The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- EnglishThe Croatian Parliament shall adopt laws (organic laws) regulating the rights of national minorities by a two-thirds majority of all Members.
… (Art. 83) - CroatianZakone (organski zakoni) kojima se uređuju prava nacionalnih manjina Hrvatski sabor donosi dvotrećinskom većinom glasova svih zastupnika.
… (Članak 83)
- EnglishEqual rights for the members of all national minorities in the Republic of Croatia shall be guaranteed.
Equality and protection of the rights of national minorities shall be regulated by a constitutional act to be enacted under the procedure stipulated for organic laws.Over and above general suffrage, the right of the members of national minorities to elect their representatives to the Croatian Parliament may be stipulated by law. The freedom of the members of all national minorities to express their national affiliation, to use their language and script, and to exercise cultural autonomy shall be guaranteed. (Art. 15) - CroatianU Republici Hrvatskoj jamči se ravnopravnost pripadnicima svih nacionalnih manjina.
Ravnopravnost i zaštita prava nacionalnih manjina uređuje se ustavnim zakonom koji se donosi po postupku za donošenje organskih zakona.
Zakonom se može, pored općega biračkog prava, pripadnicima nacionalnih manjina osigurati posebno pravo da biraju svoje zastupnike u Hrvatski sabor.
Pripadnicima svih nacionalnih manjina jamči se sloboda izražavanja nacionalne pripadnosti, slobodno služenje svojim jezikom i pismom i kulturna autonomija. (Članak 15)
- English…
Setting forth from these historical facts and the universally accepted principles governing the contemporary world and the inalienable and indivisible, non-transferable and perpetual right of the Croatian nation to self-determination and state sovereignty, including the inviolable right to secession and association as the fundamental conditions for peace and stability of the international order, the Republic of Croatia is hereby established as the nation state of the Croatian nation and the state of the members of its national minorities: Serbs, Czechs, Slovaks, Italians, Hungarians, Jews, Germans, Austrians, Ukrainians, Rusyns, Bosniaks, Slovenians, Montenegrins, Macedonians, Russians, Bulgarians, Poles, Roma, Romanians, Turks, Vlachs, Albanians and others who are its citizens and who are guaranteed equality with citizens of Croatian nationality and the exercise of their national rights in accordance with the democratic norms of the United Nations and the countries of the free world.
… (I. Historical Foundations) - Croatian…
Polazeći od iznesenih povijesnih činjenica, te općeprihvaćenih načela u suvremenu svijetu i neotuđivosti i nedjeljivosti, neprenosivosti i nepotrošivosti prava na samoodređenje i državnu suverenost hrvatskog naroda, uključujući i neokrnjeno pravo na odcjepljenje i udruživanje, kao osnovnih preduvjeta za mir i stabilnost međunarodnog poretka Republika Hrvatska ustanovljuje se kao nacionalna država hrvatskoga naroda i država pripadnika nacionalnih manjina: Srba, Čeha, Slovaka, Talijana, Mađara, Židova, Nijemaca, Austrijanaca, Ukrajinaca, Rusina, Bošnjaka, Slovenaca, Crnogoraca, Makedonaca, Rusa, Bugara, Poljaka, Roma, Rumunja, Turaka, Vlaha, Albanaca i drugih, koji su njezini državljani, kojima se jamči ravnopravnost s građanima hrvatske narodnosti i ostvarivanje nacionalnih prava u skladu s demokratskim normama OUN-a i zemalja slobodnoga svijeta.
… (I. Izvorišne osnove)