The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- EnglishParents shall bear responsibility for the upbringing, support and education of their children, and they shall have the right and freedom to make independent decisions concerning the upbringing of their children.
… (Art. 63) - CroatianRoditelji su dužni odgajati, uzdržavati i školovati djecu te imaju pravo i slobodu da samostalno odlučuju o odgoju djece.
… (Članak 63)
- English1. Education is a primordial duty of the State. All citizens have the right to primary education, which is obligatory, gratuitous, and guaranteed.
2. The attainment [alcance] of the non-gratuity of education is established by the law.
… (Art. 24) - Spanish1. La educación es un deber primordial del Estado. Todo ciudadano tiene derecho a la educación primaria, que es obligatoria, gratuita y garantizada.
2. El alcance de la gratuidad de la educación se fija por la ley.
… (Art. 24) - French1. L'éducation est un devoir primordial de l'État. Tout citoyen a droit à l'éducation primaire qui est obligatoire, gratuite et garantie.
2. La loi fixe la portée de la gratuité de l'éducation.
… (Art. 24)
- EnglishThe State orients, fosters, and promotes education, the sciences, and culture in all of their forms.
In its educational, scientific, and cultural policy, the State abides by the following tenets:
b. Teaching is a function of the State; it is secular, and based on the contributions of science and on the principles and values of our society;
c. Education promotes knowledge of the nation's history and develops a high level of ethical, moral, civic, and patriotic values;
… (Art. 32) - SpanishEl Estado orienta, fomenta y promueve la educación, las ciencias y la cultura en todas sus manifestaciones.
En su política educativa, científica y cultural se atiene a los postulados siguientes:
b) la enseñanza es función del Estado, es laica y se basa en los aportes de la ciencia y en los principios y valores de nuestra sociedad;
c) la educación promueve el conocimiento de la historia de la nación y desarrolla una alta formación de valores éticos, morales, cívicos y patrióticos;
… (Art. 32)
- English
Education shall be open to everyone.
Primary education, given for at least eight years, shall be compulsory and free.
Capable and deserving pupils, including those lacking financial resources, shall have the right to attain the highest levels of education.
The Republic shall render this right effective through scholarships, allowances to families and other benefits, which shall be assigned through competitive examinations. (Art. 34) - Italian
La scuola è aperta a tutti.
L'istruzione inferiore, impartita per almeno otto anni, è obbligatoria e gratuita.
I capaci e meritevoli, anche se privi di mezzi, hanno diritto di raggiungere i gradi più alti degli studi.
La Repubblica rende effettivo questo diritto con borse di studio, assegni alle famiglie ed altre provvidenze, che devono essere attribuite per concorso. (Art. 34)
- English1. All citizens have the right and the duty to education.
2. The State shall gradually promote the gratuity and the equal opportunity of citizens’ access to the diverse levels of education.
… (Art. 49) - Portuguese1 - Todo o cidadão tem o direito e o dever da educação.
2 - O Estado promove gradualmente a gratuitidade e a igual possibilidade de acesso de todos os cidadãos aos diversos graus de ensino.
... (Art. 49)
- EnglishPublic education shall be free of charge and the State shall fund it on a timely, regular and sufficient basis. The distribution of resources earmarked for education shall be governed by the criteria of social, demographic, and territorial equity, among others.
The State shall fund special education and shall be able to financially support mixed public and religious education, arts and crafts, and community education, as long as they abide by the principles of an education that is free of charge, mandatory and ensuring equality of opportunities, are held accountable for the results of education and the management of public resources, and are duly qualified in accordance with the law. Educational institutions that receive public funding shall be non-profit entities.
… (Art. 348) - SpanishLa educación pública será gratuita y el Estado la financiará de manera oportuna, regular y suficiente. La distribución de los recursos destinados a la educación se regirá por criterios de equidad social, poblacional y territorial, entre otros.
El Estado financiará la educación especial y podrá apoyar financieramente a la educación fiscomisional, artesanal y comunitaria, siempre que cumplan con los principios de gratuidad, obligatoriedad e igualdad de oportunidades, rindan cuentas de sus resultados educativos y del manejo de los recursos públicos, y estén debidamente calificadas, de acuerdo con la ley. Las instituciones educativas que reciban financiamiento público no tendrán fines de lucro.
… (Art. 348)
- English…
Parents shall be obliged to take care of their children, to bring them up and educate them.
… (Art. 72) - Montenegrin…
Roditelji su obavezni da brinu o djeci, da ih vaspitavaju i školuju.
… (Član 72)
- English
[The following] are of the domain of the law:
- the general rules related to education
… (Art. 57) - Arabic
تدخل في مجال القانون:
- القواعد العامة المتعلّقة بالتّعليم
... (المادة 57) - French
Sont du domaine de la loi :
- les règles générales relatives à l'enseignement
… (Art. 57)
- English(1) Every citizen has the right to free education from nursery to university as well as at non-formal places where opportunities are provided for education and training.
… (Art. 27)
- English(1) The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them.
(2) No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liability, restriction or condition with regard to—
(a) access to shops, public restaurants, hotels and places of public entertainment; or
(b) the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads and places of public resort maintained wholly or partly out of State funds or dedicated to the use of the general public.
(6) Nothing in this article or sub-clause (g) of clause (1) of article 19 or clause (2) of article 29 shall prevent the State from making,—
(b) any special provision for the advancement of any economically weaker sections of citizens other than the classes mentioned in clauses (4) and (5) in so far as such special provisions relate to their admission to educational institutions including private educational institutions, whether aided or unaided by the State, other than the minority educational institutions referred to in clause (1) of article 30, which in the case of reservation would be in addition to the existing reservations and subject to a maximum of ten per cent. of the total seats in each category. (Art. 15) - Hindi(1) राज्य, किसी नागरिक के विरुद्ध केवल धर्म, मूलवंश, जाति, लिंग, जन्मस्थान या इनमें से किसी के आधार पर कोई विभेद नहीं करेगा।
(2) कोई नागरिक केवल धर्म, मूलवंश, जाति, लिंग, जन्मस्थान या इनमें से किसी के आधार पर निम्नलिखित के संबंध में किसी भी निर्योग्यता, दायित्व, निर्बंधन या शर्त के अधीन नहीं होगा—
(क) दुकानों, सार्वजनिक भोजनालयों, होटलों और सार्वजनिक मनोरंजन के स्थानों में प्रवेश; या
(ख) पूर्णत: या भागत: राज्य-निधि से पोषित या साधारण जनता के प्रयोग के लिए समर्पित कुओं, तालाबों, स्नानघाटों, सड़कों और सार्वजनिक समागम के स्थानों के उपयोग।
(6) इस अनुच्छेद या अनुच्छेद 19 के खंड (1) के उपखंड (छ) या अनुच्छेद 29 के खंड (2) में कोई बात राज्य को निम्नलिखित प्रावधान करने से निवारित नहीं करेगी,—
(ख) खंड (4) और (5) में उल्लिखित श्रेणियों के अतिरिक्त नागरिकों के किन्हीं आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर वर्गों की उन्नति के लिए कोई विशेष प्रावधान जहां तक ऐसे विशेष प्रावधान अनुच्छेद 30 के खंड (1) में निर्दिष्ट अल्पसंख्यक शिक्षा संस्थाओं से भिन्न, शिक्षा संस्थाओं में, जिनके अंतर्गत प्राइवेट शिक्षा संस्थाएं भी हैं, चाहे वे राज्य से सहायता प्राप्त हों या नहीं, प्रवेश से संबंधित हैं, जो आरक्षण के मामले में वर्तमान आरक्षण के अतिरिक्त होगा और प्रत्येक श्रणी में कुल सीटों के अधिकतम दस प्रतिशत के शर्ताधीन होगा। (अनुच्छेद 15)