enfants et les jeunes, ainsi que les personnes en âge de travailler puissent bénéficier d’une formation initiale et d’une formation continue correspondant à leurs aptitudes;
… (Art. 41) - German1 Bund und Kantone setzen sich in Ergänzung zu persönlicher Verantwortung und privater Initiative dafür ein, dass:
f. Kinder und Jugendliche sowie Personen im erwerbsfähigen Alter sich nach ihren Fähigkeiten bilden, aus- und weiterbilden können;
… (Art. 41) - Italian1 A complemento della responsabilità e dell’iniziativa private, la Confederazione e i Cantoni si adoperano affinché:
f. i fanciulli e gli adolescenti nonché le persone in età lavorativa possano istruirsi e perfezionarsi secondo le loro capacità;
… (Art. 41)
- EnglishAll children of school age shall be entitled to free instruction in primary schools. Parents or guardians making their own arrangements for their children or wards to receive instruction equivalent to the general primary school standard shall not be obliged to have their children or wards taught in a publicly provided school. (Sec. 76)
- DanishAlle børn i den undervisningspligtige alder har ret til fri undervisning i folkeskolen. Forældre eller værger, der selv sørger for, at børnene får en undervisning, der kan stå mål med, hvad der almindeligvis kræves i folkeskolen, er ikke pligtige at lade børnene undervise i folkeskolen. (§ 76)
- EnglishThe State shall devote special attention to education and schooling. Education and schooling shall be designed and administered so that, through the cooperation of family, school and church, the members of the younger generation are endowed with religious and moral learning, patriotic attitudes, and skills for their future occupations. (Art. 15)
- GermanDer Staat wendet seine besondere Sorgfalt dem Erziehungs- und Bildungswesen zu. Dieses ist so einzurichten und zu verwalten, dass aus dem Zusammenwirken von Familie, Schule und Kirche der heranwachsenden Jugend eine religiös-sittliche Bildung, vaterländische Gesinnung und künftige berufliche Tüchtigkeit zu eigen wird. (Art. 15)
- English…
Parents have the right and duty to provide for the nurturing and education of their children.
… (Art. 40) - Macedonian…
Родителите имаат право и должност да се грижат за издржување и воспитување на децата.
… (Член 40)
- English(1) Parliament passes constitutional, organic, and ordinary laws.
(3) Organic laws shall regulate:
n) the general organisation of education;
… (Art. 73) - Romanian(1) Parlamentul adoptă legi constituţionale, legi organice şi legi ordinare.
(3) Prin lege organică se reglementează:
n) organizarea generală a învăţământului;
… (Art. 73)