The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
Lao citizens have the right to work and engage in occupations which are not contrary to the laws. Workers have the right to rest, to receive medical treatment in times of illness, [and] to receive assistance in the event of incapacity or disability, in old age, and in other cases as provided by the laws. (Art. 39)
- Lao
ພົນລະເມືອງລາວມີສິດເຮັດວຽກ ແລະປະກອບອາຊີບທີ່ບໍ່ຂັດກັບກົດໝາຍ. ຜູ້ອອກແຮງງານມີສິດໄດ້ຮັບການພັກຜ່ອນ, ໄດ້ຮັບການປິ່ນປົວໃນເວລາເຈັບເປັນ, ໄດ້ຮັບການຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອໃນກໍລະນີທີ່ໝົດຄວາມສາມາດອອກແຮງງານ, ເສຍອົງຄະ, ໃນເວລາເຖົ້າແກ່ ແລະໃນກໍລະນີອື່ນໆຕາມທີ່ໄດ້ກໍານົດໄວ້ໃນກົດໝາຍ. (ມາດຕາ 39)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English1. The following shall be within the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation:
j. … labour,
… (Art. 72) - Russian1. В совместном ведении Российской Федерации и субъектов Российской Федерации находятся:
к) … трудовое,
... (Статья 72)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English…
Now, therefore, the people of Barbados
(d) resolve that the operation of the economic system shall promote the general welfare by the equitable distribution of the material resources of the community, by the human conditions under which all men shall labour and by the undeviating recognition of ability, integrity and merit;
… (Preamble)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishAll employees have, independent of age, sex, race, nationality, religion or political opinions, the right to:
a. Remuneration for their work corresponding to quantity, type, quality and experience on the basis of equal pay for equal work;
b. The performance of their task under humane conditions, in order to enable self-development;
c. Safe and healthy working condition;
d. Sufficient rest and recreation. (Art. 28) - DutchAlle werknemers zijn, ongeacht leeftijd, geslacht, ras, nationaliteit, godsdienst of politieke overtuiging, gerechtigd tot:
a. beloning voor hun werk naar gelang van hoeveelheid, aard, kwaliteit en ervaring op basis van het beginsel van gelijk loon, voor gelijke arbeid;
b. het verrichten van hun taak onder menswaardige omstandigheden, ten einde zelfontplooiing mogelijk te maken;
c. veilige en gezonde arbeidsomstandigheden;
d. voldoende rust en ontspanning. (Art. 28)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
– Work is a right and an honour. Every citizen may practise the work he chooses for himself within the limits of the law. No citizen may be forced to work except by virtue of a law, in performance of public service, for a specific period of time, and for fair remuneration. The state shall enact laws that protect the worker and the employer, govern their relationship, and provide conditions for occupational security, safety, and health.
... (Art. 15) - Arabic
– العمل حق وشرف، ولكل مواطن ممارسة العمل الذي يختاره لنفسه في حدود القانون، ولا يجوز إلزام أي مواطن بالعمل جبرا إلا بمقتضى قانون، ولأداء خدمة عامة، ولمدة محددة، وبمقابل عادل، وتسن الدولة القوانين التي تحمي العامل وصاحب العمل وتنظم العلاقة بينهما وتوفر شروط الأمن والسلامة والصحة المهنية.
... (المادّة ١٥)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe public authorities shall maintain a public Social Security system for all citizens which will guarantee adequate social assistance and benefits in situations of hardship, especially in cases of unemployment.
... (Sec. 41) - SpanishLos poderes públicos mantendrán un régimen público de Seguridad Social para todos los ciudadanos, que garantice la asistencia y prestaciones sociales suficientes ante situaciones de necesidad, especialmente en caso de desempleo.
… (Art. 41)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
Social security will be organized under the General Social Security System, of a contributory nature and mandatory membership, observing criteria that preserve the financial and actuarial balance, and will, in accordance with the law, meet:
III – protection to workers in a situation of involuntary unemployment;
Paragraph 2. No benefit which replaces the contribution salary or labour earnings of the insured shall have a monthly amount lower than the minimum monthly wage.
Paragraph 7. Retirement is ensured under the general social security scheme, in accordance with the law, upon compliance with the following conditions:
I – 65 (sixty-five) years of age, if a man, and 62 (sixty-two) years of age, if a woman, with a minimum contribution time;
II – 60 (sixty) years of age, if a man, and 55 (fifty-five) years of age, if a woman, for rural workers and for those who carry out their activities in a family economy regime, including rural producers, miners and artisanal fishermen.
Paragraph 12. A law will institute a special social security inclusion system, with different rates, to assist low-income workers, including those who are in an informal situation, and those without their own income, who dedicate themselves exclusively to domestic work within the scope of their residence, provided that belonging to low-income families.
… (Art. 201) - Portuguese
A previdência social será organizada sob a forma de regime geral, de caráter contributivo e de filiação obrigatória, observados critérios que preservem o equilíbrio financeiro e atuarial, e atenderá, nos termos da lei, a:
III - proteção ao trabalhador em situação de desemprego involuntário;
§ 2º Nenhum benefício que substitua o salário de contribuição ou o rendimento do trabalho do segurado terá valor mensal inferior ao salário mínimo.
§ 7º É assegurada aposentadoria no regime geral de previdência social, nos termos da lei, obedecidas as seguintes condições:
I - trinta e cinco anos de contribuição, se homem, e trinta anos de contribuição, se mulher;
II - sessenta e cinco anos de idade, se homem, e sessenta anos de idade, se mulher, reduzido em cinco anos o limite para os trabalhadores rurais de ambos os sexos e para os que exerçam suas atividades em regime de economia familiar, nestes incluídos o produtor rural, o garimpeiro e o pescador artesanal.
§ 12. Lei disporá sobre sistema especial de inclusão previdenciária para atender a trabalhadores de baixa renda e àqueles sem renda própria que se dediquem exclusivamente ao trabalho doméstico no âmbito de sua residência, desde que pertencentes a famílias de baixa renda, garantindo-lhes acesso a benefícios de valor igual a um salário-mínimo.
… (Art. 201)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishAll workers have the right to benefits to compensate them for length of service and protect them in the event of dismissal. … (Art. 92)
- SpanishTodos los trabajadores y trabajadoras tienen derecho a prestaciones sociales que les recompensen la antigüedad en el servicio y los amparen en caso de cesantía. … (Art. 92)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
3. The State shall … work on developing human resources and protecting the labor force in a way that serves the national economy. (Art. 13) - Arabic
3 الدو ... تعمل على تطوير الطاقات البشرية وتحمي قوة العمل، بما يخدم الإقتصاد الوطن ي (المادّة 13)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishNothing in section 22 shall prevent restrictions imposed by an employer—
(a) on the employment of any person who is married to, or in a civil union or in a de facto relationship with, or who is a relative of, another employee if—
(i) there would be a reporting relationship between them; or
(ii) there is a risk of collusion between them to the detriment of the employer; or
(b) on the employment of any person who is married to, or in a civil union or in a de facto relationship with, or who is a relative of, an employee of another employer if there is a risk of collusion between them to the detriment of that person’s employer. (Human Rights Act 1993, Sec. 32)