The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Obligations of the State
- EnglishProvisions pertaining to rights and public liberties may not be subject to amendment save for the purpose of granting more rights and guarantees for the interest of the citizen. (Art. 146)
- Arabicالأحكام الخاصّة بالحقوق و الحرّيات العامة لا يجوز طلب تعديلها الّا في الحدود التّي يكون الغرض منها منح مزيد من الحقوق و الضّمانات لصالح المواطن. (المادّة 146)
Obligations of the State
- English
The legislative, executive and judicial authorities of the Republic shall be bound to secure, within the limits of their respective competence, the efficient application of the provisions of this Part5. (Art. 35)
- Greek
Αι νομοθετικαί, εκτελεστικαί και δικαστικαί αρχαί της Δημοκρατίας υποχρεούνται να διασφαλίζωσι την αποτελεσματικήν εφαρμογήν των διατάξεων του παρόντος μέρους, εκάστη εντός των ορίων της αρμοδιότητος αυτής. (Αρθρον 35)
- Turkish
Cumhuriyetin yasama, yürütme ve yargı makamları, kendi yetki sınırları içinde, bu Kısım hükümlerinin etkili uygulamasını sağlamakla yükümlüdür. (Madde 35)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishAny assault on individual freedom, on the inviolability of private life or any other rights and public freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution shall be considered a punishable crime by the law. (Art. 54)
- Arabicكل اعتداء على الحرية الشخصية أو على حرمة الحياة الخاصة أو على غيرها من الحقوق والحريات العامة التي يكفلها الدستور يُعد جريمة يعاقب عليها القانون. (المادّة 54)
Obligations of the State
- English…
2. … A referendum shall not be held in order to adopt or repeal a law, to grant amnesty or pardon, to ratify or denounce international treaties, or to decide issues that envisage the restriction of fundamental constitutional human rights ...
… (Art. 52) - Georgian…
2. … არ შეიძლება რეფერენდუმის ჩატარება კანონის მისაღებად ან გასაუქმებლად, ამნისტიის ან შეწყალების გამო, საერთაშორისო ხელშეკრულების რატიფიცირების ან დენონსირების შესახებ, აგრეთვე ისეთ საკითხზე, რომელიც ითვალისწინებს ადამიანის ძირითადი კონსტიტუციური უფლების შეზღუდვას ...
… (მუხლი 52)
Obligations of the State
- English
The basic human rights in Israel are based on the recognition of the value of the human being, the sanctity of his life, and his being a free person, and they shall be upheld in the spirit of the principles included in the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel. (Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty (1992), Sec. 1; Basic Law: Freedom of Occupation (1994), Sec. 1)
- Hebrew
זכויות היסוד של האדם בישראל מושתתות על ההכרה בערך האדם, בקדושת חייו ובהיותו בן-חורין, והן יכובדו ברוח העקרונות שבהכרזה על הקמת מדינת ישראל. (חוק יסוד: כבוד האדם וחירותו (1992), סעיף 1; חוק יסוד: חופש העיסוק (1994), סעיף 1)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishRights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in Turkmenistan shall be recognized in accordance with the universally recognized norms of international law and shall be guaranteed by this Constitution and laws. (Art. 25)
- RussianВ Туркменистане права и свободы человека и гражданина признаются в соответствии с общепризнанными нормами международного права и гарантируются настоящей Конституцией и законами. (Статья 25)
- TurkmenTürkmenistanda adamyň we raýatyň hukuklary we azatlyklary halkara hukugynyň umumy ykrar edilen kadalaryna laýyklykda ykrar edilýär hem-de şu Konstitusiýa we kanunlar bilen kepillendirilýär. (25-nji madda)
Obligations of the State
- English
3. Parliament shall have the right to issue laws that regulate the most important public relations and establish fundamental principles and standards relating to:
1) the legal capacity of individuals and legal entities, civil freedoms and rights, and the obligations and responsibilities of individuals and legal entities;
… (Art. 61) - Kazak
3. Парламент аса маңызды қоғамдық қатынастарды реттейтiн, мыналарға:
1) жеке және заңды тұлғалардың құқық субъектiлiгiне, азаматтардың құқықтары мен бостандықтарына, жеке және заңды тұлғалардың мiндеттерi мен жауапкершiлiгiне;
Obligations of the State
- English1. In the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, human rights and citizens’ rights in the political, civil, economic, cultural and social fields shall be recognized, respected, protected and guaranteed in accordance with the Constitution and law.
2. Human rights and citizens’ rights may not be limited unless prescribed by a law solely in case of necessity for reasons of national defense, national security, social order and safety, social morality and community well-being. (Art. 14) - Vietnamese1. Ở nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam, các quyền con người, quyền công dân về chính trị, dân sự, kinh tế, văn hóa, xã hội được công nhận, tôn trọng, bảo vệ, bảo đảm theo Hiến pháp và pháp luật.
2. Quyền con người, quyền công dân chỉ có thể bị hạn chế theo quy định của luật trong trường hợp cần thiết vì lý do quốc phòng, an ninh quốc gia, trật tự, an toàn xã hội, đạo đức xã hội, sức khỏe của cộng đồng. (Điều 14)
Obligations of the State
- English
The State protects the freedom and democratic rights of the people which cannot be violated by anyone. All state organisations and government officials must promote and build awareness of all policies, laws and regulations among the people and, together with the people, and strictly organise their implementation in order to guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of the people.
... (Art. 6) - Lao
ລັດ ປົກປ້ອງສິດອິດສະລະພາບ ແລະ ສິດປະຊາທິປະໄຕຂອງປະຊາຊົນ ທີ່ບໍ່ມີໃຜຈະລ່ວງ ລະເມີດໄດ້. ທຸກອົງການ ແລະ ພະນັກງານຂອງລັດ ຕ້ອງໂຄສະນາ ເຜີຍແຜ່ ອົບຮົມບັນດານະໂຍບາຍ, ກົດໝາຍ ແລະ ລະບຽບການໃຫ້ປະຊາຊົນຮັບຮູ້ຢ່າງກວ້າງຂວາງ ແລະ ພ້ອມກັນຈັດຕັ້ງປະຕິບັດ ຢ່າງເຂັ້ມງວດ ເພື່ອຮັບປະກັນສິດ ແລະ ຜົນປະໂຫຍດ ອັນຊອບທຳຂອງປະຊາຊົນ.
... (ມາດຕາ. 6) (ປັບປຸງ)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishIt shall be the obligation of the State to make Nepal a prosperous and affluent country by protecting and promoting fundamental rights and human rights, pursuing directive principles of the State and gradually implementing policies of the State, while keeping intact the freedom, sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Nepal. (Art. 52)
- Nepaliनेपालको स्वतन्त्रता, सार्वभौमसत्ता, भौगोलिक अखण्डता र स्वाधीनतालाई अक्षुण्ण राख्दै मौलिक हक तथा मानव अधिकारको संरक्षण र संवर्धन, राज्यका निर्देशक सिद्धान्तहरूको अनुसरण तथा राज्यका नीतिहरूको क्रमशः कार्यान्वयन गर्दै नेपाललाई समृद्ध तथा समुन्नत बनाउने राज्यको दायित्व हुनेछ । (धारा ५२)