The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Public Institutions and Services
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- English…
A State based on respect and equality for all, on principles of sovereignty, dignity, interdependence, solidarity, harmony, and equity in the distribution and redistribution of the social wealth, where the search for a good life predominates; based on respect for the economic, social, juridical, political and cultural pluralism of the inhabitants of this land; and on collective coexistence with access to water, work, education, health and housing for all.
… (Preamble) - Spanish…
Un Estado basado en el respeto e igualdad entre todos, con principios de soberanía, dignidad, complementariedad, solidaridad, armonía y equidad en la distribución y redistribución del producto social, donde predomine la búsqueda del vivir bien; con respeto a la pluralidad económica, social, jurídica, política y cultural de los habitantes de esta tierra; en convivencia colectiva con acceso al agua, trabajo, educación, salud y vivienda para todos.
… (Preambulo)
Public Institutions and Services
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- EnglishThe State recognizes and protects the family as the fundamental nucleus of society, and guarantees the social and economic conditions necessary for its full development. … (Art. 62)
- SpanishEl Estado reconoce y protege a las familias como el núcleo fundamental de la sociedad, y garantizará las condiciones sociales y económicas necesarias para su desarrollo integral. … (Art. 62)
Public Institutions and Services
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- EnglishI. The following are the exclusive authority of the autonomous municipal governments, within their jurisdiction:
39. Promotion and development of projects and policies for children and adolescents, women, the elderly and persons with disabilities.
… (Art. 302) - SpanishI. Son competencias exclusivas de los gobiernos municipales autónomos, en su jurisdicción:
39. Promoción y desarrollo de proyectos y políticas para niñez y adolescencia, mujer, adulto mayor y personas con discapacidad.
... (Art. 302)
Public Institutions and Services
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- EnglishI. Every Bolivian has the right to social security.
II. Social security is provided under the principles of universality, comprehensiveness, equity, solidarity, unity of management, economy, opportunity, its inter-cultural character, and effectiveness.
III. The social security system covers assistance for the following reasons: sickness, epidemics and catastrophic diseases; maternity or paternity; professional and work risks, and risks in farm labor; disability and special necessities; unemployment and loss of employment; being an orphan, crippled, widowed, of old age, and death; housing, family allowances and other social reasons.
IV. The State guarantees the right to retirement, which is universal, supportive and equitable.
V. Women have the right to safe maternity, with an inter-cultural practice and vision; they shall enjoy the special assistance and protection of the State during pregnancy and birth and in the prenatal and postnatal periods.
... (Art. 45) - SpanishI. Todas las bolivianas y los bolivianos tienen derecho a acceder a la seguridad social.
II. La seguridad social se presta bajo los principios de universalidad, integralidad, equidad, solidaridad, unidad de gestión, economía, oportunidad, interculturalidad y eficacia. Su dirección y administración corresponde al Estado, con control y participación social.
III. El régimen de seguridad social cubre atención por enfermedad, epidemias y enfermedades catastróficas; maternidad y paternidad; riesgos profesionales, laborales y riesgos por labores de campo; discapacidad y necesidades especiales; desempleo y pérdida de empleo; orfandad, invalidez, viudez, vejez y muerte; vivienda, asignaciones familiares y otras previsiones sociales.
IV. El Estado garantiza el derecho a la jubilación, con carácter universal, solidario y equitativo.
V. Las mujeres tienen derecho a la maternidad segura, con una visión y práctica intercultural; gozarán de especial asistencia y protección del Estado durante el embarazo, parto y en los periodos prenatal y posnatal.
... (Art. 45)
Public Institutions and Services
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- EnglishI. The autonomous departmental governments have exclusive authority over the following in their jurisdictions:
30. Promotion and development of projects and policies for children and adolescents, women, the elderly and persons with disabilities.
… (Art. 300) - SpanishI. Son competencias exclusivas de los gobiernos departamentales autónomos, en su jurisdicción:
30. Promoción y desarrollo de proyectos y políticas para niñez y adolescencia, mujer, adulto mayor y personas con discapacidad.
... (Art. 300)
Public Institutions and Services
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- EnglishI. The State shall regulate the financial system based on criterion of equality of opportunity, solidarity, equitable distribution and redistribution.
… (Art. 330) - SpanishI. El Estado regulará el sistema financiero con criterios de igualdad de oportunidades, solidaridad, distribución y redistribución equitativa.
… (Art. 330)
Public Institutions and Services
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- EnglishI. Every person has the right to universal and equitable access to basic services of potable water, sewer systems, electricity, gas services in their domicile, postal, and telecommunications services.
… (Art. 20) - SpanishI. Toda persona tiene derecho al acceso universal y equitativo a los servicios básicos de agua potable, alcantarillado, electricidad, gas domiciliario, postal y telecomunicaciones.
… (Art. 20)
Public Institutions and Services
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- EnglishThe principles that govern territorial organization and the decentralized and autonomous territorial entities are: unity, voluntariness, solidarity, equity, the common good, self-government, equality, complementariness, reciprocity, gender equity, subsidiarity, gradualness, coordination and institutional faithfulness, transparency, public participation and control, provision of economic resources and the pre-existence of the nations and rural native indigenous peoples, under the terms established in this Constitution. (Art. 270)
- SpanishLos principios que rigen la organización territorial y las entidades territoriales descentralizadas y autónomas son: la unidad, voluntariedad, solidaridad, equidad, bien común, autogobierno, igualdad, complementariedad, reciprocidad, equidad de género, subsidiariedad, gradualidad, coordinación y lealtad institucional, transparencia, participación y control social, provisión de recursos económicos y preexistencia de las naciones y pueblos indígena originario campesinos, en los términos establecidos en esta Constitución. (Art. 270)
Public Institutions and Services
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- EnglishThe function of the State in the economy consists of the following:
7. To promote policies of equitable distribution of wealth and of the economic resources of the country, for the purpose of preventing inequality, social and economic exclusion, and to eradicate poverty in its multiple dimensions.
… (Art. 316) - SpanishLa función del Estado en la economía consiste en:
7. Promover políticas de distribución equitativa de la riqueza y de los recursos económicos del país, con el objeto de evitar la desigualdad, la exclusión social y económica, y erradicar la pobreza en sus múltiples dimensiones.
… (Art. 316)
Public Institutions and Services
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- EnglishI. Every person has the right to an adequate habitat and home that dignifies family and community life.
II. The State, at all levels of the government, is responsible for promoting the development of housing for social benefit, using adequate financing systems, based on principles of solidarity and equity. These plans shall be directed preferentially to families with scarce resources, to disadvantaged groups and to rural areas. (Art. 19) - SpanishI. Toda persona tiene derecho a un hábitat y vivienda adecuada, que dignifiquen la vida familiar y comunitaria.
II. El Estado, en todos sus niveles de gobierno, promoverá planes de vivienda de interés social, mediante sistemas adecuados de financiamiento, basándose en los principios de solidaridad y equidad. Estos planes se destinarán preferentemente a familias de escasos recursos, a grupos menos favorecidos y al área rural. (Art. 19)