The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Obligations of the State
Sri Lanka
- EnglishThe PEOPLE OF SRI LANKA … assuring to all peoples FREEDOM, EQUALITY, JUSTICE, FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS and the INDEPENDENCE OF THE JUDICIARY as the intangible heritage that guarantees the dignity and well-being of succeeding generations of the People of SRI LANKA … (Preamble)
- Sinhalaශ්රී ලංකාවාසී ජනතාව විසින් ... ශ්රී ලංකාවාසී ජනතාවගේ මතු පරම්පරා වලද ධර්මිෂ්ට නිවහල් සමාජයක් බිහි කිරීමෙහිලා සහ සුරක්ෂිත කිරීමෙහිලා ඒ පරම්පරා විසින් දරන්නාවූ ප්රයත්නයේ දී සහාය වීමට පැමිණෙන සකල ලෝකවාසීන්ගේ ද අභිමානය සහ සමෘද්ධිය සහතික කෙරෙන අස්පර්ශනීය උරුමයක් ලෙස නිදහස, සමානාත්මතාව, යුක්තිය මූලික මානව අයිතිවාසිකම් හා අධිකරණයේ ස්වාධිනත්වය සකල ජනතාවට සහතික කරන්නාවූත් ... (පූර්විකාව)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe rights, freedoms and duties set out in this chapter do not preclude other rights, freedoms and duties which arise from the spirit of the Constitution or are in accordance therewith, and which are in conformity with the principles of human dignity, social justice and democratic government founded on the rule of law. (Sec. 10)
- EstonianKäesolevas peatükis loetletud õigused, vabadused ja kohustused ei välista muid õigusi, vabadusi ega kohustusi, mis tulenevad põhiseaduse mõttest või on sellega kooskõlas ja vastavad inimväärikuse ning sotsiaalse ja demokraatliku õigusriigi põhimõtetele. (§ 10)
Obligations of the State
Tanzania, United Republic of
- EnglishThe object of this Constitution is to facilitate the building of the United Republic as a nation of equal and free individuals enjoying freedom, justice, fraternity and concord, through the pursuit of the policy of Socialism and Self Reliance which emphasizes the application of socialist principles while taking into account the conditions prevailing in the United Republic. Therefore, the state authority and all its agencies are obliged to direct their policies and programmes towards ensuring -
(a) that human dignity and other human rights are respected and cherished;
(f) that human dignity is preserved and upheld in accordance with the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
… (Art. 9)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe fundamental tasks of the Angolan state shall be:
b) To ensure fundamental rights, freedoms and guarantees;
c) To gradually create the necessary conditions required to effectively implement the economic, social and cultural rights of citizens;
h) To promote equal rights and opportunities between Angolans, regardless of origins, race, party affiliations, sex, colour, age or any other form of discrimination;
… (Art. 21) - PortugueseConstituem tarefas fundamentais do Estado angolano:
b) Assegurar os direitos, liberdades e garantias fundamentais;
c) Criar progressivamente as condições necessárias para tornar efectivos os direitos económicos, sociais e culturais dos cidadãos;
h) Promover a igualdade de direitos e de oportunidades entre os angolanos, sem preconceitos de origem, raça, filiação partidária, sexo, cor, idade e quaisquer outras formas de discriminação;
... (Art. 21)
Obligations of the State
- English1. The state and other public corporate bodies shall be jointly and civilly liable for any actions and omissions committed by their organs, their respective officeholders, agents and staff in the exercise of their legislative, judicial and administrative duties or as a result of the said duties which result in the violation of rights, freedoms and guarantees or in losses to those entitled to them or third parties.
2. The individuals responsible for these acts or omissions shall be held liable for them, in criminal and disciplinary terms, under the terms of the law. (Art. 75) - Portuguese1. O Estado e outras pessoas colectivas públicas são solidária e civilmente responsáveis por acções e omissões praticadas pelos seus órgãos, respectivos titulares, agentes e funcionários, no exercício das funções legislativa, jurisdicional e administrativa, ou por causa delas, de que resulte violação dos direitos, liberdades e garantias ou prejuízo para o titular destes ou para terceiros.
2. Os autores dessas acções ou omissões são criminal e disciplinarmente responsáveis, nos termos da lei. (Art. 75)
Obligations of the State
- English1. The House of Peoples' Representatives shall have the power of legislation in all matters assigned by this Constitution to Federal jurisdiction.
7. It shall determine the organization of national defence, public security, and a national police force. If the conduct of these forces infringes upon human rights and the nation's security, it shall carry out investigations and take necessary measures.
16. It shall, on its own initiative, request a joint session of the House of the Federation and of the House of Peoples' Representatives to take appropriate measures when State authorities are unable to arrest violations of human rights within their jurisdiction. It shall, on the basis of the joint decision of the House, give directives to the concerned State authorities.
… (Art. 55) - Amharic1. የሕዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት በዚህ ሕገ መንግሥት መሰረት ለፌዴራሉ መንግሥት በተሰጠው ሥልጣን ክልል ሕጐችን ያወጣል፡፡
7. የፌዴራል መንግሥት፤ የሀገርና የሕዝብ መከላከያ፤ የደህንነትና የፖሊስ ኃይል አደረጃጀት ይወስናል፡፡ በሥራ አፈጻጸም ረገድ የሚታዩ መሠረታዊ የዜጐችን ሰብዓዊ መብቶችና የሀገርን ደህንነት የሚነኩ ጉዳዮች ሲከሰቱ ያጣራል፤ አስፈላጊ እርምጃዎች እንዲወሰዱ ያደርጋል፡፡
16. በማንኛውም ክልል ሰብዓዊ መብቶች ሲጣሱና ክልሉ ድርጊቱን ማቆም ሳይችል ሲቀር፤ በራሱ አነሳሽነትና ያለክልሉ ፈቃድ ተገቢው እርምጃ እንዲወሰድ ለፌዴሬሽኑ ምክር ቤትና ለሕዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት የጋራ ስብሰባ ጥያቄ ያቀርባል፤ በተደረሰበት ውሳኔ መሰረት ለክልሉ ምክር ቤት መመሪያ ይሰጣል፡፡
… (አንቀጽ 55)
Obligations of the State
- English…
The Principality is a State under the rule of law, committed to fundamental freedoms and rights. (Art. 2) - French…
La Principauté est un Etat de droit attaché au respect des libertés et droits fondamentaux. (Art. 2)
Obligations of the State
- English(1) Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.
(2) The German people therefore acknowledge inviolable and inalienable human rights as the basis of every community, of peace and of justice in the world.
(3) The following basic rights shall bind the legislature, the executive and the judiciary as directly applicable law. (Art. 1) - German(1) Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt.
(2) Das Deutsche Volk bekennt sich darum zu unverletzlichen und unveräußerlichen Menschenrechten als Grundlage jeder menschlichen Gemeinschaft, des Friedens und der Gerechtigkeit in der Welt.
(3) Die nachfolgenden Grundrechte binden Gesetzgebung, vollziehende Gewalt und Rechtsprechung als unmittelbar geltendes Recht. (Art. 1)
Obligations of the State
- English1. Everyone shall have the right to claim compensation in accordance with the law, for damages caused by a violation of their fundamental rights.
2. The State shall be responsible for damages caused by the unlawful acts of its agents, in the performance of their functions, without prejudice to rights of recourse available under the law. (Art. 58) - Portuguese1. A todos é reconhecido o direito de exigir, nos termos da lei, indemnização pelos prejuízos que forem causados pela violação dos seus direitos fundamentais.
2. O Estado é responsável pelos danos causados por actos ilegais dos seus agentes, no exercício das suas funções, sem prejuízo do direito de regresso nos termos da lei. (Art. 58)
Obligations of the State
- English…
The fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in this Constitution, will ensure for all time respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction as to ethnic considerations, gender, language or religion.
… (Preamble)