The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
National Human Rights Bodies
- English
3. the Jogorku Kenesh:
8) elects, in cases prescribed by law, dismisses the Akyikatchi (Ombudsman); consents to his prosecution;
… (Art. 80) - Russian
3. Жогорку Кенеш:
8) избирает, в случаях, предусмотренных законом, освобождает от должности Акыйкатчы (Омбудсмена); дает согласие на привлечение его к уголовной ответственности;
... (Статья 80) - Kyrgyz
3. Жогорку Кеңеш:
8) Акыйкатчыны (Омбудсменди) шайлайт жана мыйзамда каралган учурларда кызмат ордунан бошотот; аны жазык жоопкерчилигине тартууга макулдук берет;
... (80-берене)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English(1) There is established the Kenya National Human Rights and Equality Commission.
(2) The functions of the Commission are—
(a) to promote respect for human rights and develop a culture of human rights in the Republic;
(b) to promote gender equality and equity generally and to coordinate and facilitate gender mainstreaming in national development;
(c) to promote the protection, and observance of human rights in public and private institutions;
(d) to monitor, investigate and report on the observance of human rights in all spheres of life in the Republic, including observance by the national security organs;
(e) to receive and investigate complaints about alleged abuses of human rights and take steps to secure appropriate redress where human rights have been violated;
(f) on its own initiative or on the basis of complaints, to investigate or research a matter in respect of human rights, and make recommendations to improve the functioning of State organs;
(g) to act as the principal organ of the State in ensuring compliance with obligations under treaties and conventions relating to human rights;
(3) Every person has the right to complain to the Commission, alleging that a right or fundamental freedom in the Bill of Rights has been denied, violated or infringed, or is threatened.
(4) Parliament shall enact legislation to give full effect to this Part, and any such legislation may restructure the Commission into two or more separate commissions.
… (Art. 59) - Swahili(1) Kuna Tume ya Kitaifa ya Haki za Binadamu na Usawa ya Kenya.
(2) Kazi za Tume ni—
(a) kuimarisha heshima kwa haki za binadamu na kuendeleza utamaduni wa haki za binadamu katika Jamhuri;
(b) kuimarisha usawa wa kijinsia na haki kwa jumla na kuratibu na kuwezesha ujumuishaji wa masuala ya kijinsia katika maendeleo ya kitaifa;
(c) kuimarisha ulinzi, na uzingatiaji wa haki za binadamu katika taasisi za umma na binafsi;
(d) kufuatilia, kuchunguza na kutoa taarifa juu ya uzingatiaji wa haki za binadamu katika nyanja zote za maisha katika Jamhuri, ikiwa ni pamoja na vyombo vya usalama vya kitaifa kuzingatia;
(e) kupokea na kuchunguza malalamiko kuhusu tuhuma za ukiukaji wa haki za binadamu na kuchukua hatua za kutoa fidia stahiki pale ambapo haki za binadamu zimekiukwa;
(f) kwa jitihada zake yenyewe au kwa msingi wa malalamiko, kuchunguza au kutafiti jambo kuhusu haki za binadamu, na kutoa mapendekezo ya kuboresha utendaji kazi wa vyombo vya Serikali;
(g) kufanya kazi kama chombo kikuu cha Serikali katika kuhakikisha uzingatiaji wa majukumu chini ya makubaliano na mikataba inayohusiana na haki za binadamu;
(3) Kila mtu ana haki ya kulalamika mbele ya Tume, akidai kuwa haki au uhuru wa msingi katika Sheria ya Haki za Binadamu imenyimwa, imekiukwa au kuvunjwa, au imetishiwa.
(4) Bunge litatunga sheria kuwezesha utekelezaji kamili wa Sehemu hii, na sheria yoyote ya namna hiyo inaweza kuiunda upya tume na kuwa tume tofauti mbili au zaidi.
… (Kifungu cha 59)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English
(1) Subject to this Schedule, the Ombudsman may
(a) investigate an action taken by a public authority or the President, Vice-President, Minister, officer or member of the public authority, being action taken in the exercise of the administrative functions of the public authority in the circumstances specified in subparagraph (2);
(b) investigate an allegation of fraud or corruption in connection with the exercise by a person of a function of a public authority.
(c) assist an individual complainant in respect of legal proceedings in relation to a contravention of the provisions of the Charter9;
(d) with leave of the Court hearing proceedings relating to a contravention of the provisions of the Charter, become a party to the proceedings;
(e) initiate proceedings relating to the constitutionality of a law or of the provisions of a law.
(2)The Ombudsman shall investigate an action under sub-para-graph (1)(a)-
(a) where the Ombudsman receives a complaint from a person or body alleging that the complainant has suffered a violation of the complainant’s fundamental rights or freedoms under the Charter, or an injustice, in consequence of a fault in the administration of a public authority or has been treated harshly or oppressively by the authority or the President, Vice-President or a Minister, officer or member of the authority in the exercise of the administrative functions of the authority;
(b) where the President, Vice-President or a Minister or member of the National Assembly requests the Ombudsman to investigate the action on the ground that the person or body specified in the request-
(i) has or may have suffered a violation of the person’s or body’s fundamental rights for freedoms under the Charter, or an injustice, in consequence of a fault in the administration of a public authority or of a fault of the President or Vice-President or a Minister, officer or member of the authority in the exercise of the administrative functions of the authority;
(ii) has been treated harshly or oppressively by the authority or the President or Vice-President or a Minister, officer or member of the authority in the exercise of the administrative functions of the authority,/or on the ground that the practices or patterns of conduct of a public authority or the President or Vice-President or a Minister, officer or member of the authority in the exercise of the administrative functions of the authority appear to result in injustices or harsh, oppressive or unfair administration; or
(c) where the Ombudsman considers that it is necessary to investigate the action on the grounds specified in subsubparagraph (b), and an allegation under subparagraph (1) (b).
… (Schedule 5, Art. 1)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English
(1) It shall be the duty of the National Human Rights Commission to respect, protect and promote human rights and ensure effective enforcement thereof.
(2) For the accomplishment of the duty referred to in clause (1), the National Human Rights Commission shall perform the following functions:
(a) To inquire, on its own initiative or on petition or complaint presented in or sent to the Commission by a victim or any person on his or her behalf or on information received by the Commission from any source, into and investigate complaints of violations of human rights of an individual or group or abetment thereof, and make recommendation for action against the perpetrators;
(b) In case any official who has the responsibility or duty to prevent violations of human rights fails to fulfil or perform his or her responsibility or duty or shows reluctance in the fulfilment or performance of his or her responsibility or duty, to make recommendation to the concerned authority to take departmental action against such official;
(c) In case it is required to institute a case against any person or organization who has violated human rights, to make recommendation to file a case in the court in accordance with law;
(d) To coordinate and collaborate with civil society in order to enhance awareness on human rights;
(e) To make recommendation, accompanied by the reasons and grounds, to the concerned body for taking departmental action against and imposing punishment on those who are violators of human rights;
(f) To carry out periodic reviews of the relevant laws relating to human rights and make recommendation to the Government of Nepal for necessary improvements in and amendments to such laws;
(g) In case Nepal has to become a party to any international treaty or agreement on human rights, to make recommendation, accompanied by the reasons therefor, to the Government of Nepal; and monitor whether any such treaty or an agreement to which Nepal is already a party has been implemented, and in case it is found not to have been implemented, to make recommendation to the Government of Nepal for its implementation;
(h) To publish, in accordance with law, the names of the officials, persons or bodies who have failed to observe or implement any recommendations or directives made or given by the National Human Rights Commission in relation to the violations of human rights, and record them as violators of human rights.
… (Art. 249) - Nepali
(१) मानव अधिकारको सम्मान, संरक्षण र संवर्धन तथा त्यसको प्रभावकारी कार्यान्वयनलाई सुनिश्चित गर्नु राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगको कर्तव्य हुनेछ ।
(२) उपधारा (१) मा उल्लिखित कर्तव्य पूरा गर्नका लागि राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगले देहाय बमोजिमका काम गर्नेछ ः–
(क) कुनै व्यक्ति वा समूहको मानव अधिकार उल्लंघन वा त्यसको दुरुत्साहन भएकोमा पीडित आफैं वा निजको तर्पmबाट कसैले आयोग समक्ष प्रस्तुत वा प्रेषित गरेको निवेदन वा उजूरी वा कुनै स्रोतबाट आयोगलाई प्राप्त भएको वा आयोगको जानकारीमा आएको विषयमा छानबिन तथा अनुसन्धान गरी दोषी उपर कारबाही गर्न सिफारिस गर्ने,
(ख) मानव अधिकारको उल्लंघन हुनबाट रोक्ने जिम्मेवारी वा कर्तव्य भएको पदाधिकारीले आफ्नो जिम्मेवारी पूरा नगरेमा वा कर्तव्य पालन नगरेमा वा जिम्मेवारी पूरा गर्न वा कर्तव्यपालन गर्न उदासीनता देखाएमा त्यस्तो पदाधिकारी उपर विभागीय कारबाही गर्न सम्बन्धित अधिकारी समक्ष सिफारिस गर्ने,
(ग) मानव अधिकार उल्लंघन गर्ने व्यक्ति वा संस्थाका विरुद्ध मुद्दा चलाउनु पर्ने आवश्यकता भएमा कानून बमोजिम अदालतमा मुद्दा दायर गर्न सिफारिस गर्ने,
(घ) मानव अधिकारको चेतना अभिवृद्धि गर्न नागरिक समाजसँग समन्वय र सहकार्य गर्ने,
(ङ) मानव अधिकारको उल्लंघनकर्तालाई विभागीय कारबाही तथा सजाय गर्न कारण र आधार खुलाई सम्बन्धित निकाय समक्ष सिफारिस गर्ने,
(च) मानव अधिकारसँग सम्बन्धित कानूनको आवधिक रूपमा पुनरावलोकन गर्ने तथा त्यसमा गर्नु पर्ने सुधार तथा संशोधनका सम्बन्धमा नेपाल सरकार समक्ष सिफारिस गर्ने,
(छ) मानव अधिकारसँग सम्बन्धित अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सन्धि वा सम्झौताको नेपाल पक्ष बन्नु पर्ने भएमा त्यसको कारण सहित नेपाल सरकारलाई सिफारिस गर्ने र नेपाल पक्ष बनिसकेका सन्धि वा सम्झौताको कार्यान्वयन भए वा नभएको अनुगमनगरी कार्यान्वयन नभएको पाइएमा त्यसको कार्यान्वयन गर्न नेपाल सरकार समक्ष सिफारिस गर्ने,
(ज) मानव अधिकारको उल्लंघनका सम्बन्धमा राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगले गरेको सिफारिस वा निर्देशन पालन वा कार्यान्वयन नगर्ने पदाधिकारी, व्यक्ति वा निकायको नाम कानून बमोजिम सार्वजनिक गरी मानव अधिकार उल्लंघनकर्ताको रूपमा अभिलेख राख्ने ।
... (धारा २४९)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe following are functions of the Office of Public Prosecutions:
1. In judicial proceedings, to guarantee respect for constitutional rights and guarantees, as well as those deriving from international treaties, agreements and conventions signed by the Republic.
… (Art. 285) - SpanishSon atribuciones del Ministerio Público:
1. Garantizar en los procesos judiciales el respeto de los derechos y garantías constitucionales, así como de los tratados, convenios y acuerdos internacionales suscritos por la República.
… (Art. 285)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThere shall be a Human Rights Commission the primary functions of which shall be the protection and investigation of violations of the rights accorded by this Constitution or any other law. (Sec. 129)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English(1) The Human Rights Commission shall promote the observance of and respect for, and protect and investigate violations of the rights recognized by this Constitution and any other law relating to equality of opportunity and treatment (hereinafter referred to as “the rights”).
(2) The Human Rights Commission shall consist of a full time Chairperson and such other members, to be appointed in accordance with this article.
(3) The Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission shall be a person who holds or has held office as a judge of a court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a court having jurisdiction in appeals from such court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge, or any other fit and proper person with expertise or experience in human rights matters, to be appointed by the President from a list, not unacceptable to the President, of six person submitted by the Leader of the Opposition after meaningful consultation with such entities as appear to him or her to have expertise or experience in human rights matters
(4) In addition to the Chairperson, there shall be four members of the Commission who shall be Chairpersons of the Ethnic Relations Commission, Women and Gender Equality Commission, Indigenous People’s Commission and Rights of the Child Commission.
… (Art. 212N)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Chancellor of Justice shall oversee the lawfulness of the official acts of the Government and the President of the Republic. The Chancellor of Justice shall also ensure that the courts of law, the other authorities and the civil servants, public employees and other persons, when the latter are performing a public task, obey the law and fulfil their obligations. In the performance of his or her duties, the Chancellor of Justice monitors the implementation of basic rights and liberties and human rights.
… (Sec. 108) - FinnishOikeuskanslerin tehtävänä on valvoa valtioneuvoston ja tasavallan presidentin virkatointen lainmukaisuutta. Oikeuskanslerin tulee myös valvoa, että tuomioistuimet ja muut viranomaiset sekä virkamiehet, julkisyhteisön työntekijät ja muutkin julkista tehtävää hoitaessaan noudattavat lakia ja täyttävät velvollisuutensa. Tehtäväänsä hoitaessaan oikeuskansleri valvoo perusoikeuksien ja ihmisoikeuksien toteutumista.
… (108 §) - SwedishJustitiekanslern skall övervaka lagligheten av statsrådets och republikens presidents ämbetsåtgärder. Justitiekanslern skall också övervaka att domstolarna och andra myndigheter samt tjänstemännen, offentligt anställda arbetstagare och också andra, när de sköter offentliga uppdrag, följer lag och fullgör sina skyldigheter. Vid utövningen av sitt ämbete övervakar justitiekanslern att de grundläggande fri- och rättigheterna samt de mänskliga rättigheterna tillgodoses.
… (108 §)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishSubject to Article 30 of this document6, the rights and freedoms set forth in this document shall not be reduced. The Constitutional Court and other competent courts shall preserve, protect and apply this document, and the Human Rights Commission shall oversee its application in the state. (Art. 66)
- Arabicمع مراعاة لنص الماده 41 من هذا الوثيقة، لايجوز الإنتقاص من الحقوق والحريات المنصوص عليه في هذة الوثيقة، وتصون المحكمة الدستورية والمحاكم المختصة الاُخري هذة الوثيقة وتحميها وتطبقها، وتراقب مفوضية حقوق الإنستن تطبيقها في الدولة. (الماده67)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe National Human Rights Commission shall have the duties and powers as follows:
1. to examine and report the correct facts on violation of human rights in all cases without delay, and to suggest suitable measures or guidelines in order to prevent or redress human rights violation including the provision of remedy to the person affected by the violation of human rights to the relevant State agencies or private sector;
2. to prepare a report on the result of evaluation of human rights situation of the country to submit to the National Assembly and the Council of Ministers, and to disseminate it to public;
3. to render recommendation on measures or guideline for the promotion and protection of the human rights to the National Assembly, the Council of Ministers and relevant agencies, including the revision of any law, rule, regulation or order to conform to the principles of human rights;
4. to explain and report the correct facts without delay when there is a report on human rights situation in Thailand which is incorrect or unfair;
5. to promote awareness of the importance of human rights in every sector of the society;
6. other duties and powers as provided by law.
Upon being informed of the report under (1) and (2) or the recommendation under (3), the Council of Ministers shall expeditiously make improvement and rectification as appropriate. If it is not possible or would take a certain period of time to proceed so, the Council of Ministers shall inform the reasons to the National Human Rights Commission without delay.
In the performance of duties, the National Human Rights Commission shall also take the happiness of Thai people and common interest of the country into consideration as important factor. (Sec. 247) - Thaiคณะกรรมการสิทธิมนุษยชนแห่งชาติมีหน้าที่และอํานาจดังต่อไปนี้
(๑) ตรวจสอบและรายงานข้อเท็จจริงที่ถูกต้องเกี่ยวกับการละเมิดสิทธิมนุษยชนทุกกรณีโดยไม่ล่าช้า และเสนอแนะมาตรการหรือแนวทางที่เหมาะสมในการป้องกันหรือแก้ไขการละเมิดสิทธิมนุษยชน รวมทั้งการเยียวยาผู้ได้รับความเสียหายจากการละเมิดสิทธิมนุษยชนต่อหน่วยงานของรัฐหรือเอกชนที่เกี่ยวข้อง
(๒) จัดทํารายงานผลการประเมินสถานการณ์ด้านสิทธิมนุษยชนของประเทศเสนอต่อรัฐสภาและคณะรัฐมนตรี และเผยแพร่ต่อประชาชน
(๓) เสนอแนะมาตรการหรือแนวทางในการส่งเสริมและคุ้มครองสิทธิมนุษยชนต่อรัฐสภา คณะรัฐมนตรี และหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้อง ตลอดจนการแก้ไขปรับปรุงกฎหมาย กฎ ระเบียบ หรือคําสั่งใดๆ เพื่อให้สอดคล้องกับหลักสิทธิมนุษยชน
(๔) ชี้แจงและรายงานข้อเท็จจริงที่ถูกต้องโดยไม่ชักช้าในกรณีที่มีการรายงานสถานการณ์เกี่ยวกับสิทธิมนุษยชนในประเทศไทยอย่างไม่ถูกต้องหรือไม่เป็นธรรม
(๕) สร้างเสริมทุกภาคส่วนของสังคมให้ตระหนักถึงความสําคัญของสิทธิมนุษยชน
(๖) หน้าที่และอํานาจอื่นตามที่กฎหมายบัญญัติ
เมื่อรับทราบรายงานตาม (๑) และ (๒) หรือข้อเสนอแนะตาม (๓) ให้คณะรัฐมนตรีดําเนินการปรับปรุงแก้ไขตามความเหมาะสมโดยเร็ว กรณีใดไม่อาจดําเนินการได้หรือต้องใช้เวลาในการดําเนินการ ให้แจ้งเหตุผลให้คณะกรรมการสิทธิมนุษยชนแห่งชาติทราบโดยไม่ชักช้า
ในการปฏิบัติหน้าที่ คณะกรรมการสิทธิมนุษยชนแห่งชาติต้องคํานึงถึงความผาสุกของประชาชนชาวไทยและผลประโยชน์ส่วนรวมของชาติเป็นสําคัญด้วย (มาตรา ๒๔๗)