The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Religious Law
- English
1. In the Republic of Albania there is no official religion.
2. The state is neutral in questions of faith and conscience
… (Art. 10) - Albanian
1. Në Republikën e Shqipërisë nuk ka fe zyrtare.
2. Shteti është asnjanës në çështjet e besimit e të ndërgjegjes
… (Neni 10)
Religious Law
- English
We recognise the role of Christianity in preserving nationhood. We value the various religious traditions of our country.
… (National Avowal) - Hungarian
Elismerjük a kereszténység nemzetmegtartó szerepét. Becsüljük országunk különböző vallási hagyományait.
… (Nemzeti Hitvallás)
Religious Law
- EnglishReligious communities shall be separated from the state.
… (Art. 14) - MontenegrinVjerske zajednice odvojene su od države.
… (Član 14)
Religious Law
- English...
(3) No religion shall have a state character. The public authorities shall take into account the religious beliefs of Spanish society and shall consequently maintain appropriate cooperation relations with the Catholic Church and other confessions. (Sec. 16) - Spanish…
3. Ninguna confesión tendrá carácter estatal. Los poderes públicos tendrán en cuenta las creencias religiosas de la sociedad española y mantendrán las consiguientes relaciones de cooperación con la Iglesia Católica y las demás confesiones. (Art. 16)
Religious Law
- English…
(2) Religious institutions shall be separate from the State.
(3) Eastern Orthodox Christianity shall be considered the traditional religion in the Republic of Bulgaria.
… (Art. 13) - Bulgarian…
(2) Религиозните институции са отделени от държавата.
(3) Традиционна религия в Република България е източноправославното вероизповедание.
... (Чл. 13)
Religious Law
- English1 The State acknowledges that the homage of public worship is due to Almighty God. It shall hold His Name in reverence, and shall respect and honour religion.
2 2° The State guarantees not to endow any religion.
… (Art. 44) - Irish Gaelic1 Admhaíonn an Stát go bhfuil ag dul do Dhia na nUilechumhacht é a adhradh le hómós go poiblí. Beidh urraim ag an Stát dá ainm, agus bhéarfaidh oirmhidin agus onóir do Chreideamh.
2 2° Ráthaíonn an Stát gan aon chóras creidimh a mhaoiniú.
… (Airteagal 44)
Religious Law
- English…
3. The relationship between the State and churches and other religious organizations shall be based on the principle of respect for their autonomy and the mutual independence of each in its own sphere, as well as on the principle of cooperation for the individual and the common good.
4. The relations between the Republic of Poland and the Roman Catholic Church shall be determined by international treaty concluded with the Holy See, and by statute.
5. The relations between the Republic of Poland and other churches and religious organizations shall be determined by statutes adopted pursuant to agreements concluded between their appropriate representatives and the Council of Ministers. (Art. 25) - Polish…
3. Stosunki między państwem a kościołami i innymi związkami wyznaniowymi są kształtowane na zasadach poszanowania ich autonomii oraz wzajemnej niezależności każdego w swoim zakresie, jak również współdziałania dla dobra człowieka i dobra wspólnego.
4. Stosunki między Rzecząpospolitą Polską a Kościołem katolickim określają umowa międzynarodowa zawarta ze Stolicą Apostolską i ustawy.
5. Stosunki między Rzecząpospolitą Polską a innymi kościołami oraz związkami wyznaniowymi określają ustawy uchwalone na podstawie umów zawartych przez Radę Ministrów z ich właściwymi przedstawicielami. (Art. 25)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe constitution of the Established Church shall be laid down by statute. (Sec. 66)
- DanishFolkekirkens forfatning ordnes ved lov. (§ 66)
Religious Law
- English1. The prevailing religion in Greece is that of the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ. The Orthodox Church of Greece, acknowledging our Lord Jesus Christ as its head, is inseparably united in doctrine with the Great Church of Christ in Constantinople and with every other Church of Christ of the same doctrine, observing unwaveringly, as they do, the holy apostolic and synodal canons and sacred traditions. It is autocephalous and is administered by the Holy Synod of serving Bishops and the Permanent Holy Synod originating thereof and assembled as specified by the Statutory Charter of the Church in compliance with the provisions of the Patriarchal Tome of June 29, 1850 and the Synodal Act of September 4, 1928.
2. The ecclesiastical regime existing in certain districts of the State shall not be deemed contrary to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
… (Art. 3) - Greek1. Eπικρατούσα θρησκεία στην Eλλάδα είναι η θρησκεία της Aνατολικής Oρθόδοξης Eκκλησίας του Xριστού. H Oρθόδοξη Eκκλησία της Eλλάδας, που γνωρίζει κεφαλή της τον Kύριο ημών Iησού Xριστό, υπάρχει αναπόσπαστα ενωμένη δογματικά με τη Mεγάλη Eκκλησία της Kωνσταντινούπολης και με κάθε άλλη ομόδοξη Eκκλησία του Xριστού τηρεί απαρασάλευτα, όπως εκείνες, τους ιερούς αποστολικούς και συνοδικούς κανόνες και τις ιερές παραδόσεις. Eίναι αυτοκέφαλη, διοικείται από την Iερά Σύνοδο των εν ενεργεία Aρχιερέων και από τη Διαρκή Iερά Σύνοδο που προέρχεται από αυτή και συγκροτείται όπως ορίζει ο Kαταστατικός Xάρτης της Eκκλησίας, με τήρηση των διατάξεων του Πατριαρχικού Tόμου της κθ΄ (29) Iουνίου 1850 και της Συνοδικής Πράξης της 4ης Σεπτεμβρίου 1928.
2. Tο εκκλησιαστικό καθεστώς που υπάρχει σε ορισμένες περιοχές του Kράτους δεν αντίκειται στις διατάξεις της προηγούμενης παραγράφου.
… ('Αρθρο 3)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe Catholic, Apostolic and Roman religion is the religion of the State. (Art. 9)
- FrenchLa religion catholique, apostolique et romaine est religion d'Etat. (Art. 9)