The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Indigenous Peoples
- EnglishThe State shall give special attention to indigenous farming communities, with the purpose of promoting their economic, social, and political participation in the national life. (Art. 124)
- SpanishEl Estado dará atención especial a las comunidades campesinas e indígenas con el fin de promover su participación económica, social y política en la vida nacional. (Art. 124)
Indigenous Peoples
- EnglishIn consideration thereof Her Majesty the Queen of England extends to the Natives of New Zealand Her royal protection and imparts to them all the Rights and Privileges of British Subjects. (Treaty of Waitangi, Article the Third)
Indigenous Peoples
- EnglishNative peoples have the right to maintain and promote their own economic practices based on reciprocity, solidarity and exchange; their traditional productive activities and their participation in the national economy, and to define their priorities. Native peoples have the right to professional training services and to participate in the preparation, implementation and management of specific training programs and technical and financial assistance services to strengthen their economic activities within the framework of sustainable local development. The State shall guarantee to workers belonging to native peoples the enjoyment of the rights granted under labor legislation. (Art. 123)
- SpanishLos pueblos indígenas tienen derecho a mantener y promover sus propias prácticas económicas basadas en la reciprocidad, la solidaridad y el intercambio; sus actividades productivas tradicionales, su participación en la economía nacional y a definir sus prioridades. Los pueblos indígenas tienen derecho a servicios de formación profesional y a participar en la elaboración, ejecución y gestión de programas específicos de capacitación, servicios de asistencia técnica y financiera que fortalezcan sus actividades económicas en el marco del desarrollo local sustentable. El Estado garantizará a los trabajadores y trabajadoras pertenecientes a los pueblos indígenas el goce de los derechos que confiere la legislación laboral. (Art. 123)
Indigenous Peoples
- English…
It sees equally to the protection of the rights of minorities, of the autochthonous peoples, of handicapped persons as well as of the principle of equality between men and women. (Art. 148) - French…
Elle veille également à la protection des droits des minorités, des peuples autochtones, de personnes handicapées ainsi que du principe de I'égalité entre homme et femme. (Art. 148)
Indigenous Peoples
- English…
• “marginalised community” means-
(a) a community that, because of its relatively small population or for any other reason, has been unable to fully participate in the integrated social and economic life of Kenya as a whole;
(b) a traditional community that, out of a need or desire to preserve its unique culture and identity from assimilation, has remained outside the integrated social and economic life of Kenya as a whole;
(c) an indigenous community that has retained and maintained a traditional lifestyle and livelihood based on a hunter or gatherer economy; or
(d) pastoral persons and communities, whether they are-
(i) nomadic; or
(ii) a settled community that, because of its relative geographic isolation, has experienced only marginal participation in the integrated social and economic life of Kenya as a whole;
• “marginalised group” means a group of people who, because of laws or practices before, on, or after the effective date, were or are disadvantaged by discrimination on one or more of the grounds in Article 27 (4);
… (Art. 260) - Swahili…
• “jamii ya pembezoni” humaanisha-
(a) jamii ambayo, kwa sababu ya idadi ndogo ya watu wake au kwa sababu nyingineyo yoyote, imeshindwa kushiriki kikamilifu katika maisha ya kijamii na kiuchumi ya Kenya kwa ujumla;
(b) jamii ya jadi ambayo, kutokana na hitaji au shauku ya kuhifadhi utamaduni na utambulisho wake wa kipekee na kitambulisho ili usipotee, imebaki nje ya maisha ya kawaida ya kijamii na kiuchumi ya Kenya kwa ujumla;
(c) jamii asilia ambayo imeshikilia na kudumisha mtindo wa maisha ya jadi na kujipatia riziki katika uchumi wa uwindaji na uokotaji; au
(d) watu na jamii ya wafugaji, iwe ni-
(i) wa kuhamahama; au
(ii) jamii yenye makazi ya kudumu ambayo, kwa sababu ya kujitenga kwake kijiografia, imeshiriki kidogo sana katika maisha ya pamoja ya kijamii na kiuchumi ya Kenya kwa ujumla;
"Kikundi cha pembezoni" humaanisha kikundi cha watu ambao, kwa sababu ya sheria au desturi za hapo awali, au baada ya tarehe ya utekelezaji walikuwa au wametengwa, kwa kubaguliwa kwa sababu moja au zaidi zilizopo katika Kifungu cha 27 (4);
… (Kifungu cha 260)
Indigenous Peoples
- EnglishSocial participation, community participation, and the participation of the parents in the educational system are recognized and guaranteed by means of representative organizations at all levels of the State and in the nations and the rural native indigenous peoples. Their composition and attributes shall be established by the law. (Art. 83)
- SpanishSe reconoce y garantiza la participación social, la participación comunitaria y de los padres de familia en el sistema educativo, mediante organismos representativos en todos los niveles del Estado y en las naciones y pueblos indígena originario campesinos. Su composición y atribuciones estarán establecidas en la ley. (Art. 83)
Indigenous Peoples
- EnglishI. The formation of rural native indigenous autonomy is based on ancestral territories, currently inhabited by those peoples and nations, and pursuant to the will of their population as expressed through consultation, in accordance with the Constitution and the law.
II. The self-governance of the rural native indigenous autonomies is exercised according to their norms, institutions, authorities and procedures, in accordance with their authority and competences, and in harmony with the Constitution and the law. (Art. 290) - SpanishI. La conformación de la autonomía indígena originario campesina se basa en los territorios ancestrales, actualmente habitados por esos pueblos y naciones, y en la voluntad de su población, expresada en consulta, de acuerdo a la Constitución y la ley.
II. El autogobierno de las autonomías indígenas originario campesinas se ejercerá de acuerdo a sus normas, instituciones, autoridades y procedimientos, conforme a sus atribuciones y competencias, en armonía con la Constitución y la ley. (Art. 290)
Indigenous Peoples
- English
The Indians, their communities and organizations have standing under the law to sue to defend their rights and interests, the Public Prosecution intervening in all the procedural acts. (Art. 232)
- Portuguese
Os índios, suas comunidades e organizações são partes legítimas para ingressar em juízo em defesa de seus direitos e interesses, intervindo o Ministério Público em todos os atos do processo. (Art. 232)
Indigenous Peoples
- English(1) All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law.
(2) Except as expressly authorized by this Constitution, there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent, place of birth or gender in any law or in the appointment to any office or employment under a public authority or in the administration of any law relating to the acquisition, holding or disposition of property or the establishing or carrying on of any trade, business, profession, vocation or employment.
(5) This Article does not invalidate or prohibit—
(c) any provision for the protection, well-being or advancement of the aboriginal peoples of the Malay Peninsula (including the reservation of land) or the reservation to aborigines of a reasonable proportion of suitable positions in the public service;
… (Art. 8) - Malay(1) Semua orang adalah sama rata di sisi undang-undang dan berhak mendapat perlindungan yang sama rata di sisi undang-undang.
(2) Kecuali sebagaimana yang dibenarkan dengan nyata oleh Perlembagaan ini tidak boleh ada diskriminasi terhadap warganegara semata-mata atas alasan agama, ras, keturunan, tempat lahir atau jantina dalam mana-mana undang-undang atau dalam pelantikan kepada apa-apa jawatan atau pekerjaan di bawah sesuatu pihak berkuasa awam atau dalam pentadbiran mana-mana undang-undang yang berhubungan dengan pemerolehan, pemegangan atau pelupusan harta atau berhubungan dengan penubuhan atau penjalanan apa-apa pertukangan, perniagaan, profesion, kerjaya atau pekerjaan.
(5) Perkara ini tidak menidaksahkan atau melarang—
(c) apa-apa peruntukan bagi perlindungan, kesentosaan atau pemajuan orang asli Semenanjung Tanah Melayu (termasuk perizaban tanah) atau perizaban bagi orang asli suatu perkadaran yang munasabah daripada jawatan-jawatan yang sesuai dalam perkhidmatan awam;
… (Perkara 8)
Indigenous Peoples
- EnglishIndigenous communities, peoples and nations, the Afro-Ecuadorian people, the back-country people (montubios) of the inland coastal region, and communes are part of the single and indivisible Ecuadorian State. (Art. 56)
- SpanishLas comunidades, pueblos, y nacionalidades indígenas, el pueblo afroecuatoriano, el pueblo montubio y las comunas forman parte del Estado ecuatoriano, único e indivisible. (Art. 56)