The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Indigenous Peoples
- EnglishGiven the pre-colonial existence of nations and rural native indigenous peoples and their ancestral control of their territories, their free determination, consisting of the right to autonomy, self-government, their culture, recognition of their institutions, and the consolidation of their territorial entities, is guaranteed within the framework of the unity of the State, in accordance with this Constitution and the law. (Art. 2)
- SpanishDada la existencia precolonial de las naciones y pueblos indígena originario campesinos y su dominio ancestral sobre sus territorios, se garantiza su libre determinación en el marco de la unidad del Estado, que consiste en su derecho a la autonomía, al autogobierno, a su cultura, al reconocimiento de sus instituciones y a la consolidación de sus entidades territoriales, conforme a esta Constitución y la ley. (Art. 2)
Indigenous Peoples
- English…
II. The Public Defender shall also promote the defense of the rights of the nations and rural native indigenous peoples, of urban and intercultural communities, and of Bolivians who are abroad.
… (Art. 218) - Spanish…
II. Corresponderá asimismo a la Defensoría del Pueblo la promoción de la defensa de los derechos de las naciones y pueblos indígena originario campesinos, de las comunidades urbanas e interculturales, y de las bolivianas y los bolivianos en el exterior.
… (Art. 218)
Indigenous Peoples
- English
It is exclusively the competence of the National Congress:
XVI – to authorize, in Indian lands, the exploitation and use of hydric resources and the prospecting and mining of mineral resources;
… (Art. 49) - Portuguese
É da competência exclusiva do Congresso Nacional:
XVI - autorizar, em terras indígenas, a exploração e o aproveitamento de recursos hídricos e a pesquisa e lavra de riquezas minerais;
… (Art. 49)
Indigenous Peoples
- EnglishIn conformity with the Constitution and the laws, the indigenous territories will be governed by councils formed and regulated according to the usages and customs of their communities and will exercise the following functions:
1. To see to the application of the legal norms concerning the uses of the soil and settlement of their territories.
2. To design the policies and the plans and programs of economic and social development within their territory, in harmony with the National Plan of Development.
3. To promote the public investments in their territories and see to their appropriate execution.
4. To receive and distribute their resources.
5. To see to the conservation of the natural resources.
6. To coordinate the programs and projects promoted by the different communities in their territory.
7. To collaborate with the maintenance of the public order within their territory in accordance with the instructions and provisions of the National Government.
8. To represent the territories before the National Government and the other entities into which they are integrated; and
9. The ones that the Constitution and the law specify to them.
The exploitation of the natural resources in the indigenous territories shall be done without impairment of the cultural, social, and economic integrity of the indigenous communities. In the decisions that are adopted with respect to said exploitation, the Government shall encourage the participation of the representatives of the respective communities. (Art. 330) - SpanishDe conformidad con la Constitución y las leyes, los territorios indígenas estarán gobernados por consejos conformados y reglamentados según los usos y costumbres de sus comunidades y ejercerán las siguientes funciones:
1. Velar por la aplicación de las normas legales sobre usos del suelo y poblamiento de sus territorios.
2. Diseñar las políticas y los planes y programas de desarrollo económico y social dentro de su territorio, en armonía con el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo.
3. Promover las inversiones públicas en sus territorios y velar por su debida ejecución.
4. Percibir y distribuir sus recursos.
5. Velar por la preservación de los recursos naturales.
6. Coordinar los programas y proyectos promovidos por las diferentes comunidades en su territorio.
7. Colaborar con el mantenimiento del orden público dentro de su territorio de acuerdo con las instrucciones y disposiciones del Gobierno Nacional.
8. Representar a los territorios ante el Gobierno Nacional y las demás entidades a las cuales se integren; y
9. Las que les señalen la Constitución y la ley.
La explotación de los recursos naturales en los territorios indígenas se hará sin desmedro de la integridad cultural, social y económica de las comunidades indígenas. En las decisiones que se adopten respecto de dicha explotación, el Gobierno propiciará la participación de los representantes de las respectivas comunidades. (Art. 330)
Indigenous Peoples
- EnglishThe labor activities that involve the transfer of workers outside of their communities, will be the object of protection and legislation to assure adequate conditions of health, security, and social prevision that prevent the payment of wages [that are] not adjusted to the law, the disintegration of those communities and in general all of discriminatory treatment. (Art. 69)
- SpanishLas actividades laborales que impliquen traslación de trabajadores fuera de sus comunidades, serán objeto de protección y legislación que aseguren las condiciones adecuadas de salud, seguridad y previsión social que impidan el pago de salarios no ajustados a la ley, la desintegración de esas comunidades y en general todo trato discriminatorio. (Art. 69)
Indigenous Peoples
- English
... The indigenous peoples and the ethnic communities of the Caribbean Coast have right in their region to intercultural education [educación] in their mother tongue, in accordance with the law. (Art. 121)
- Spanish
… Los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades étnicas de la Costa Caribe tienen derecho en su región a la educación intercultural en su lengua materna, de acuerdo a la ley. (Art. 121)
Indigenous Peoples
- English
The authorities of the Rural and Native Communities, with the support of the Rural Patrols, may exercise jurisdictional functions within their domain [ámbito] in accordance with customary law, provided they do not violate the fundamental rights of the person. The law establishes the forms of coordination of said special jurisdiction with Justices of the Peace and with other instances of the Judicial Power. (Art. 149)
- Spanish
Las autoridades de las Comunidades Campesinas y Nativas, con el apoyo de las Rondas Campesinas, pueden ejercer las funciones jurisdiccionales dentro de su ámbito territorial de conformidad con el derecho consuetudinario, siempre que no violen los derechos fundamentales de la persona. La ley establece las formas de coordinación de dicha jurisdicción especial con los Juzgados de Paz y con las demás instancias del Poder Judicial. (Art. 149)
Indigenous Peoples
- English...
II. Education shall contribute to strengthening the unity and identity of everyone as part of the Pluri-National State (Estado Plurinacional), as well as strengthening the identity and cultural development of the members of each nation and rural native indigenous people, and the intercultural understanding and enrichment within the State. (Art. 80) - Spanish...
II. La educación contribuirá al fortalecimiento de la unidad e identidad de todas y todos como parte del Estado Plurinacional, así como a la identidad y desarrollo cultural de los miembros de cada nación o pueblo indígena originario campesino, y al entendimiento y enriquecimiento intercultural dentro del Estado. (Art. 80)
Indigenous Peoples
- EnglishRural native indigenous autonomy consists in self-government as an exercise of free determination of the nations and rural native indigenous peoples, the population of which shares territory, culture, history, languages, and their own juridical, political, social and economic organization or institutions. (Art. 289)
- SpanishLa autonomía indígena originaria campesina consiste en el autogobierno como ejercicio de la libre determinación de las naciones y los pueblos indígena originario campesinos, cuya población comparte territorio, cultura, historia, lenguas, y organización o instituciones jurídicas, políticas, sociales y económicas propias. (Art. 289)
Indigenous Peoples
- English
Indians shall have their social organization, customs, languages, creeds and traditions recognized, as well as their original rights to the lands they traditionally occupy, it being incumbent upon the Union to demarcate them, protect and ensure respect for all of their property.
Paragraph 1. Lands traditionally occupied by Indians are those on which they live on a permanent basis, those used for their productive activities, those indispensable to the preservation of the environmental resources necessary for their well-being and for their physical and cultural reproduction, according to their uses, customs and traditions.
Paragraph 2. The lands traditionally occupied by Indians are intended for their permanent possession and they shall have the exclusive usufruct of the riches of the soil, the rivers and the lakes existing therein.
Paragraph 3. Hydric resources, including energetic potentials, may only be exploited, and mineral riches in Indian land may only be prospected and mined with the authorization of the National Congress, after hearing the communities involved, and the participation in the results of such mining shall be ensured to them, as set forth by law.
Paragraph 4. The lands referred to in this article are inalienable and indisposable and the rights thereto are not subject to limitation.
Paragraph 5. The removal of Indian groups from their lands is forbidden, except ad referendum of the National Congress, in case of a catastrophe or an epidemic which represents a risk to their population, or in the interest of the sovereignty of the country, after decision by the National Congress, it being guaranteed that, under any circumstances, the return shall be immediate as soon as the risk ceases.
Paragraph 6. Acts with a view to occupation, domain and possession of the lands referred to in this article or to the exploitation of the natural riches of the soil, rivers and lakes existing therein, are null and void, producing no legal effects, except in case of relevant public interest of the Union, as provided by a supplementary law and such nullity and voidness shall not create a right to indemnity or to sue the Union, except in what concerns improvements derived from occupation in good faith, in the manner prescribed by law.
Paragraph 7. The provisions of article 174, paragraphs 3 and 4, shall not apply to Indian lands. (Art. 231) - Portuguese
São reconhecidos aos índios sua organização social, costumes, línguas, crenças e tradições, e os direitos originários sobre as terras que tradicionalmente ocupam, competindo à União demarcá-las, proteger e fazer respeitar todos os seus bens.
§ 1º - São terras tradicionalmente ocupadas pelos índios as por eles habitadas em caráter permanente, as utilizadas para suas atividades produtivas, as imprescindíveis à preservação dos recursos ambientais necessários a seu bem-estar e as necessárias a sua reprodução física e cultural, segundo seus usos, costumes e tradições.
§ 2º - As terras tradicionalmente ocupadas pelos índios destinam-se a sua posse permanente, cabendo-lhes o usufruto exclusivo das riquezas do solo, dos rios e dos lagos nelas existentes.
§ 3º - O aproveitamento dos recursos hídricos, incluídos os potenciais energéticos, a pesquisa e a lavra das riquezas minerais em terras indígenas só podem ser efetivados com autorização do Congresso Nacional, ouvidas as comunidades afetadas, ficando-lhes assegurada participação nos resultados da lavra, na forma da lei.
§ 4º - As terras de que trata este artigo são inalienáveis e indisponíveis, e os direitos sobre elas, imprescritíveis.
§ 5º - É vedada a remoção dos grupos indígenas de suas terras, salvo, "ad referendum" do Congresso Nacional, em caso de catástrofe ou epidemia que ponha em risco sua população, ou no interesse da soberania do País, após deliberação do Congresso Nacional, garantido, em qualquer hipótese, o retorno imediato logo que cesse o risco.
§ 6º - São nulos e extintos, não produzindo efeitos jurídicos, os atos que tenham por objeto a ocupação, o domínio e a posse das terras a que se refere este artigo, ou a exploração das riquezas naturais do solo, dos rios e dos lagos nelas existentes, ressalvado relevante interesse público da União, segundo o que dispuser lei complementar, não gerando a nulidade e a extinção direito a indenização ou a ações contra a União, salvo, na forma da lei, quanto às benfeitorias derivadas da ocupação de boa fé.
§ 7º - Não se aplica às terras indígenas o disposto no art. 174, § 3º e § 4º. (Art. 231)