The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Marriage and Family Life
- English(1) The family is founded on the freely consented marriage of the spouses, their full equality, as well as the right and duty of the parents to ensure the upbringing, education and instruction of their children.
(2) The terms for entering into marriage dissolution and nullity of marriage shall be established by law. Religious wedding may be celebrated only after the civil marriage.
(3) Children born out of wedlock are equal before the law with those born in wedlock. (Art. 48) - Romanian(1) Familia se întemeiază pe căsătoria liber consimţită între soţi, pe egalitatea acestora şi pe dreptul şi îndatorirea părinţilor de a asigura creşterea, educaţia şi instruirea copiilor.
(2) Condiţiile de încheiere, de desfacere şi de nulitate a căsătoriei se stabilesc prin lege. Căsătoria religioasă poate fi celebrată numai după căsătoria civilă.
(3) Copiii din afara căsătoriei sunt egali în faţa legii cu cei din căsătorie. (Art. 48)
Marriage and Family Life
- English(1) Special care shall be accorded to mothers during a reasonable period before and after child-birth; and during those periods, working mothers shall be accorded paid leave.
(2) Facilities shall be provided for the care of children below school-going age to enable women, who have the traditional care for children, realise their full potential.
… (Art. 27)
Marriage and Family Life
- English
Social security will be organized under the General Social Security System, of a contributory nature and mandatory membership, observing criteria that preserve the financial and actuarial balance, and will, in accordance with the law, meet:
II – protection to maternity, especially to pregnant women;
IV – family allowance and confinement allowance for the dependents of the low-income insured;
V – pension for death of the insured, man or woman, to the spouse or companion, and dependents, complying with the provision of paragraph 2.
... (Art. 201) - Portuguese
A previdência social será organizada sob a forma de regime geral, de caráter contributivo e de filiação obrigatória, observados critérios que preservem o equilíbrio financeiro e atuarial, e atenderá, nos termos da lei, a:
II - proteção à maternidade, especialmente à gestante;
IV - salário-família e auxílio-reclusão para os dependentes dos segurados de baixa renda;
V - pensão por morte do segurado, homem ou mulher, ao cônjuge ou companheiro e dependentes, observado o disposto no § 2º.
... (Art. 201)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishThe family is the nucleus of Saudi society. Its members shall be brought up imbued with the Islamic Creed which calls for obedience to God, His Messenger and those of the nation who are charged with authority; for the respect and enforcement of law and order; and for love of the motherland and taking pride in its glorious history. (Basic Law, Art. 9)
- Arabicالأسرة هي نواة المجتمع السعودي. ينشأ أعضاؤها مشبوعين بالعقيدة الإسلامية التي تدعو إلى طاعة الله ورسوله وأهل الأمة المكلفين بالسلطة ؛ من أجل احترام وإنفاذ القانون والنظام ؛ وحب الوطن ﻭﺍﻻﻋﺘﺯﺍﺯ بتاريخها المجيد (النظام الأساسي، المادة 9)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishParents have the right and duty to maintain, educate, and raise their children. This right and duty may be revoked or restricted only for such reasons as are provided by law in order to protect the child's interests.
Children born out of wedlock have the same rights as children born within it. (Art. 54) - SloveneStarši imajo pravico in dolžnost vzdrževati, izobraževati in vzgajati svoje otroke. Ta pravica in dolžnost se staršem lahko odvzame ali omeji samo iz razlogov, ki jih zaradi varovanja otrokovih koristi določa zakon.
Otroci, rojeni zunaj zakonske zveze, imajo enake pravice kakor otroci, rojeni v njej. (54. Člen)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishInvestigation of paternity is authorized. The procedure shall be determined by law. (Art. 115)
- SpanishSe autoriza la investigación de la paternidad. La Ley determinará el procedimiento. (Art. 115)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishLesotho shall adopt policies aimed at securing just and favourable conditions of work and in particular policies directed to achieving—
a. remuneration which provides all workers, as a minimum with—
ii. a decent living for themselves and their families;
d. the protection of women who are in employment during a reasonable period before and after childbirth; … (Sec. 30)
Marriage and Family Life
- English
The family, as [a] natural element and foundation of society, has the right to the special protection of the State. The mother, the child [masculine] and the child [feminine], senior adult persons and persons with disabilities[,] will equally have right to that protection. (Art. 51)
- Spanish
La familia, como elemento natural y fundamento de la sociedad, tiene derecho a la protección especial del Estado. Igualmente, tendrán derecho a esa protección la madre, el niño y la niña, las personas adultas mayores y las personas con discapacidad. (Art. 51)
Marriage and Family Life
- English1. The State shall protect the family as the society’s basic unit and a condition for the harmonious development of the individual.
2. Everyone has the right to establish and live in a family.
3. Marriage shall be based upon free consent by the parties and on terms of full equality of rights between spouses, in accordance with the law.
4. Maternity shall be dignified and protected, and special protection shall be guaranteed to all women during pregnancy and after delivery and working women shall have the right to be exempted from the workplace for an adequate period before and after delivery, without loss of remuneration or any other benefits, in accordance with the law. (Sec. 39) - Tetum1. Estadu proteje uma-kain nu’udar baze selulár iha sosiedade no nu’udar kondisaun ne’ebé di’ak ba ema idaidak hodi dezenvolve an.
2. Ema hotu-hotu iha direitu atu harii no moris iha uma-kain.
3. Kazamentu hatuur iha ema feto no mane sira-nia hakarak rasik no iha sira na’in rua nia direitu hanesan, tuir lei haruka.
4. Soin di’ak no tau matan duni ba maternidade, fiar metin katak feto hotu-hotu hetan protesaun espesiál wainhira hetan isin-rua no wainhira hahoris liutiha, no ba feto traballadora hotu-hotu iha direitu ba feriadu iha tempu adekuadu ida nia laran, molok hahoris eh hahoris liutiha, hodi la lakon retribuisaun no regalia, ruma tuir lei haruka. (Art. 39) - Portuguese1. O Estado protege a família como célula base da sociedade e condição para o harmonioso desenvolvimento da pessoa.
2. Todos têm direito a constituir e a viver em família.
3. O casamento assenta no livre consentimento das partes e na plena igualdade de direitos entre os cônjuges, nos termos da lei.
4. A maternidade é dignificada e protegida, assegurando-se a todas as mulheres protecção especial durante a gravidez e após o parto e às mulheres trabalhadoras direito a dispensa de trabalho por período adequado, antes e depois do parto, sem perda de retribuição e de quaisquer outras regalias, nos termos da lei. (Art. 39)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishChildren are equal in their rights regardless of their origin and whether they are born in or out of wedlock.
… (Art. 52) - UkrainianДіти рівні у своїх правах незалежно від походження, а також від того, народжені вони у шлюбі чи поза ним.
... (Стаття 52)