The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe State recognizes, without any discrimination, the primacy of the inalienable rights of the person … (Art. 5)
- SpanishEl Estado reconoce, sin discriminación alguna, la primacía de los derechos inalienables de la persona … (Art. 5)
Obligations of the State
- English…
Solemnly reaffirm their determination to fight all forms of tyranny, oppression, social, cultural or religious domination and segregation, to defend national independence, to respect and guarantee human rights and the fundamental rights of the citizen, to ensure the principle of the separation of powers in the organisation of the State, and to establish the essential rules of multi-party democracy, with a view to building a just and prosperous nation and developing a society of solidarity and fraternity.
… (Preamble) - Tetum…
Hateten hikas ho solenidade nia determinasaun atu halo funu hasoru forma oin-oin tirania nian, opresaun, dominasaun no kaketak sosiál, kulturál ka tuir relijiaun, atu defende independénsia nasionál, respeita no fó garantia ba direitus umanus, no ema sidadaun sira-nia direitu fundamentál, atu kaer metin prinsípiu haketak podér iha Estadu nia organizasaun no harii demokrasia sanak-barak nia regra prinsipál sira, hodi buka harii nasaun ida-ne’ebé justu no buras, hodi mós foti sosiedade ida-ne’ebé hakiak ema atu fó neon-laran ba malu nu’udar maunalin.
… (Preámbulu) - Portuguese…
Reafirmam solenemente a sua determinação em combater todas as formas de tirania, opressão, dominação e segregação social, cultural ou religiosa, defender a independência nacional, respeitar e garantir os direitos humanos e os direitos fundamentais do cidadão, assegurar o princípio da separação de poderes na organização do Estado e estabelecer as regras essenciais da democracia pluralista, tendo em vista a construção de um país justo e próspero e o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade solidária e fraterna.
… (Preâmbulo)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe National Assembly shall be entirely responsible for legislating on the following matters:
b) Personal and political rights of citizens;
… (Art. 98) - PortugueseCompete exclusivamente à Assembleia Nacional legislar sobre as seguintes matérias:
b) Direitos pessoais e políticos dos cidadãos;
… (Art. 98)
Obligations of the State
- English…
A citizen has the right to be informed on human rights and basic freedoms as well as actively to contribute, individually or jointly with others, to their promotion and protection. (Art. 50) - Macedonian…
Граѓанинот има право да биде запознат со човековите права и основни слободи и активно да придонесува, поединечно или заедно со други за нивно унапредување и заштита. (Член 50)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishWe, the people of Angola, …
Reaffirming our commitment to the values and fundamental principles of the independence, sovereignty and the unity of a democratic state based on the rule of law, pluralism of political expression and organisation, the separation and balance between the powers of bodies that exercise sovereign power, the market economy and respect and guarantees for fundamental human rights and freedoms, which constitute the essential pillars supporting and structuring this Constitution;
… (Preamble) - PortugueseNós, o Povo de Angola, …
Reafirmando o nosso comprometimento com os valores e princípios fundamentais da Independência, Soberania e Unidade do Estado democrático de direito, do pluralismo de expressão e de organização política, da separação e equilíbrio de poderes dos órgãos de soberania, do sistema económico de mercado e do respeito e garantia dos direitos e liberdades fundamentais do ser humano, que constituem as traves mestras que suportam e estruturam a presente Constituição;
… (Preâmbulo)
Obligations of the State
- English… No provision of this Constitution shall be interpreted in a manner that enables the State or individuals to destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms recognized by the Constitution or to stage an activity with the aim of restricting them more extensively than stated in the Constitution. … (Art. 14)
- Turkish... Anayasa hükümlerinden hiçbiri, Devlete veya kişilere, Anayasayla tanınan temel hak ve hürriyetlerin yok edilmesini veya Anayasada belirtilenden daha geniş şekilde sınırlandırılmasını amaçlayan bir faaliyette bulunmayı mümkün kılacak şekilde yorumlanamaz. ... (Madde 14)
Obligations of the State
- English(1) The State shall guarantee and respect institutions which are charged by the State with responsibility for protecting and promoting human rights and freedoms by providing those institutions with adequate resources to function effectively.
(2) The State shall guarantee and respect the independence of non-governmental organisations which protect and promote human rights.
… (Sec. 60)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe constitution guarantees the effectiveness of fundamental rights, through mechanisms of guardianship and protection, that offer to people the possibility of obtaining the fulfillment of their rights, when faced with those subjected, obligated, or owing to the same. Fundamental rights link all the public powers, which should guarantee their effectiveness in the terms established by the present Constitution and by the law. (Art. 68)
- SpanishLa Constitución garantiza la efectividad de los derechos fundamentales, a través de los mecanismos de tutela y protección, que ofrecen a la persona la posibilidad de obtener la satisfacción de sus derechos, frente a los sujetos obligados o deudores de los mismos. Los derechos fundamentales vinculan a todos los poderes públicos, los cuales deben garantizar su efectividad en los términos establecidos por la presente Constitución y por la ley. (Art. 68)
Obligations of the State
- English
Nothing in this Division4 derogates the rights and freedoms of the individual under any other law and, in particular, an Organic Law or an Act of the Parliament may provide further guarantees of rights and freedoms and may further restrict the limitations that may be placed on, or on the exercise of, any right or freedom (including the limitations that may be imposed under Section 38 (general qualifications on qualified rights)). (Sec. 33)
Obligations of the State
- English
The rules concerning[ the following] are of the domain of the law:
- … civic rights and the fundamental guarantees accorded to citizens for the exercise of the public freedoms;
… (Art. 98) - French
Sont du domaine de la loi, les règles concernant:
- … les droits civiques et les garanties fondamentales accordées aux citoyens pour l'exercice des libertés publiques;
… (Art. 98)