The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishThe [state of] matrimony may be authorized by the mayors [alcaldes], council members, notaries in exercise [of their function] and [by] religious ministers authorized [facultados] by the corresponding administrative authority. (Art. 49)
- SpanishEl matrimonio podrá ser autorizado por los alcaldes, concejales, notarios en ejercicio y ministros de culto facultados por la autoridad administrativa correspondiente. (Art. 49)
Marriage and Family Life
- English
The right of the man and the woman, that have the quality of being so naturally, to contract matrimony between them, as well as the juridical equality of the spouses, is recognized.
The civil marriage celebrated before a competent functionary and with the conditions required by the Law alone is valid.
The common law union [unión de hecho] between the persons equally capable of contracting matrimony is recognized. The law will specify the conditions for it to provide the effects of marriage.
Matrimony and the common law union between persons of the same sex is prohibited.
Matrimonies or common law unions between persons of the same sex celebrated or recognized under the laws of other countries will have no validity in Honduras.
The provisions of this Article may only be reformed by a majority of threequarters of the members of the Plenum of the National Congress. The legal provisions created after the validity of this Article that establish the contrary will be null and invalid. (Art. 112) - Spanish
Se reconoce el derecho del hombre y de la mujer, que tengan la calidad de tales naturalmente, a contraer matrimonio entre sí, así como la igualdad jurídica de los cónyuges.
Sólo es válido el matrimonio civil celebrado ante funcionario competente y con las condiciones requeridas por la Ley.
Se reconoce la unión de hecho entre las personas igualmente capaces para contraer matrimonio. La Ley señalará las condiciones para que surta los efectos del matrimonio.
Se prohibe el matrimonio y la unión de hecho entre personas del mismo sexo.
Los matrimonios o uniones de hecho entre personas del mismo sexo celebrados o reconocidos bajo las leyes de otros países no tendrán validez en Honduras.
Lo dispuesto en este Artículo sólo podrá reformarse por una mayoría de tres cuartas partes de los miembros del Pleno del Congreso Nacional. Serán nulas e inválidas las disposiciones legales que se creen con posterioridad a la vigencia del presente Artículo que establezcan lo contrario. (Art. 112)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishEvery person has the right to dignified and socially useful work. To this effect, the creation of jobs [empleos] and the social organization of work shall be promoted, in accordance with the law.
The Congress of the Union, without contravening the following bases[,] must adopt laws concerning work, which will govern:
A. Among the workers, day laborers, domestic servants, artisans and in a general manner any contract of labor:
V. Women during pregnancy shall not perform [realizará] work that requires considerable effort and [which] signifies a danger to their health in relation to gestation; they will necessarily [forsozamente] enjoy a leave of absence [descanso] of six weeks prior to the approximate date established for the delivery and [of] six weeks subsequent to it, and they must receive their complete salary and retain [conservar] their job [empleo] and the rights that have been acquired by the work agreement [relación de trabajo]. In the time of nursing [lactancia] they will have two extra ordinary rest periods [descansos] per day, of half an hour each one, for the nursing of their children;
B. Between the Powers of the Union and their workers:
XI. Social security [seguridad social] will be organized in accordance with the following minimum bases:
a) It will cover occupational [profesionales] accidents and infirmities; the non-occupational infirmities and maternity; and retirement, disability, old age, and death.
c) Women during pregnancy shall not perform [realizará] work that requires considerable effort and that signifies a danger to their health in relation to gestation; they will necessarily [forsozamente] enjoy a leave of absence [descanso] of six weeks prior to the approximate date established for the delivery and [of] six weeks subsequent to it, and they must receive their complete salary and retain [conservar] their job [empleo] and the rights that have been acquired by the work agreement [relación de trabajo]. In the time of nursing [lactancia] they will have two extra ordinary rest periods [descansos] per day, of half an hour each one, for the nursing of their children In addition, they will enjoy medical and obstetrical assistance, medicines, aids during lactation, and infant care services.
d) The families of the workers [trabajadores] will have the right to medical assistance and medicines, in those cases and in the proportion that the law determines.
e) Centers for vacations and recuperation, as well as economical stores for [tiendas] the benefit of the workers [trabajadores] and their families, shall be established.
… (Art. 123) - SpanishToda persona tiene derecho al trabajo digno y socialmente útil; al efecto, se promoverán la creación de empleos y la organización social de trabajo, conforme a la ley.
El Congreso de la Unión, sin contravenir a las bases siguientes deberá expedir leyes sobre el trabajo, las cuales regirán:
A. Entre los obreros, jornaleros, empleados domésticos, artesanos y de una manera general, todo contrato de trabajo:
V. Las mujeres durante el embarazo no realizarán trabajos que exijan un esfuerzo considerable y signifiquen un peligro para su salud en relación con la gestación; gozarán forzosamente de un descanso de seis semanas anteriores a la fecha fijada aproximadamente para el parto y seis semanas posteriores al mismo, debiendo percibir su salario íntegro y conservar su empleo y los derechos que hubieren adquirido por la relación de trabajo. En el período de lactancia tendrán dos descansos extraordinarios por día, de media hora cada uno para alimentar a sus hijos;
B. Entre los Poderes de la Unión y sus trabajadores:
XI. La seguridad social se organizará conforme a las siguientes bases mínimas:
a) Cubrirá los accidentes y enfermedades profesionales; las enfermedades no profesionales y maternidad; y la jubilación, la invalidez, vejez y muerte.
c) Las mujeres durante el embarazo no realizarán trabajos que exijan un esfuerzo considerable y signifiquen un peligro para su salud en relación con la gestación; gozarán forzosamente de un mes de descanso antes de la fecha fijada aproximadamente para el parto y de otros dos después del mismo, debiendo percibir su salario íntegro y conservar su empleo y los derechos que hubieren adquirido por la relación de trabajo. En el período de lactancia tendrán dos descansos extraordinarios por día, de media hora cada uno, para alimentar a sus hijos. Además, disfrutarán de asistencia médica y obstétrica, de medicinas, de ayudas para la lactancia y del servicio de guarderías infantiles.
d) Los familiares de los trabajadores tendrán derecho a asistencia médica y medicinas, en los casos y en la proporción que determine la ley.
e) Se establecerán centros para vacaciones y para recuperación, así como tiendas económicas para beneficio de los trabajadores y sus familiares.
… (Art. 123)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishThe de facto union of persons of different sex with the legal capacity to enter into marriage which is sustained for five consecutive years in conditions of single partnership and stability shall produce the full effects of a civil marriage.
To this end, it shall be sufficient the interested parties jointly request the Civil Registrar to register the de facto union. As long as this request has not been made, the marriage may be proved, for the purpose of claiming the rights pertaining thereto, by any of the spouses concerned in accordance with the procedures established by law. However, the Public Ministry, in the interest of morals and of the law, or third persons who assert rights susceptible of being affected by the registration, may object to the registration or challenge it subsequently on the ground that the declaration is contrary to the facts. (Art. 58) - SpanishLa unión de hecho entre personas de distinto sexo legalmente capacitadas para contraer matrimonio, mantenida durante cinco años consecutivos en condiciones de singularidad y estabilidad, surtirá todos los efectos del matrimonio civil. Para este fin, bastará que las partes interesadas soliciten conjuntamente al Registro Civil la inscripción del matrimonio de hecho. Cuando no se haya efectuado esa solicitud, el matrimonio podrá comprobarse, para los efectos de la reclamación de sus derechos, por uno de los cónyuges u otro interesado, mediante los trámites que determine la Ley. Podrán, no obstante, oponerse a que se haga la inscripción o impugnarla después de hecha, el Ministerio Público en interés de la moral y de la Ley, o los terceros que aleguen derechos susceptibles de ser afectados por la inscripción, si la declaración fuere contraria a la realidad de los hechos. (Art. 58)
Marriage and Family Life
- English(1) An appeal shall lie from final decisions of the Court of Appeal to the Caribbean Court of Justice as of right in the following cases –
(b) in proceedings for the dissolution or nullification of marriage;
… (Sec. 104)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishResponsible maternity and paternity will be protected by the State, which will promote the creation of [the] necessary institutions to these ends. (Art. 55)
- SpanishLa maternidad y la paternidad responsables serán protegidas por el Estado, el cual fomentará la creación de instituciones necesarias para dichos fines. (Art. 55)
Marriage and Family Life
- English
The following are rights of urban and rural workers, among others that aim to improve their social conditions:
XII – family allowance paid to each dependent of low-income workers, under the terms of the law;
XVIII – maternity leave without loss of job and of salary, for a period of one hundred and twenty days;
XIX – paternity leave, under the terms established by law;
XXV – free assistance for children and dependents of up to five years of age, in day-care centres and pre-school facilities;
… (Art. 7) - Portuguese
São direitos dos trabalhadores urbanos e rurais, além de outros que visem à melhoria de sua condição social:
XII - salário-família pago em razão do dependente do trabalhador de baixa renda nos termos da lei;
XVIII - licença à gestante, sem prejuízo do emprego e do salário, com a duração de cento e vinte dias;
XIX - licença-paternidade, nos termos fixados em lei;
XXV - assistência gratuita aos filhos e dependentes desde o nascimento até 5 (cinco) anos de idade em creches e pré-escolas;
... (Art. 7)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishWHEREAS the People of Saint Lucia-
(e) realise that human dignity requires respect for spiritual values; for private family life and property; and the enjoyment of an adequate standard of economic and social well-being dependent upon the resources of the State;
… (Preamble)
Marriage and Family Life
- English…
The State, society, and the family are responsible for education, which will be obligatory between five and fifteen years of age and which shall include at least one year of preschool and nine [years] of basic education.
… (Art. 67) - Spanish…
El Estado, la sociedad y la familia son responsables de la educación, que será obligatoria entre los cinco y los quince años de edad y que comprenderá como mínimo, un año de preescolar y nueve de educación básica.
… (Art. 67)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishThe "family property", its constitution, conservation, enjoyment, and transmission shall be protected by special legislation. (Art. 49)
- SpanishEl "bien de familia", su constitución, conservación, goce y transmisión, serán objeto de una legislación protectora especial. (Art. 49)