The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- English…
Equality of the sexes is promoted in societal activity and working life, especially in the determination of pay and the other terms of employment, as provided in more detail by an Act. (Sec. 6) - Finnish…
Sukupuolten tasa-arvoa edistetään yhteiskunnallisessa toiminnassa sekä työelämässä, erityisesti palkkauksesta ja muista palvelussuhteen ehdoista määrättäessä, sen mukaan kuin lailla tarkemmin säädetään. (6 §) - Swedish…
Jämställdhet mellan könen i samhällelig verksamhet och i arbetslivet främjas enligt vad som närmare bestäms genom lag, särskilt vad gäller lönesättning och andra anställningsvillkor. (6 §)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- English
Access to the public functions is open to all citizens without other conditions that those of capacity and aptitude.
… (Art. 27) - French
L’accès aux fonctions publiques est ouvert à tout citoyen sans autres conditions que celles de la capacité et des aptitudes.
… (Art. 27)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- EnglishPersons wishing to have a career in the armed forces or police force shall not be discriminated against for admittance. The law shall stipulate the specific requirements for those cases where special skills, knowledge or capabilities are required.
Members of the Armed Forces and the National Police Force shall be subject to specific laws governing their rights and obligations and subject to their system of advancement and promotions based on merit and gender equity criteria. Their job security and professional development shall be guaranteed.
… (Art. 160) - SpanishLas personas aspirantes a la carrera militar y policial no serán discriminadas para su ingreso. La ley establecerá los requisitos específicos para los casos en los que se requiera de habilidades, conocimientos o capacidades especiales.
Los miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas y de la Policía Nacional estarán sujetos a las leyes específicas que regulen sus derechos y obligaciones, y su sistema de ascensos y promociones con base en méritos y con criterios de equidad de género. Se garantizará su estabilidad y profesionalización.
… (Art. 160)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- English
Regional laws shall remove any hindrances to the full equality of men and women in social, cultural and economic life and promote equal access to elected offices for men and women.
… (Art. 117) - Italian
Le leggi regionali rimuovono ogni ostacolo che impedisce la piena parità degli uomini e delle donne nella vita sociale, culturale ed economica e promuovono la parità di accesso tra donne e uomini alle cariche elettive.
… (Art. 117)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- EnglishAll Nigeriens are born and remain free and equal in rights and in duties. However, the access of certain categories of citizens to electoral mandates, to elective functions and to public employments may be favored by particular measures specified by the law. (Art. 10)
- FrenchTous les Nigériens naissent et demeurent libres et égaux en droits et en devoirs. Toutefois, l’accès de certaines catégories de citoyens aux mandats électoraux, aux fonctions électives et aux emplois publics peut être favorisé par des mesures particulières prévues par la loi. (Art. 10)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- English(1) Every woman is entitled to equal rights and status with men in all spheres of political, economic and social life. All forms of discrimination against women on the basis of gender or sex are illegal.
(2) Every woman is entitled to equal access with men to academic, vocational and professional training, equal opportunities in employment, remuneration and promotion and in social, political and cultural activity. (Art. 149F)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- English1. Every citizen has the right to take part in political life and the direction of the country's public affairs, either directly or via freely elected representatives.
2. Every citizen has the right to be given objective clarifications about acts of the state and of other public entities and to be informed by the Government and other authorities about the management of public affairs. (Art. 48) - Portuguese1. Todos os cidadãos têm o direito de tomar parte na vida política e na direcção dos assuntos públicos do país, directamente ou por intermédio de representantes livremente eleitos.
2. Todos os cidadãos têm o direito de ser esclarecidos objectivamente sobre actos do Estado e demais entidades públicas e de ser informados pelo Governo e outras autoridades acerca da gestão dos assuntos públicos. (Art. 48)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- English(1) At the beginning of the term of the House of the People, both Houses of the Federal Parliament shall establish a Parliamentary Service Commission serving for the term of the House of the People.
(2) The Parliamentary Service Commission shall consist of:
(a) The Speaker of the House of the People as chairperson;
(b) The Speaker of the Upper House as vice-chairperson;
(c) Four (4) members elected by the House of the People from among its members, of whom at least two (2) shall be women;
(d) Two (2) members elected by the Upper House from among its members, of whom at least one shall be a woman; and
(e) One member appointed by the House of the People from among persons who are experienced in public affairs, but are not members of the Federal Parliament.
… (Art. 111D) - Somali(1) Mudadda bilowga ah ee Golaha shacabka, waa in labada aqal ee Federaalku sameeyaan Guddiga Adeega Baarlamaanka taasoo shaqeyneysa mudadda Aqalka Dadweynuhu jiro.
(2) Guddiga Adeega Baarlamaanku waa inuu ka koobnaadaa:
(a) Guddoomiyaha Golaha shacabka oo ah guddoominaya fadhiyada;
(b) Guddoomiyaha Aqalka Sare oo noqonaya guddoomiye ku-xigeen;
(c) Afar xubnood oo lagu soo magacaabay Golaha shacabka kuwaasoo ay ugu yaraan ka mid yihiin laba haween ah;
(d) Laba xubinood laga soo magacaabay Golaha shacabka kaasoo ay midkood tahay haweenay;
(e) Hal xubin oo ay soo magacaabay Golaha Shacabka oo ah shakhsi khabiir ku ah arrimaha dadweynaha hase yeeshee aan ka mid ahayn xubnaha Baarlamanka;Federaalka.
… (Qodobka 111D.)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- EnglishPolitical rights and the capacity to perform public functions with power and jurisdiction are reserved to natural born Panamanian cultures. (Art. 132)
- SpanishLos derechos políticos y la capacidad para ejercer cargos públicos con mando y jurisdicción, se reservan a los ciudadanos panameños. (Art. 132)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- English
No act of law or other provision may lead to the unfavourable treatment of anyone on grounds of gender, unless the regulation forms part of efforts to achieve equality between men and women or relates to military service or similar official duties. (Instrument of Government, Chapter 2, Art. 13)
- Swedish
Lag eller annan föreskrift får inte innebära att någon missgynnas på grund av sitt kön, om inte föreskriften utgör ett led i strävanden att åstadkomma jämställdhet mellan män och kvinnor eller avser värnplikt eller motsvarande tjänsteplikt. (Kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform, 2 kap, 13§)