The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- EnglishAll individuals shall have the duty to respect and consider their fellow beings without any form of discrimination whatsoever, and to maintain relations with them aimed at promoting, safeguarding and strengthening respect, mutual tolerance and solidarity. (Art. 44)
- PortugueseTodo o cidadão tem o dever de respeitar e considerar os seus semelhantes, sem discriminação de qualquer espécie e de manter com eles relações que permitam promover, salvaguardar e reforçar o respeito, a tolerância recíproca e a solidariedade. (Art. 44)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- EnglishAll acts intended to undermine national unity, to disturb social harmony or to create divisions or situations of privilege or discrimination based on colour, race, sex, ethnic origin, place of birth, religion, level of education, social position, physical or mental ability, the marital status of one’s parents, profession or political preference, shall be punished in terms of the law. (Art. 39)
- PortugueseTodos os actos visando atentar contra a unidade nacional, prejudicar a harmonia social, criar divisionismo, situações de privilégio ou discriminação com base na cor, raça, sexo, origem étnica, lugar de nascimento, religião, grau de instrução, posição social, condição física ou mental, estado civil dos pais, profissão ou opção política, são punidos nos termos da lei. (Art. 39)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- EnglishMen and women shall be equal before the law in all spheres of political, economic, social and cultural life. (Art. 36)
- PortugueseO homem e a mulher são iguais perante a lei em todos os domínios da vida política, económica, social e cultural. (Art. 36)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- EnglishAll citizens are equal before the law, and they shall enjoy the same rights and be subject to the same duties, regardless of colour, race, sex, ethnic origin, place of birth, religion, level of education, social position, the marital status of their parents, their profession or their political preference. (Art. 35)
- PortugueseTodos os cidadãos são iguais perante a lei, gozam dos mesmos direitos e estão sujeitos aos mesmos deveres, independentemente da cor, raça, sexo, origem étnica, lugar de nascimento, religião, grau de instrução, posição social, estado civil dos pais, profissão ou opção política. (Art. 35)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- EnglishThe fundamental objectives of the Republic of Mozambique shall be:
e. the defence and promotion of human rights and of the equality of citizens before the law;
… (Art. 11) - PortugueseO Estado moçambicano tem como objectivos fundamentais:
e) a defesa e a promoção dos direitos humanos e da igualdade dos cidadãos perante a lei;
... (Art. 11)