The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English1. This Constitution is founded upon the following underlying principles—
e. as all persons have equal status before the law, the only justifiable limitations to lawful rights are those necessary to ensure peaceful human interaction in an open and democratic society;
… (Sec. 12)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English(1) Without prejudice to the powers of Parliament, but subject to the provisions of this section, where any period of public emergency exists, the Governor General may, due regard being had to the circumstances of any situation likely to arise or exist during such period, make regulations for the purpose of dealing with that situation and issue orders and instructions for the purpose of the exercise of any powers conferred on him or her or any other person by any law referred to in subsection (3) or instrument made under this section or any such law.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) regulations made under that subsection may make provision for the detention of persons.
(3) A law enacted by Parliament that is passed during a period of public emergency and is expressly declared to have effect only during that period or any regulation made under subsection (1) shall have effect even though inconsistent with sections 3 or 13 except in so far as its provisions may be shown not to be reasonably justifiable for the purpose of dealing with the situation that exists during that period. (Sec. 14)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English(1) The provisions of this Constitution with regard to the national, independent, unitary and indivisible character of the Romanian State, the republican form of government, territorial integrity, independence of justice, political pluralism and official language shall not be subject to revision.
(2) Likewise, no revision shall be made if it results in the suppression of the citizens' fundamental rights and freedoms, or of the safeguards thereof.
(3) The Constitution shall not be revised during a state of siege or emergency, or at wartime. (Art. 152) - Romanian(1) Dispoziţiile prezentei Constituţii privind caracterul naţional, independent, unitar şi indivizibil al statului român, forma republicană de guvernământ, integritatea teritoriului, independenţa justiţiei, pluralismul politic şi limba oficială nu pot forma obiectul revizuirii.
(2) De asemenea, nici o revizuire nu poate fi făcută dacă are ca rezultat suprimarea drepturilor şi a libertăţilor fundamentale ale cetăţenilor sau a garanţiilor acestora.
(3) Constituţia nu poate fi revizuită pe durata stării de asediu sau a stării de urgenţă şi nici în timp de război. (Art. 152)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishIn exercising rights and freedoms, everyone is subject only to limitations provided for by the law aimed at ensuring recognition and respect of other people’s rights and freedoms, as well as public morals, public order and social welfare which generally characterise a democratic society. (Art. 41)
- KinyarwandaMu gukoresha uburenganzira n’ubwisanzure, buri wese azitirwa gusa n’itegeko rigamije kwemera no kubahiriza uburenganzira n’ubwisanzure by’abandi ndetse n’imyitwarire iboneye, ituze rusange rya rubanda n’imibereho myiza muri rusange biranga Igihugu kigendera kuri demokarasi. (Ingingo ya 41)
- FrenchDans l’exercice de ses droits et dans la jouissance de ses libertés, chacun n’est soumis qu’aux limitations établies par la loi ayant pour objet la reconnaissance et le respect des droits et libertés d’autrui, ainsi que les exigences de la moralité publique, de l’ordre public et du bien-être social qui caractérisent généralement une société démocratique. (Art. 41)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe Constitution shall not be amended during the state of emergency. (Art. 146)
- Dariدر حالت اضطرار، قانون اساسی تعدیل نمی شود. (مادۀ ۱۴۶)
- Pashtoد اضطرار په حالت كې اساسي قانون نه تعديلېږي. (۱۴۶ ماده)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishNo one is entitled to exercise his rights in a way injurious to others or detrimental to public interests. (Art. 40)
- Persianهیچکس نمیتواند اعمال حق خویش را وسیله اضرار به غیر یا تجاوز به منافع عمومی قرار دهد. (اصل 40)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
The restrictions referred to in Article 20 may only be imposed to satisfy purposes acceptable in a democratic society. The restriction may never go beyond what is necessary with regard to the purposes for which it was imposed, nor may it extend so far that it represents a threat to the free shaping of opinion as one of the foundations of democracy. No restriction may be imposed solely on grounds of political, religious, cultural or other such beliefs. (Instrument of Government, Chapter 2, Art. 21)
- Swedish
Begränsningar enligt 20 § får göras endast för att tillgodose ändamål som är godtagbara i ett demokratiskt samhälle. Begränsningen får aldrig gå utöver vad som är nödvändigt med hänsyn till det ändamål som har föranlett den och inte heller sträcka sig så långt att den utgör ett hot mot den fria åsiktsbildningen såsom en av folkstyrelsens grundvalar. Begränsningen får inte göras enbart på grund av politisk, religiös, kulturell eller annan sådan åskådning. (Kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform, 2 kap, 21§)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English...
(4) The recognition of the fundamental rights set out in this Chapter does not deny the existence of any other rights that are recognized or conferred by Shari’ah, or by customary law or legislation to the extent that they are consistent with the Shari’ah and the Constitution. (Art. 40) - Somali…
(4) Xuquuqda asaasiga ah ee ku xusan Cutubkan kama hor-imaaan karaan xuquuqda kale ee Shareecada Islaamku jideysey iyo xeer-dhaqameedka la jaanqaadi kara Shareecada iyo Dastuurka. (Qodobka 40aad.)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
7. Where a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation, the enforcement of the rights conferred by this Constitution under sections 2, 3, 5, 12 and 19 of Article 7 may be suspended.
… (Art. 33) - Dzongkha
༧) ཚབས་རྡོལ་གྱི་བཀའ་ཁྱབ་བསྟར་སྤྱོད་སྐབས་ རྩ་ཁྲིམས་ཆེན་མོ་འདིའི་རྩ་ཚན་༧ པའི་དོན་ཚན་༢ པ་དང་ ༣ པ་ ༥ པ་ ༡༢ པ་ ༡༩ པ་བཅས་ཀྱི་ནང་གསལ་ལྟར་གནང་བའི་ཐོབ་དབང་ཚུ་གི་ཁྱབ་དབང་སྤྱོད་ནིའི་མཚམས་འཇོག་འབད་ཆོག།
... ༼རྩ་ཚན་༣༣༽
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
The basic issues need the consent of two-thirds of the Government members, as specified in the decree of its formation. The following are basic issues: Amending the Constitution, declaring and canceling the state of emergency, war and peace, public mobilization, international accords and treaties, state budget, overall development plans, and long term, appointing employees of the first cadre and its equivalent, reconsidering the redistricting, dissolving the Chamber of Deputies, elections law, nationality law, personal affairs laws, dismissing the Ministers. (Art. 65) - Arabic
القضايا الأساسية تحتاج إلى موافقة ثلثي أعضاء الحكومة ، على النحو المحدد في مرسوم تشكيلها. فيما يلي القضايا الأساسية: تعديل الدستور ، وإعلان وإلغاء حالة الطوارئ ، والحرب والسلام ، والتعبئة العامة ، والاتفاقيات والمعاهدات الدولية ، وميزانية الدولة ، وخطط التنمية الشاملة ، وطويلة الأجل ، وتعيين موظفين من الكادر الأول وما يعادله وإعادة النظر في إعادة تقسيم وحل مجلس النواب وقانون الانتخابات وقانون الجنسية وقوانين الأحوال الشخصية وعزل الوزراء. (المادة 65)