The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Obligations of the State
- EnglishAll of the people shall be respected as individuals. Their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness shall, to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare, be the supreme consideration in legislation and in other governmental affairs. (Art. 13)
- Japaneseすべて国民は、個人として尊重される。生命、自由及び幸福追求に対する国民の権利については、公共の福祉に反しない限り、立法その他の国政の上で、最大の尊重を必要とする。(第13条)
Obligations of the State
- English
The State of Côte d'Ivoire recognizes the rights, the freedoms and the duties provided for [énoncer] in this Constitution. It commits itself to take all the necessary measures to assure its effective application. (Art. 1)
- French
L'Etat de Côte d'Ivoire reconnaît les droits, les libertés et les devoirs énoncés dans la présente Constitution. Il s'engage à prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour en assurer l’application effective. (Art. 1)
Obligations of the State
- English
(1) All human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights. Their fundamental rights and freedoms are inalienable, irrevocable, and absolutely perpetual.
(2) Fundamental rights shall be guaranteed in the Slovak Republic to every person regardless of sex, race, colour, language, faith, religion, political affiliation or conviction, national or social origin, nationality or ethnic origin, property, birth or any other status, and no person shall be denied their legal rights, discriminated against or favoured on any of these grounds.
(4) No person shall be prevented from exercising his or her fundamental rights and freedoms. (Art. 12) - Slovak
(1) Ľudia sú slobodní a rovní v dôstojnosti i v právach. Základné práva a slobody sú neodňateľné, nescudziteľné, nepremlčateľné a nezrušiteľné.
(2) Základné práva a slobody sa zaručujú na území Slovenskej republiky všetkým bez ohľadu na pohlavie, rasu, farbu pleti, jazyk, vieru a náboţenstvo, politické, či iné zmýšľanie, národný alebo sociálny pôvod, príslušnosť k národnosti alebo etnickej skupine, majetok, rod alebo iné postavenie. Nikoho nemoţno z týchto dôvodov poškodzovať, zvýhodňovať alebo znevýhodňovať.
(4) Nikomu nesmie byť spôsobená ujma na právach pre to, ţe uplatňuje svoje základné práva a slobody. (Čl. 12)
Obligations of the State
- English
The sovereign Malagasy People,
Considering the geopolitical situation of Madagascar and its voluntarist participation in the dialog of nations, and making its own, notably:
• The International Charter of the Rights of Man;
• The Conventions relative to the rights of the child, to the rights of women, to the protection of the environment, to the social, economical, political, civil and cultural rights,
Considering that the development of the personality and of the identity of all Malagasies is the essential factor of the durable and full development of which the conditions are, notably:
• the respect for and protection of the fundamental freedoms and rights;
… (Preamble) - French
Le Peuple malagasy souverain,
Considérant la situation géopolitique de Madagascar et sa participation volontariste dans le concert des nations, et faisant siennes, notamment:
- La Charte internationale des droits de l’homme;
- Les Conventions relatives aux droits de l’enfant, aux droits de la femme, à la protection de l’environnement, aux droits sociaux, économiques, politiques, civils et culturels,
Considérant que l’épanouissement de la personnalité et de l’identité de tout Malagasy est le facteur essentiel du développement durable et intégré dont les conditions sont, notamment:
- le respect et la protection des libertés et droits fondamentaux ;
… (Préambule)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishAll citizens shall be assured of human worth and dignity and have the right to pursue happiness. It shall be the duty of the State to confirm and guarantee the fundamental and inviolable human rights of individuals. (Art. 10)
- Korean모든 국민은 인간으로서의 존엄과 가치를 가지며, 행복을 추구할 권리를 가진다. 국가는 개인이 가지는 불가침의 기본적 인권을 확인하고 이를 보장할 의무를 진다. (제10조)
Obligations of the State
- English
1. Limitations of the rights and freedoms foreseen in this Constitution may be established only by law for a public interest or for the protection of the rights of others. The limitation shall be in proportion with the situation that has dictated it.
2. These limitations may not infringe the essence of the rights and freedoms and in no case may exceed the limitations provided for in the European Convention on Human Rights. (Art. 17) - Albanian
1. Kufizime të të drejtave dhe lirive të parashikuara në këtë Kushtetutë mund të vendosen vetëm me ligj për një interes publik ose për mbrojtjen e të drejtave të të tjerëve. Kufizimi duhet të jetë në përpjesëtim me gjendjen që e ka diktuar atë.
2. Këto kufizime nuk mund të cenojnë thelbin e lirive dhe të të drejtave dhe në asnjë rast nuk mund të tejkalojnë kufizimet e parashikuara në Konventën Europiane për të Drejtat e Njeriut. (Neni 17)
Obligations of the State
- English(1) The fundamental rights and freedoms recognized in this Chapter4 shall always be respected in the making and application of the law. Likewise, they must be respected by all individuals and private organisations, as well as by every state institution and state official as they carry out their official functions.
(2) It is the responsibility of the state not only to ensure it does not violate rights through its actions, but also to take reasonable steps to protect the rights of the people from abuse by others.
(3) The rights recognized in this Chapter may be limited only by a law as provided for in Article 38. (Art. 12) - Somali(1) Xuquuqda asaasiga ah iyo xorriyadda lagu aqoonsaday qaybtan waa in la dhowraa marka kasta oo sharci la dejinayo lana fulinayo. Sidoo kale, qof kasta, hay’adaha Dawladda ee heer kasta iyo hay’adaha gaarka ah iyo saraakiisha Dawladdu marka ay gudanayaan xilkooda waa in ay ilaaliyaan xuquuqda aasaasiga ah.
(2) Waajibaadka Dawladdu kuma koobna in ay dhawrto xuquuqda dadka, balse waa in ay qaaddo tallaabooyin maangal ah oo lagu ilaalinayo in xadgudub uga yimaado cid kale.
(3) Xuquuqda lagu aqoonsaday cutubkan sharci uun baa lagu xaddidi karaa sida ku xusan Qodobka 38. (Qodobka 12aad.)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishI. The international treaties and instruments in matters of human rights that have been signed and/or ratified, or those that have been joined by the State, which declare rights more favorable than those contained in the Constitution, shall have preferential application over those in this Constitution.
II. The rights recognized in the Constitution shall be interpreted in agreement with international human rights treaties when the latter provide more favorable norms. (Art. 256) - SpanishI. Los tratados e instrumentos internacionales en materia de derechos humanos que hayan sido firmados, ratificados o a los que se hubiera adherido el Estado, que declaren derechos más favorables a los contenidos en la Constitución, se aplicarán de manera preferente sobre ésta.
II. Los derechos reconocidos en la Constitución serán interpretados de acuerdo a los tratados internacionales de derechos humanos cuando éstos prevean normas más favorables. (Art. 256)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe institutions of the Republic must permit the normal and regular exercise of popular sovereignty and guarantee the full expression of the public rights and freedoms. (Art. 8)
- Arabicيتعيّن على مؤسسات الجمهورية السماح بالممارسة العادية والمنتظمة للسيادة الشعبية وضمان التعبير الكامل للحقوق والحريات العامة. (المادة 8)
- FrenchLes institutions de la République doivent permettre l'exercice normal et régulier de la souveraineté populaire et garantir le plein épanouissement des droits et libertés publiques. (Art. 8)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe Haitian people proclaim this Constitution:
To guarantee their inalienable and imprescriptible rights to life, to liberty and to the pursuit of happiness; in accordance with their Act of Independence of 1804 and with the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man of 1948.
To implant democracy which implies ideological pluralism and political alternation and to affirm the inviolable rights of the Haitian People.
To establish a governmental regime based on the fundamental liberties and the respect for human rights, the social peace, economic equity, the equity of gender, the concerted action and the participation of all the population in the grand decisions engaging the national life, by an effective decentralization.
… (Preamble) - FrenchLe Peuple Haïtien proclame la présente Constitution:
Pour garantir ses droits inaliénables et imprescriptibles à la vie, à la liberté et à la poursuite du bonheur; conformément à son Acte d’Indépendance de 1804 et à la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme de 1948.
Pour implanter la démocratie qui implique le pluralisme idéologique et l'alternance politique et affirmer les droits inviolables du Peuple Haïtien.
Pour instaurer un régime gouvernemental basé sur les libertés fondamentales et le respect des droits humains, la paix sociale, l'équité économique, la concertation et la participation de toute la population aux grandes décisions engageant la vie nationale, par une décentralisation effective.
… (Préambule)