The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Religious Law
- EnglishIn the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, from Whom is all authority and to Whom, as our final end, all actions both of men and States must be referred,
… (Preamble) - Irish GaelicIn Ainm na Tríonóide Ró-Naofa is tobar don uile údarás agus gur chuici, ós í is críoch dheireanach dúinn, is dírithe ní amháin gníomhartha daoine ach gníomhartha Stát,
… (Preamble)
Religious Law
- English…
A civil wedding should always precede the blessing of the marriage, apart from the exceptions to be established by the law if needed. (Art. 21) - Dutch…
Het burgerlijk huwelijk moet altijd aan de huwelijksinzegening voorafgaan, behoudens de uitzonderingen door de wet te stellen, indien daartoe redenen zijn. (Art. 21) - French…
Le mariage civil devra toujours précéder la bénédiction nuptiale, sauf les exceptions à établir par la loi, s’il y a lieu. (Art. 21) - German…
Die zivile Eheschließung muss stets der Einsegnung der Ehe vorangehen, vorbehaltlich der erforderlichenfalls durch Gesetz festzulegenden Ausnahmen. (Art. 21)
Religious Law
- English...
2) The Roman Catholic Church is the National Church and as such shall enjoy the full protection of the State; other denominations shall be entitled to practice their creeds and to hold religious services within the limits of morality and public order. (Art. 37) - German...
2) Die römisch-katholische Kirche ist die Landeskirche und geniesst als solche den vollen Schutz des Staates; anderen Konfessionen ist die Betätigung ihres Bekenntnisses und die Abhaltung ihres Gottesdienstes innerhalb der Schranken der Sittlichkeit und der öffentlichen Ordnung gewährleistet. (Art. 37)
Religious Law
Russian Federation
- English1. The Russian Federation shall be a secular state. No religion may be established as the State religion or as obligatory.
2. Religious associations shall be separate from the State and shall be equal before the law. (Art. 14) - Russian1. Российская Федерация - светское государство. Никакая религия не может устанавливаться в качестве государственной или обязательной.
2. Религиозные объединения отделены от государства и равны перед законом. (Статья 14)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark (Folkekirken) is the established Church of Denmark and, as such, is supported by the State. (Sec. 4)
- DanishDen evangelisk-lutherske kirke er den danske folkekirke og understøttes som sådan af staten. (§ 4)
Religious Law
- English(1) There shall be no state church.
… (Constitution of 11 August 1919, Art. 137) - German(1) Es besteht keine Staatskirche.
… (Verfassung vom 11. August 1919, Art. 137)
Religious Law
- English(1) The religion of Malta is the Roman Catholic Apostolic Religion.
(2) The authorities of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church have the duty and the right to teach which principles are right and which are wrong.
(3) Religious teaching of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Faith shall be provided in all State schools as part of compulsory education. (Art. 2) - Maltese(1) Ir-reliġjon ta’ Malta hija r-Reliġjon Kattolika Apostolika Rumana.
(2) L-awtoritajiet tal-Knisja Kattolika Apostolika Rumana għandhom id-dmir u l-jedd li jgħallmu liema prinċipji huma tajbin u liema huma ħżiena.
(3) It-tagħlim reliġjuż tal-fidi Kattolika Apostolika Rumana għandu jkun provdut fl-iskejjel kollha tal-Istat bħala parti mill-edukazzjoni obbligatorja. (Art. 2)
Religious Law
- English
(1) The Slovak Republic is a sovereign, democratic state governed by the rule of law. It is not bound by any ideology or religion.
… (Art. 1) - Slovak
(1) Slovenská republika je zvrchovaný, demokratický a právny štát. Neviaţe sa na nijakú ideológiu ani náboţenstvo.
… (Čl. 1)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe Evangelical Lutheran Church shall be the State Church in Iceland and, as such, it shall be supported and protected by the State.
This may be amended by law. (Art. 62) - IcelandicHin evangeliska lúterska kirkja skal vera þjóð- kirkja á Íslandi, og skal ríkisvaldið að því leyti styðja hana og vernda.
Breyta má þessu með lögum. (62. gr.)
Religious Law
- EnglishAll inhabitants of the realm shall have the right to free exercise of their religion. The Church of Norway, an Evangelical-Lutheran church, will remain the Established Church of Norway and will as such be supported by the State. Detailed provisions as to its system will be laid down by law. All religious and belief communities should be supported on equal terms. (Art. 16)
- NorwegianAlle innbyggere i riket har fri religionsutøvelse. Den norske kirke, en evangelisk-luthersk kirke, forblir Norges folkekirke og understøttes som sådan av staten. Nærmere bestemmelser om Kirkens ordning fastsettes ved Lov. Alle tros- og livssynssamfunn skal understøttes på lik linje. (§ 16)