The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishA system of professional training [formación] is established for the preparation and qualification of [the] human resources.
The law will regulate the scope, extent and form in which the system will be put into force.
The contract of apprenticeship will be regulated by the law, with the objective of assuring the apprentice training for an occupation [oficio], dignified treatment, equitable remuneration, and benefits for pension [previsión] and social security. (Art. 40) - SpanishSe establece un sistema de formación profesional para la capacitación y calificación de los recursos humanos.
La ley regulará los alcances, extensión y forma en que el sistema debe ser puesto en vigor.
El contrato de aprendizaje será regulado por la ley, con el objeto de asegurar al aprendiz enseñanza de un oficio, tratamiento digno, retribución equitativa y beneficios de previsión y seguridad social. (Art. 40)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe Guatemalans have the right to opt for public employment or office and to do so only their capabilities, fitness, and honesty will be taken into account. (Art. 113)
- SpanishLos guatemaltecos tienen derecho a optar a empleos o cargos públicos y para su otorgamiento no se atenderá más que a razones fundadas en méritos de capacidad, idoneidad y honradez. (Art. 113)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe law shall determine which employers, according to their capital and the total number of workers, shall be required to provide them and their families with educational, health, housing and other services. (Art. 141)
- SpanishLa Ley determinará los patronos que por el monto de su capital o el número de sus trabajadores, estarán obligados a proporcionar a éstos y a sus familias, servicios de educación, salud, vivienda o de otra naturaleza. (Art. 141)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishMotherhood of the working woman is protected. The pregnant woman may not be separated from her public or private employment for this reason. For a minimum of six weeks prior to confinement and eight weeks thereafter, she is entitled to rest with the same remuneration that she was receiving, and her job shall be kept for her, as well as all the rights inherent to her contract. Upon returning to work, the mother may not be dismissed for one year, except in special cases prescribed by law, which shall in addition, regulate the special working conditions of the pregnant woman. (Art. 72)
- SpanishSe protege la maternidad de la mujer trabajadora. La que esté en estado de gravidez no podrá ser separada de su empleo público o particular por esta causa. Durante un mínimo de seis semanas precedentes al parto y las ocho que le siguen, gozará de descanso forzoso retribuido del mismo modo que su trabajo y conservará el empleo y todos los derechos correspondientes a su contrato. AI reincorporarse la madre trabajadora a su empleo no podrá ser despedida por el término de un año, salvo en casos especiales previstos en la Ley, la cual reglamentará además, las condiciones especiales de trabajo de la mujer en estado de preñez. (Art. 72)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
Work, in its diverse modalities, is [an] object of priority attention of the State, which especially protects the mother, the minor and the disabled who work.
The State promotes [promueve] conditions for social and economic progress, especially through policies of promotion [fomento] of productive employment and of education for work.
No labor relation may limit the exercise of the constitutional rights, nor disregard or disrespect [rebajar] the dignity of the worker.
No one is obligated to take work without payment or without his free consent. (Art. 23) - Spanish
El trabajo, en sus diversas modalidades, es objeto de atención prioritaria del Estado, el cual protege especialmente a la madre, al menor de edad y al impedido que trabajan.
El Estado promueve condiciones para el progreso social y económico, en especial mediante políticas de fomento del empleo productivo y de educación para el trabajo.
Ninguna relación laboral puede limitar el ejercicio de los derechos constitucionales, ni desconocer o rebajar la dignidad del trabajador.
Nadie está obligado a prestar trabajo sin retribución o sin su libre consentimiento. (Art. 23)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English1. Subject to the provision of paragraph (4), (5) and (9) of this Article no law shall make any provision which is discriminatory either of itself or in its effect.
3. In this Article, the expression “discriminatory” means affording different treatment to different person attributable wholly or mainly to their respective descriptions by race, place of origin political opinions colour or creed whereby person of one such description are subjected to disabilities or restrictions to which person of another such description are not made subject or are accorded privileges or advantages which are not accorded to persons of another such description.
4. Paragraph (1) of this Article shall not apply to any law so far as that law makes provision-
b. with respect to the entry into or exclusion from, or the employment, engaging in any business or profession, movement of residence within, The Bahamas of persons who are not citizens of The Bahamas;
… (Art. 26)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English1. It shall be the duty of the State to guarantee the right to work, as much as possible by:
a. Following a planned policy, aimed at full employment;
b. Forbidding the discharge without sufficient cause or for political or ideological reasons;
c. Guaranteeing equal opportunity in the choice of profession and type of work and forbidding that access to any function or profession by prevented or limited on grounds of sex;
d. Promoting professional training for employees.
2. The State shall take care of the creation of conditions for the optimal promotion of initiatives for economic production. (Art. 27) - Dutch1. Het is de plicht van de Staat om het recht op werk zoveel mogelijk te waarborgen door:
a. een planmatige beleid te voeren, gericht op volledige werkgelegenheid;
b. ontslag zonder gegronde redenen of om politieke of ideologische gronden te verbieden;
c. gelijkheid van kansen bij de keuze van beroep en soort werk te garanderen, alsmede te verbieden dat toegang tot enige functie of beroep wordt verhinderd of beperkt op grond van iemands geslacht;
d. beroepsopleiding voor werknemers te bevorderen.
2. De Staat draagt zorg voor het scheppen van de omstandigheden voor de optimale bevordering van initiatieven voor de economische produktie. (Art. 27)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
The economic order, founded on the appreciation of the value of human work and on free enterprise, is intended to ensure everyone a life with dignity, in accordance with the dictates of social justice, with due regard for the following principles:
VIII – pursuit of full employment;
… (Art. 170) - Portuguese
A ordem econômica, fundada na valorização do trabalho humano e na livre iniciativa, tem por fim assegurar a todos existência digna, conforme os ditames da justiça social, observados os seguintes princípios:
VIII - busca do pleno emprego;
… (Art. 170)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishEvery worker has the right to a salary sufficient to enable him or her to live with dignity and cover basic material, social and intellectual needs for himself or herself and his or her family. The payment of equal salary for equal work is guaranteed, and the share of the profits of a business enterprise to which workers are entitled shall be determined. Salary is not subject to garnishment, and shall be paid periodically and promptly in legal tender, with the exception of the food allowance, in accordance with law.
The State guarantees workers in both the public and the private sector a vital minimum salary which shall be adjusted each year, taking as one of the references the cost of a basic market basket. The form and procedure to be followed, shall be established by law. (Art. 91) - SpanishTodo trabajador o trabajadora tiene derecho a un salario suficiente que le permita vivir con dignidad y cubrir para sí y su familia las necesidades básicas materiales, sociales e intelectuales. Se garantizará el pago de igual salario por igual trabajo y se fijará la participación que debe corresponder a los trabajadores y trabajadoras en el beneficio de la empresa. El salario es inembargable y se pagará periódica y oportunamente en moneda de curso legal, salvo la excepción de la obligación alimentaria, de conformidad con la ley.
El Estado garantizará a los trabajadores y trabajadoras del sector público y del sector privado un salario mínimo vital que será ajustado cada año, tomando como una de las referencias el costo de la canasta básica. La ley establecerá la forma y el procedimiento. (Art. 91)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishAll workers will have the right to one day of rest after six consecutive days of work, and to annual paid vacations, of which the extent and opportunity will be regulated by the law, but in no case will include less than two weeks for every fifty weeks of continuous service; all without prejudice to the very qualified exceptions that the legislator establishes. (Art. 59)
- SpanishTodos los trabajadores tendrán derecho a un día de descanso después de seis días consecutivos de trabajo, y a vacaciones anuales pagadas, cuya extensión y oportunidad serán reguladas por la ley, pero en ningún caso comprenderán menos de dos semanas por cada cincuenta semanas de servicio continuo; todo sin perjuicio de las excepciones muy calificadas que el legislador establezca. (Art. 59)