The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Status of International Law
- English1. The National Assembly shall ratify, suspend, or renounce international treaties that:
1. Concern the fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as obligations of the human being and citizen;
3. International treaties contravening the Constitution may not be ratified. (Art. 116) - Armenian1. Ազգային ժողովը վավերացնում, կասեցնում կամ չեղյալ է հայտարարում այն միջազգային պայմանագրերը՝
1) որոնք վերաբերում են մարդու և քաղաքացու հիմնական իրավունքներին և ազատություններին, ինչպես նաև պարտականություններին.
3. Սահմանադրությանը հակասող միջազգային պայմանագրերը չեն կարող վավերացվել։ (Հոդված 116)
Status of International Law
- English…
2. No law or decision of the House of Representatives or of any of the Communal Chambers and no act or decision of any organ, authority or person in the Republic exercising executive power or any administrative function shall in any way be repugnant to, or inconsistent with, any of the provisions of this Constitution or any obligation imposed on the Republic as a result of its participation as a member state of the European Union. (Art. 179) - Greek…
2. Ουδείς νόμος ή απόφασις της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων ή εκατέρας Κοινοτικής Συνελεύσεων ως και ουδεμία πράξις ή απόφασις ιουδήποτε οργάνου, αρχής ή προσώπου εν τη Δημοκρατία ασκούντος εκτελεστικήν εξουσίαν ή οιονδήποτε διοικητικόν λειτούργημα δύναται να είναι καθ’ οιονδήποτε τρόπον αντίθετος ή ασύμφωνος προς οιανδήποτε των διατάξεων του Συντάγματος ή προς οποιαδήποτε υποχρέωση επιβάλλεται στη Δημοκρατία ως αποτέλεσμα της συμμετοχής της ως κράτους μέλους στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. (Αρθρον 179) - Turkish...
2.No yasası veya kararı ve Cumhuriyet'te yürütme yetkisini veya herhangi bir idari işlevi kullanan herhangi bir organ, makam veya kişinin hiçbir eylemi veya kararı, bu Anayasa'nın hükümlerinden herhangi birine veya Avrupa Birliği'ne üye bir ülke olarak katılması sonucunda Cumhuriyet'e yüklenen herhangi bir yükümlülüğe karşı hiçbir şekilde kınanamaz veya bunlarla tutarsız olmayacaktır. (Madde 179)
Status of International Law
- English…
5. The legislation of Georgia shall comply with the universally recognised principles and norms of international law. An international treaty of Georgia shall take precedence over domestic normative acts unless it comes into conflict with the Constitution or the Constitutional Agreement of Georgia. (Art. 4) - Georgian…
5. საქართველოს კანონმდებლობა შეესაბამება საერთაშორისო სამართლის საყოველთაოდ აღიარებულ პრინციპებსა და ნორმებს. საქართველოს საერთაშორისო ხელშეკრულებას, თუ იგი არ ეწინააღმდეგება საქართველოს კონსტიტუციას ან კონსტიტუციურ შეთანხმებას, აქვს უპირატესი იურიდიული ძალა შიდასახელმწიფოებრივი ნორმატიული აქტის მიმართ. (მუხლი 4)
Status of International Law
- EnglishThe Amir shall conclude treaties by Decree and shall communicate them immediately, accompanied by relevant details, to the National Assembly. After ratification, sanction and publication in the Official Gazette the treaty shall have force of law.
Peace treaties and treaties of alliance, treaties pertaining to State domains, to its natural wealth, to sovereignty rights, to citizens' public or private rights, treaties relating to shipping and residence, and treaties involving the State Treasury in certain expenditure unprovided for in the Budget or involving an amendment to the laws of Kuwait, shall require, for their enforcement, an enactment of a law. …
(Art. 70) - Arabicيبرم الأمير المعاهدات بمرسوم ويبلغها مجلس الأمة فوراً مشفوعة بما يناسب من البيان، وتكون للمعاهدة قوة القانون بعد إبرامها والتصديق عليها ونشرها في الجريدة الرسمية.
على أن معاهدات الصلح والتحالف، والمعاهدات المتعلقة بأراضي الدولة أو ثرواتها الطبيعية أو بحقوق السيادة أو حقوق المواطنين العامة أو الخاصة، ومعاهدات التجارة والملاحة، والإقامة، والمعاهدات التي تحمل خزانة الدولة شيئاً من النفقات غير الواردة في الميزانية أو تتضمن تعديلاً لقوانين الكويت يجب لنفاذها أن تصدر بقانون. ولا يجوز في أي حال أن تتضمن المعاهدة شروطاً سرية تناقض شروطها العلنية.
... (المادّة 70)
Status of International Law
- English(1) The functions, duties and powers of the National Women Commission shall be as follows:
(b) to monitor as to whether laws concerning the rights and interests of the women and obligations under the international treaties to which Nepal is a party have been implemented, and make suggestions, accompanied by the measures for their effective compliance and implementation to the Government of Nepal,
(e) to make suggestions to the Government of Nepal about the preparation of reports to be submitted by Nepal in accordance with the provisions contained in the international treaties or agreements concerning women's rights, to which Nepal is a party,
… (Art. 253) - Nepali(१) राष्ट्रिय महिला आयोगको काम, कर्तव्य र अधिकार देहाय बमोजिम हुनेछ:
(ख) महिलाको हक हितसँग सम्बन्धित कानून वा नेपाल पक्ष भएको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सन्धि वा सम्झौता अन्तर्गतको दायित्व कार्यान्वयन भए वा नभएको विषयमा अनुगमन गरी त्यसको प्रभावकारी पालन वा कार्यान्वयनको उपाय सहित नेपाल सरकारलाई सुझाव दिने,
(ङ) महिला अधिकारसँग सम्बन्धित नेपाल पक्ष भएको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सन्धि वा सम्झौतामा भएको व्यवस्था बमोजिम नेपालले पठाउनु पर्ने प्रतिवेदन तयारीका सम्बन्धमा नेपाल सरकारलाई सुझाव दिने,
... (धारा २५३)
Status of International Law
- English… International legal documents recognized by Tajikistan shall be a component part of the legal system of the republic. In case the republican laws do not stipulate to the recognized international legal documents, the rules of the international documents shall apply.
Laws and international documents recognized by Tajikistan shall come into force after their official publication. (Art. 10) - Russian... Международно‐правовые акты, признанные Таджикистаном, является составной частью правовой системы республики. В случае несоответствия законов республики признанным международно‐правовым актам применяются нормы международно‐правовых актов.
Законы и признанные Таджикистаном международно‐правовые акты вступают в силу после их официального опубликования. (Статья 10) - Tajik... Санадҳои ҳуқуқии байналмилалие, ки Тоҷикистон онҳоро эътироф кардааст, қисми таркибии низоми ҳуқуқии ҷумҳуриро ташкил медиҳанд. Агар қонунҳои ҷумҳурӣ ба санадҳои ҳуқуқии байналмилалии эътирофшуда мутобиқат накунанд, меъёрҳои санадҳои байналмилалӣ амал мекунанд.
Қонунҳо ва санадҳои ҳуқуқии байналмилалие, ки Тоҷикистон эътироф кардааст, пас аз интишори расмӣ амал мекунанд. (Моддаи 10)
Status of International Law
- English
We, united people of Uzbekistan:
based on the generally accepted norms of the international law,
… (Preamble) - Uzbek
Biz, O‘zbekistonning yagona xalqi,
xalqaro huquqning umume’tirof etilgan prinsip va normalariga asoslangan holda,
… (Muqaddima)
Status of International Law
- English
The Republic of Uzbekistan shall recognize and guarantee human rights and freedoms in accordance with the generally recognized norms of international law and in accordance with this Constitution.
… (Art. 19) - Uzbek
O‘zbekiston Respublikasida insonning huquq va erkinliklari xalqaro huquqning umume’tirof etilgan normalariga binoan hamda ushbu Konstitutsiyaga muvofiq e’tirof etiladi va kafolatlanadi.
... (19-modda)
Status of International Law
- EnglishWhen conflicts arise between normative-legal acts which form part of the legal system of the Republic of Azerbaijan (with the exception of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the acts passed by way of referendum) and international treaties to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, the international treaties shall apply. (Art. 151)
- AzerbaijaniAzərbaycan Respublikasının qanunvericilik sisteminə daxil olan normativ hüquqi aktlar ilə (Azərbaycan Respublikasının Konstitusiyası və referendumla qəbul edilən aktlar istisna olmaqla) Azərbaycan Respublikasının tərəfdar çıxdığı dövlətlərarası müqavilələr arasında ziddiyyət yaranarsa, həmin beynəlxalq müqavilələr tətbiq edilir. (Maddə 151)
Status of International Law
- EnglishIraq shall observe the principles of good neighborliness, adhere to the principle of noninterference in the internal affairs of other states, seek to settle disputes by peaceful means, establish relations on the basis of mutual interests and reciprocity, and respect its international obligations. (Art. 8)
- Arabicيرعى العراق مبدأ حسن الجوار، ويلتزم بعدم التدخّل في الشؤون الداخلية للدول الاخرى، ويسعى لحل النزاعات بالوسائل السلمية، ويقيم علاقاته على اساس المصالح المشتركة والتعامل بالمثل، ويحترم إلتزاماته الدولية. (المادة 8)