The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- EnglishThe law will regulate the personal and patrimonial relations of the spouses among themselves, and between themselves and their children, establishing the rights and reciprocal duties over equitable bases; and will create the necessary institutions to guarantee its applicability. … (Art. 33)
- SpanishLa ley regulará las relaciones personales y patrimoniales de los cónyuges entre sí y entre ellos y sus hijos, estableciendo los derechos y deberes recíprocos sobre bases equitativas; y creará las instituciones necesarias para garantizar su aplicabilidad. … (Art. 33)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- EnglishThe law shall set conditions for land division and aggregation in terms of a territorial management plan and the well-being of the communities concerned, within the framework of agrarian reform. (Art. 37)
- FrenchLa loi fixe les conditions de morcellement et de remembrement de la terre en fonction du plan d'aménagement du territoire et du bien-être des communautés concernées, dans le cadre d'une réforme agraire. (Art. 37)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- English
The State guarantees the forms of public, private, cooperative, associative, communitarian, communal, family and mixed ownership [propiedad]; all of them form part of the mixed economy, are subordinate to the superior social interests of the nation and fulfill a social function, all [of them] will have the same rights and prerogatives in accordance with the juridical norms[,] and the legal domain and possession of any of these forms of ownership will not be disturbed. Except [in] the cases in which the laws on the matter so provide. (Art. 103)
- Spanish
El Estado garantiza las formas de propiedad pública, privada, cooperativa, asociativa, comunitaria, comunal, familiar y mixta; todas ellas forman parte de la economía mixta, están supeditadas a los intereses sociales superiores de la nación y cumplen una función social, todas tendrán los mismos derechos y prerrogativas de conformidad a las normas jurídicas y no se perturbará el dominio y posesión legal de cualquiera de estas formas de propiedad. Excepto los casos en que las leyes de la materia así lo dispongan. (Art. 103)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- English
The State preferably supports agricultural development. It guarantees the right of ownership concerning land, in private or communal form or any other associative form. The law may establish the limits and the extent of the land according to the particularities of each zone. Abandoned lands, according to legal prevision, pass to the domain of the State for their adjudication and sale. (Art. 88)
- Spanish
El Estado apoya preferentemente el desarrollo agrario. Garantiza el derecho de propiedad sobre la tierra, en forma privada o comunal o en cualquiera otra forma asociativa. La ley puede fijar los límites y la extensión de la tierra según las peculiaridades de cada zona.
Las tierras abandonadas, según previsión legal, pasan al dominio del Estado para su adjudicación en venta. (Art. 88)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- EnglishThe right of property is inviolable, but it is subject to laws enacted in the general interest. … (Art. 32)
- SpanishLa propiedad es un derecho inviolable, pero sujeto a lo que dispongan las leyes que se establecieren por razones de interés general. … (Art. 32)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- English(1) Subject to the provisions of this section—
(a) no law shall make any provision that is discriminatory either of itself or in its effect;
(2) In this section the expression “discriminatory” means affording different treatment to different persons attributable wholly or mainly to their respective descriptions by race, place of origin, political opinions, colour or creed, whereby persons of one such description are subjected to disabilities or restrictions to which persons of another such description are not made subject or are accorded privileges or advantages which are not afforded to persons of another such description.
(3) Subsection (1)(a) shall not apply to any law so far as that law makes provision—
(b) with respect to adoption, marriage, divorce, burial, devolution of property on death or other matters of personal law;
… (Sec. 23)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- English
It is exclusively the competence of the National Congress:
XVI – to authorize, in Indian lands, the exploitation and use of hydric resources and the prospecting and mining of mineral resources;
… (Art. 49) - Portuguese
É da competência exclusiva do Congresso Nacional:
XVI - autorizar, em terras indígenas, a exploração e o aproveitamento de recursos hídricos e a pesquisa e lavra de riquezas minerais;
… (Art. 49)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- EnglishThe Republic of Cuba is governed by a socialist economic system based on ownership by all people of the fundamental means of production as the primary form of property as well as the planned direction of the economy, which considers, regulates, and monitors the economy according to the interests of the society. (Art. 18)
- SpanishEn la República de Cuba rige un sistema de economía socialista basado en la propiedad de todo el pueblo sobre los medios fundamentales de producción como la forma de propiedad principal, y la dirección planificada de la economía, que tiene en cuenta, regula y controla el mercado en función de los intereses de la sociedad. (Art. 18)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- EnglishPrivate property is guaranteed as a right inherent to the human person. Any person can freely dispose of his [or her] property in accordance with the law.
The State guarantees the exercise of this right and must create the conditions that enable [faciliten] the owner to use and enjoy his [or her] property, in such a way as to achieve individual progress and the national development to [the] benefit of all Guatemalans. (Art. 39) - SpanishSe garantiza la propiedad privada como un derecho inherente a la persona humana. Toda persona puede disponer libremente de sus bienes de acuerdo con la ley.
El Estado garantiza el ejercicio de este derecho y deberá crear las condiciones que faciliten al propietario el uso y disfrute de sus bienes, de manera que se alcance el progreso individual y el desarrollo nacional en beneficio de todos los guatemaltecos. (Art. 39)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- EnglishAgrarian reform is a comprehensive process and an instrument for the transformation of the agrarian structure of the country, aimed at replacing latifundia and minifundia by a system of ownership, tenure, and use of the land that guarantees social justice in rural areas and increases the production and productivity of the agricultural sector.
The implementation of agrarian reform is declared to be of public need and interest. (Art. 344) - SpanishLa Reforma Agraria es un proceso integral y un instrumento de transformación de la estructura agraria del país, destinado a sustituir el latifundio y el minifundio por un sistema de propiedad, tenencia y explotación de la tierra que garantice la justicia social en el campo y aumente la producción y la productividad del sector agropecuario.
Declárese de necesidad y utilidad pública la ejecución de la Reforma Agraria. (Art. 344)