The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- English
The Republic shall lay down general rules for education and shall establish State schools of all types and levels.
… (Art. 33) - Italian
La Repubblica detta le norme generali sull'istruzione ed istituisce scuole statali per tutti gli ordini e gradi.
… (Art. 33)
- EnglishMonegasques are entitled to free primary and secondary education. (Art. 27)
- FrenchLes Monégasques ont droit à l'instruction gratuite, primaire et secondaire. (Art. 27)
- English1. The regime governing access to university and the other higher education institutions shall guarantee equal opportunities in and the democratisation of the education system, and must have due regard to the country's needs for qualified staff and to raising its educational, cultural and scientific level.
… (Art. 76) - Portuguese1. O regime de acesso à Universidade e às demais instituições do ensino superior garante a igualdade de oportunidades e a democratização do sistema de ensino, devendo ter em conta as necessidades em quadros qualificados e a elevação do nível educativo, cultural e científico do país.
… (Art. 76)
- English(1) Everyone has the right to education. …
(2) Education shall aim at the full development of human personality with due respect for the democratic principles of coexistence and for basic rights and freedoms.
(4) Elementary education is compulsory and free.
(5) The public authorities guarantee the right of all to education, through general education programming, with the effective participation of all sectors concerned and the setting-up of educational centres.
(8) The public authorities shall inspect and standardise the educational system in order to ensure compliance with the law.
... (Sec. 27) - Spanish1. Todos tienen el derecho a la educación. …
2. La educación tendrá por objeto el pleno desarrollo de la personalidad humana en el respeto a los principios democráticos de convivencia y a los derechos y libertades fundamentales.
4. La enseñanza básica es obligatoria y gratuita.
5. Los poderes públicos garantizan el derecho de todos a la educación, mediante una programación general de la enseñanza, con participación efectiva de todos los sectores afectados y la creación de centros docentes.
8. Los poderes públicos inspeccionarán y homologarán el sistema educativo para garantizar el cumplimiento de las leyes.
... (Art. 27)
- English1 The Confederation and the Cantons shall, within the scope of their powers, jointly ensure the high quality and accessibility of the Swiss Education Area.
3 They shall ensure in the fulfilment of their duties that general and vocational courses of study achieve equal recognition in society. (Art. 61a) - French1 Dans les limites de leurs compétences respectives, la Confédération et les cantons veillent ensemble à la qualité et à la perméabilité de l’espace suisse de formation.
3 Dans l’exécution de leurs tâches, ils s’emploient à ce que les filières de formation générale et les voies de formation professionnelle trouvent une reconnaissance sociale équivalente. (Art. 61a) - German1 Bund und Kantone sorgen gemeinsam im Rahmen ihrer Zuständigkeiten für eine hohe Qualität und Durchlässigkeit des Bildungsraumes Schweiz.
3 Sie setzen sich bei der Erfüllung ihrer Aufgaben dafür ein, dass allgemein bildende und berufsbezogene Bildungswege eine gleichwertige gesellschaftliche Anerkennung finden. (Art. 61a) - Italian1 La Confederazione e i Cantoni provvedono insieme nell’ambito delle rispettive competenze a un’elevata qualità e permeabilità dello spazio formativo svizzero.
3 Nell’adempimento dei loro compiti, la Confederazione e i Cantoni s’impegnano altresì affinché le vie della formazione generale e quelle della formazione professionale trovino un riconoscimento equivalente nella società. (Art. 61a)
- EnglishEveryone has the right to education. Education for school-age children is compulsory to the extent specified by the law, and is free of charge in general schools established by the national government and by local authorities.
In order to make education accessible, the national government and local authorities maintain a requisite number of educational institutions. Other educational institutions, including private schools, may also be established and maintained pursuant to the law.
Parents have the deciding say in the choice of education for their children.
The provision of education is overseen by the national government. (Sec. 37) - EstonianIgaühel on õigus haridusele. Õppimine on kooliealistel lastel seadusega määratud ulatuses kohustuslik ning riigi ja kohalike omavalitsuste üldhariduskoolides õppemaksuta.
Et teha haridus kättesaadavaks, peavad riik ja kohalikud omavalitsused ülal vajalikul arvul õppeasutusi. Seaduse alusel võib avada ja pidada ka muid õppeasutusi, sealhulgas erakoole.
Laste hariduse valikul on otsustav sõna vanematel.
Hariduse andmine on riigi järelevalve all. (§ 37)
- English1) The entire system of education and instruction shall be under the supervision of the State, without prejudice to the inviolability of church teachings.
2) Education shall be universal and compulsory.
3) The State shall ensure that adequate compulsory instruction in the elementary subjects is given free of charge in public schools.
5) Nobody shall allow young persons in their charge to leave school without the degree of schooling prescribed for public elementary schools.
… (Art. 16) - German1) Das gesamte Erziehungs- und Unterrichtswesen steht, unbeschadet der Unantastbarkeit der kirchlichen Lehre, unter staatlicher Aufsicht.
2) Es besteht allgemeine Schulpflicht.
3) Der Staat sorgt dafür, dass der obligatorische Unterricht in den Elementarfächern in genügendem Ausmass in öffentlichen Schulen unentgeltlich erteilt wird.
5) Niemand darf die unter seiner Aufsicht stehende Jugend ohne den für die öffentlichen Elementarschulen vorgeschriebenen Grad von Unterricht lassen.
… (Art. 16)
North Macedonia
- EnglishEveryone has a right to education. Education is accessible to everyone under equal conditions. Primary education is compulsory and free. (Art. 44)
- MacedonianСекој има право на образование. Образованието е достапно на секого под еднакви услови. Основното образование е задолжително и бесплатно. (Член 44)
Russian Federation
- English1. The Government of the Russian Federation:
c) shall ensure the implementation in the Russian Federation of a uniform socially-oriented State policy in the sphere of … education,
… (Art. 114) - Russian1. Правительство Российской Федерации:
в) обеспечивает проведение в Российской Федерации единой социально ориентированной государственной политики в области ... образования,
… (Статья 114)
- EnglishThe following are determined exclusively by the laws of Ukraine:
6) … education
… (Art. 92) - UkrainianВиключно законами України визначаються:
6) … засади регулювання … освіти
… (Стаття 92)