The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Protection from Violence
- EnglishNo one may be subjected to any form of ill-treatment or, without his/her consent, to medical or scientific experiments.
Forced and compulsory labour shall be forbidden. (Art. 23) - CroatianNitko ne smije biti podvrgnut bilo kakvu obliku zlostavljanja ili, bez svoje privole, liječničkim ili znanstvenim pokusima.
Zabranjen je prisilni i obvezatni rad. (Članak 23)
Protection from Violence
- English
The human person is sacred and inviolable.
The State has the absolute obligation to respect it and to protect it. … (Art. 8) - French
La personne humaine est sacrée et inviolable.
L'Etat a l'obligation absolue de la respecter et de la protéger. … (Art. 8)
Protection from Violence
- EnglishNo one shall be submitted to torture, to slavery or to cruel, inhuman or degrading abuse [sévices] or treatments.
Any individual, any agent of the State, who is found guilty [se render coupable] of acts of torture or of cruel, inhuman or degrading abuse or treatments in the exercise of or on the occasion of the exercise of their functions, either on his own initiative or under instructions, will be punished according to the law. (Art. 14) - FrenchNul ne sera soumis à la torture, à l'esclavage ni à des sévices ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants.
Tout individu, tout agent de l'État, qui se rendrait coupable d'actes de torture, de sévices ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants dans l'exercice ou à l'occasion de l'exercice de ses fonctions, soit de sa propre initiative, soit sur instructions, sera puni conformément à la loi. (Art. 14)
Protection from Violence
- EnglishIn any criminal process in which a person has been deprived of liberty, the following basic guarantees will be observed:
8. No one may be required to declare in a criminal trial against their spouse, partner or relatives up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or second of affinity, except in the case of domestic, sexual and gender violence.
… (Art. 77) - SpanishEn todo proceso penal en que se haya privado de la libertad a una persona, se observarán las siguientes garantías básicas:
8. Nadie podrá ser llamado a declarar en juicio penal contra su cónyuge, pareja o parientes hasta el cuarto grado de consanguinidad o segundo de afinidad, excepto en el caso de violencia intrafamiliar, sexual y de género.
… (Art. 77)
Protection from Violence
- English…
(2) Every person shall have the right to be free from torture or inhumane and degrading treatment, and shall have the right to obtain political asylum from another country. (Art. 28G) - Indonesian…
(2) Setiap orang berhak untuk bebas dari penyiksaan atau perlakuan yang merendahkan derajat martabat manusia dan berhak memperoleh suaka politik dari negara lain. (Pasal 28G)
Protection from Violence
- English
(1) No one shall be subject to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or held in servitude. Trafficking in human beings shall be prohibited.
(2) It shall be prohibited to perform medical or scientific experiment on human beings without their informed and voluntary consent.
… (Freedom and Responsibility, Art. III) - Hungarian
(1) Senkit nem lehet kínzásnak, embertelen, megalázó bánásmódnak vagy büntetésnek alávetni, valamint szolgaságban tartani. Tilos az emberkereskedelem.
(2) Tilos emberen tájékoztatáson alapuló, önkéntes hozzájárulása nélkül orvosi vagy tudományos kísérletet végezni.
... (Szabadság és Felelősség, III. cikk)
Protection from Violence
- English1. Human life and the physical and moral integrity of the human person shall be inviolable.
2. No one may be subjected to torture, punishments or treatments that are cruel, degrading or inhumane, and under no circumstance whatsoever shall there be a death penalty. (Art. 28) - Portuguese1. A vida humana e a integridade física e moral das pessoas são invioláveis.
2. Ninguém pode ser submetido a tortura, penas ou tratamentos cruéis, degradantes ou desumanos, e em caso algum haverá pena de morte. (Art. 28)
Protection from Violence
- EnglishEvery person has a right to be treated with dignity worthy of a human being and not to be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. (Art. 16)
Protection from Violence
- EnglishThe minimum social rights that form the basis of the labor legislation and the activity of the tribunals and [the] authorities [are]:
l. Minors under fourteen years of age may not be employed in any type of work, except for the exceptions established by the law. It is forbidden to employ [ocupar] minors in works that are incompatible with their physical capacity or that endanger their moral formation.
The workers older than sixty years of age will be the object of a treatment [that is] adequate to their age;
… (Art. 102) - SpanishSon derechos sociales mínimos que fundamentan la legislación del trabajo y la actividad de los tribunales y autoridades:
l) Los menores de catorce años no podrán ser ocupados en ninguna clase de trabajo, salvo las excepciones establecidas en la ley. Es prohibido ocupar a menores en trabajos incompatibles con su capacidad física o que pongan en peligro su formación moral.
Los trabajadores mayores de sesenta años serán objeto de trato adecuado a su edad;
… (Art. 102)
Protection from Violence
- English...
2. Every person seized, detained, imprisoned or the freedom thereof restricted should be treated in a manner that preserves human dignity; may not be tortured, in any manner, bodily or morally harmed; and may not be detained in other than the places permitted by laws; and every statement uttered by any person under any torture, harm or threat shall not be regarded. (Art. 8) - Arabic...
2. كل من يقبض عليه أو يوقف أو يحبس أو تقيد حريته تجب معاملته بما يحفظ عليه كرامة الإنسان، ولا يجوز تعذيبه، بأي شكل من الأشكال، أو إيذاؤه بدنياً أو معنوياً، كما لا يجوز حجزه في غير الأماكن التي تجيزها القوانين، وكل قول يصدر عن أي شخص تحت وطأة أي تعذيب أو إيذاء أو تهديد لا يعتد به. (المادّة 8)