The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
Work is a duty and a right. It is the basis of social well-being and a means of realization of the person. (Art. 22)
- Spanish
El trabajo es un deber y un derecho. Es base del bienestar social y un medio de realización de la persona. (Art. 22)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe Argentine Nation admits neither blood nor birth prerogatives: there are neither personal privileges nor titles of nobility. All its inhabitants are equal before the law, and admissible to employment without any other requirement than their ability. … (Sec. 16)
- SpanishLa Nación Argentina no admite prerrogativas de sangre, ni de nacimiento: no hay en ella fueros personales ni títulos de nobleza. Todos sus habitantes son iguales ante la ley, y admisibles en los empleos sin otra condición que la idoneidad. … (Art. 16)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English1. Everyone has the right to work, in accordance with his capacities.
2. The duty to work is inseparably linked to the right to work.
3. Everyone has the right of free choice of profession and work, except for regulations imposed by law.
4. Everyone has the right of initiative for economic production. (Art. 26) - Dutch1. Een ieder heeft het recht op werk, in overeenstemming met zijn capaciteit.
2. De plicht om te werken is onlosmakelijk verbonden aan het recht op werk.
3. Een ieder heeft het recht van vrije keuze van beroep en werk, behoudens bepalingen, opgelegd bij wet.
4. Een ieder heeft recht op initiatief voor economische produktie. (Art. 26)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
The Union has the exclusive power to legislate on:
I – … labour law;
XVI – the organization of the national employment system and conditions for the practice of professions;
… (Art. 22) - Portuguese
Compete privativamente à União legislar sobre:
I - … trabalho;
XVI - organização do sistema nacional de emprego e condições para o exercício de profissões;
… (Art. 22)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
Until such time as the complementary law referred to in art. 7, I, of this Constitution is enacted:
II. arbitrary dismissal or dismissal without just cause is prohibited:
b. for a pregnant employee, from the date the pregnancy is confirmed until five months after birth.
§1°. Until the law regulates the provisions of art. 7, XIX, of the Constitution, the period of paternity leave referred to in the subparagraph shall be five days.
… (Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act 1988, Art. 10) - Portuguese
Até que seja promulgada a lei complementar a que se refere o art. 7º, I, da Constituição:
II – fica vedada a dispensa arbitrária ou sem justa causa:
b) da empregada gestante, desde a confirmação da gravidez até cinco meses após o parto.
§ 1º Até que a lei venha a disciplinar o disposto no art. 7º, XIX, da Constituição, o prazo da licençapaternidade a que se refere o inciso é de cinco dias.
… (Ato das Disposições Constitucionais Transitórias 1988, Art. 10)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe laws will give special protection to the women and the minors in their work. (Art. 71)
- SpanishLas leyes darán protección especial a las mujeres y a los menores de edad en su trabajo. (Art. 71)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe right to social security is a right of all persons and it cannot be waived, and it shall be the State that must bear the prime duty and responsibility for this right. Social security shall be governed by the principles of solidarity, obligation, universality, equity, efficiency, subsidiarity, adequacy, transparency and participation, to meet individual and collective needs.
The State shall guarantee and ensure the full and effective exercise of the right to social security, which includes persons who carry out unpaid work in households, livelihood activities in the rural sector, all forms of self-employed and who are unemployed. (Art. 34) - SpanishEI derecho a la seguridad social es un derecho irrenunciable de todas las personas, y será deber y responsabilidad primordial del Estado. La seguridad social se regirá por los principios de solidaridad, obligatoriedad, universalidad, equidad, eficiencia, subsidiaridad, suficiencia, transparencia y participación, para la atención de las necesidades individuales y colectivas.
El Estado garantizará y hará efectivo el ejercicio pleno del derecho a la seguridad social, que incluye a las personas que realizan trabajo no remunerado en los hogares, actividades para el auto sustento en el campo, toda forma de trabajo autónomo y a quienes se encuentran en situación de desempleo. (Art. 34)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe law will regulate the conditions that must be met by workshops, factories, and work sites [locales].
The State will maintain a technical inspection service in charge of [encargado] seeing that the legal norms of labor, assistance, pension, and social security are strictly complied with, in order to verify their results and to suggest the pertinent reforms. (Art. 44) - SpanishLa ley reglamentará las condiciones que deban reunir los talleres, fábricas y locales de trabajo.
El Estado mantendrá un servicio de inspección técnica encargado de velar por el fiel cumplimiento de las normas legales de trabajo, asistencia, previsión y seguridad social, a fin de comprobar sus resultados y sugerir las reformas pertinentes. (Art. 44)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishNo person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his or her right to work, that is to say, the right to free choice of employment. (Art. 149A)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
Nicaraguans have the right to work in accordance with their [su] human nature. (Art. 57)
- Spanish
Los nicaragüenses tienen el derecho al trabajo acorde con su naturaleza humana. (Art. 57)