The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Status of International Law
- EnglishWithin the framework of European Union cooperation, the Riksdag may transfer decision-making authority which does not affect the basic principles by which Sweden is governed. Such transfer presupposes that protection for rights and freedoms in the field of cooperation to which the transfer relates corresponds to that afforded under this Instrument of Government and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
… (Instrument of Government, Chapter 10, Art. 6) - SwedishInom ramen för samarbetet i Europeiska unionen kan riksdagen överlåta beslutanderätt som inte rör principerna för statsskicket. Sådan överlåtelse förutsätter att fri- och rättighetsskyddet inom det samarbetsområde till vilket överlåtelsen sker motsvarar det som ges i denna regeringsform och i den europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna.
… (Kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform, 10 kap, 6§)
Status of International Law
- English…
(2) The State shall pursue policies to protect the rights and freedoms of the disabled, the aged, children and other vulnerable members of society and to ensure that such persons are provided just and equitable social opportunities.
(3) The State, in pursuing policies under subsection (2), shall be bound by the fundamental rights and freedoms in the Constitution and shall be guided by international human rights instruments to which The Gambia is a signatory and which recognise and apply particular categories of basic human rights to development processes.
… (Sec. 216)
Status of International Law
- English(1) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (6), every person, as contemplated by the respective international treaties set out in the Fourth Schedule to which Guyana has acceded is entitled to the human rights enshrined in the said international treaties, and such rights shall be respected and upheld by the executive, legislature judiciary and all organs and agencies of Government and, where applicable to them, by all natural and legal persons and shall be enforceable in the manner hereinafter prescribed.
(2) The rights referred to in paragraph (1) do not include any fundamental right under this Constitution.
(3) The State shall, having regard to the socio-cultural level of development of the society, take reasonable legislative and other measures within its available resources to achieve the progressive realisation of the rights provided for in paragraph (1).
(4) If any person alleges that any of the rights referred to in paragraph (1), has been, is being or is about to be contravened in relation to him or her, then, without prejudice to any other action with respect to the same matter which is lawfully available, that person may apply to the Human Rights Commission in such manner as the Commission may prescribe, for redress.
(5) Nothing contained in this article shall be construed so as to abrogate any human right, not enumerated herein, which a person had at the time of the commencement of this Article.
(6) The State may divest itself or otherwise limit the extent of its obligation under any of the treaties listed in the Fourth Schedule, provided that two thirds of the elected members of the National Assembly have voted in favour of such divestment or limitation. (Art. 154A)
Status of International Law
- English…
2. c) The Entities shall provide a safe and secure environment for all persons in their respective jurisdictions, by maintaining civilian law enforcement agencies operating in accordance with internationally recognized standards and with respect for the internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms referred to in Article II above, and by taking such other measures as appropriate.
3. b) … The general principles of international law shall be an integral part of the law of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Entities.
… (Art. III) - Bosnian…
2. c) Entiteti će ispuniti sve uslove za pravnu sigurnost i zaštitu lica pod svojom jurisdikcijom, održavanjem civilnih ustanova za primjenu pravnih propisa, koje će funkcionisati u skladu sa međunarodno priznatim standardima uz poštovanje međunarodno priznatih ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda, iz člana II ovog Ustava, i poduzimanjem ostalih odgovarajućih mjera.
3. b) … Opšta načela međunarodnog prava su sastavni dio pravnog poretka Bosne i Hercegovine i entiteta.
… (Član III) - Croatian…
2. c) Entiteti će ispuniti sve uvjete za sigurnost i zaštitu svih osoba u područjima pod njihovom nadležnošću održavanjem civilnih ustanova za provedbu pravnih propisa, koje će djelovati sukladno međunarodno priznatim standardima i uz poštivanje međunarodno priznatih ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda navedenih u članku II, i poduzimanjem drugih podesnih mjera.
3. b) … Opća načela međunarodnog prava su sastavni dio pravnog sustava Bosne i Hercegovine i entiteta.
… (Članak III) - Serbian…
2. c) ц)Ентитети ће испунити све услове за правну сигурност и заштиту лица под њиховом јурисдикцијом, одржавањем цивилних установа за примјену правних прописа које ће радити у складу са међународно признатим стандардима, поштујући међународно призната људска права и основне слободе из члана II овог Устава, као и предузимањем других одговарајућих мјера.
3. b) б)… Општи принципи међународног права представљају интегрални дио правног поретка Босне и Херцеговине и ентитета.
… (Члан III)
Status of International Law
- English(1) In addition to complying with section 3, when interpreting and applying this Chapter10 a court, tribunal or other authority—
(b) may, if relevant, consider international law, applicable to the protection of the rights and freedoms in this Chapter.
… (Sec. 7) - iTaukei(1) Ena iKuri ni veika e toqai ena tikina 3, na veigauna kece e vakamacalataki se vakayagataki kina na Wase qo, na mataveilewai, mataveivaqaqai se dua na matabose se tabacakacaka e cake—
(b) ke yaga, me rawa ni vakasamataka tale ga na lawa levu kei vuravura e rawa ni vakayagataki ena maroroi ni dodonu kei na galala ena Wase qo.
… (Sec. 7)
Status of International Law
- EnglishIn addition to the issues that are directed to it by other Articles of the Constitution, the High Constitutional Court, within the conditions established by an organic law:
1°. decides on the conformity with the Constitution of the treaties, of the laws, of the ordinances, and of the autonomous regulations;
… (Art. 116) - FrenchOutre les questions qui lui sont renvoyées par d’autres articles de la Constitution, la Haute Cour Constitutionnelle, dans les conditions fixées par une loi organique :
1° statue sur la conformité à la Constitution des traités, des lois, des ordonnances, et des règlements autonomes ;
… (Art. 116)
Status of International Law
- English
In the national territory each person enjoys state protection and the recognition of the rights inherent to the human person, of the unrestricted respect, promotion and protection of human rights, and the full effectiveness [vigencia] of the rights consigned in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; in the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man; in the International Pact of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and in the International Pact of Civil and Political Rights of the Organization of the United Nations[,] and in the American Convention of Human Rights of the Organization of American States. (Art. 46)
- Spanish
En el territorio nacional toda persona goza de la protección estatal y del reconocimiento de los derechos inherentes a la persona humana, del irrestricto respeto, promoción y protección de los derechos humanos, y de la plena vigencia de los derechos consignados en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos; en la Declaración Americana de Derechos y Deberes del Hombre; en el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales y en el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas y en la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos de la Organización de Estados Americanos. (Art. 46)
Status of International Law
- English(1) In making their decisions, judges are bound by statutes and international treaties which form a part of the legal order; they are authorized to judge whether enactments other than statutes are in conformity with statutes or with such international treaties.
… (1993 Constitution, Art. 95) - Czech(1) Soudce je při rozhodování vázán zákonem a mezinárodní smlouvou, která je součástí právního řádu; je oprávněn posoudit soulad jiného právního předpisu se zákonem nebo s takovou mezinárodní smlouvou.
… (Ústava 1993, Čl. 95)
Status of International Law
- English
The Republic of Uzbekistan shall recognize and guarantee human rights and freedoms in accordance with the generally recognized norms of international law and in accordance with this Constitution.
… (Art. 19) - Uzbek
O‘zbekiston Respublikasida insonning huquq va erkinliklari xalqaro huquqning umume’tirof etilgan normalariga binoan hamda ushbu Konstitutsiyaga muvofiq e’tirof etiladi va kafolatlanadi.
... (19-modda)
Status of International Law
- English…
If the Constitutional Court, referred to [the matter] by the King or the Head of Government or the President of the Chamber of Representatives or the President of the Chamber of Councilors or one-sixth of the members of the first Chamber or one-quarter of the members of the second Chamber, declares that an international commitment contains [comporte] a provision contrary to the Constitution, its ratification may only intervene after the revision of the Constitution. (Art. 55) - Arabic…
إذا صرحت المحكمة الدستورية، إثر إحالة الملك، أو رئيس الحكومة، أو رئيس مجلس النواب، أو رئيس مجلس المستشارين، أو سدس أعضاء المجلس الأول، أو ربع أعضاء المجلس الثاني، الأمر إليها، أن التزاما دوليا يتضمن بندا يخالف الدستور، فإن المصادقة على هذا الالتزام لا تقع إلا بعد مراجعة الدستور. (الفصل 55)