The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Religious Law
- English
The Nicaraguan State recognizes the person, the family and the community as the origin and the end of its activity, and it is organized to assure [asegurar] the common good, assuming the task of promoting the human development of all and each one of the Nicaraguans, under the inspiration of Christian values, socialist ideals, practices of solidarity, [and] democratic and humanistic [practices], as universal and general values, as well as the values and ideals of the Nicaraguan culture and identity. (Art. 4)
- Spanish
El Estado nicaragüense reconoce a la persona, la familia y la comunidad como el origen y el fin de su actividad, y está organizado para asegurar el bien común, asumiendo la tarea de promover el desarrollo humano de todos y cada uno de los nicaragüenses, bajo la inspiración de valores cristianos, ideales socialistas, prácticas solidarias, democráticas y humanísticas, como valores universales y generales, así como los valores e ideales de la cultura e identidad nicaragüense. (Art. 4)
Religious Law
- English(1) When interpreting the rights set out in this Chapter10, a court shall take an approach that seeks to achieve the purposes of the rights and the values that underlie them.
(2) In interpreting these rights, the court may consider the Shari'ah, international law, and decisions of courts in other countries, though it is not bound to follow these decisions.
(3) When interpreting and applying the law generally, a court or any tribunal shall consider the relevance of the provisions of this Chapter, and make its decisions compatible with these provisions, as far as is possible.
(4) The recognition of the fundamental rights set out in this Chapter does not deny the existence of any other rights that are recognized or conferred by Shari'ah, or by customary law or legislation to the extent that they are consistent with the Shari'ah and the Constitution. (Art. 40) - Somali(1) Marka la fasiraayo xuquuqda ku xusan qaybtan waa in maxkamaddu ay raadiso qeexidda ujeeddooyinka laga leeyahay xuquuqdaas iyo qiyamka ay xambaarsan yihiin.
(2) Fasiraadda xuquuqdan waxay maxkamaddu tixgelineysaa Shareecada, qaanuunka caalamiga ah iyo go’aannada maxkamadaha dalal kale, inkasta oo ayan qasab ku ahayn inay raacdo go’aannadooda.
(3) Marka guud ahaan sharci la fasiraayo ama la dhaqan-gelinaayo, maxkamad kasta ama xeer-beegti waa in ay tixgelisaa muhiimmada qodobbada Cutubkan, intii suurtagal ahna go’aannadooda ka dhigaan kuwo la socon kara qodobbadaasi.
(4) Xuquuqda asaasiga ah ee ku xusan Cutubkan kama hor-imaaan karaan xuquuqda kale ee Shareecada Islaamku jideysey iyo xeer-dhaqameedka la jaanqaadi kara Shareecada iyo Dastuurka. (Qodobka 40aad.)
Religious Law
- English…
The contents of the Articles of the Constitution related to the Islamic character of the political system; the basis of all the rules and regulations according to Islamic criteria; the religious footing; the objectives of the Islamic Republic of Iran; the democratic character of the government; the wilayat al-'amr; the Imamate of Ummah; and the administration of the affairs of the country based on national votes, official religion of Iran [Islam] and the school [Twelver Ja'fari] are unalterable. (Art. 177) - Persian…
محتوای اصول مربوط به اسلامی بودن نظام و ابتنای کلیه قوانین و مقررات بر اساس موازین اسلامی و پایههای ایمانی و اهداف جمهوری اسلامی ایران و جمهوری بودن حکومت و ولایت امر و امامت امت و نیز اداره امور کشور با اتکاء به آراء عمومی و دین و مذهب رسمی ایران تغییرناپذیر است. (اصل 177)
Religious Law
- English1. The prevailing religion in Greece is that of the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ. The Orthodox Church of Greece, acknowledging our Lord Jesus Christ as its head, is inseparably united in doctrine with the Great Church of Christ in Constantinople and with every other Church of Christ of the same doctrine, observing unwaveringly, as they do, the holy apostolic and synodal canons and sacred traditions. It is autocephalous and is administered by the Holy Synod of serving Bishops and the Permanent Holy Synod originating thereof and assembled as specified by the Statutory Charter of the Church in compliance with the provisions of the Patriarchal Tome of June 29, 1850 and the Synodal Act of September 4, 1928.
2. The ecclesiastical regime existing in certain districts of the State shall not be deemed contrary to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
… (Art. 3) - Greek1. Eπικρατούσα θρησκεία στην Eλλάδα είναι η θρησκεία της Aνατολικής Oρθόδοξης Eκκλησίας του Xριστού. H Oρθόδοξη Eκκλησία της Eλλάδας, που γνωρίζει κεφαλή της τον Kύριο ημών Iησού Xριστό, υπάρχει αναπόσπαστα ενωμένη δογματικά με τη Mεγάλη Eκκλησία της Kωνσταντινούπολης και με κάθε άλλη ομόδοξη Eκκλησία του Xριστού τηρεί απαρασάλευτα, όπως εκείνες, τους ιερούς αποστολικούς και συνοδικούς κανόνες και τις ιερές παραδόσεις. Eίναι αυτοκέφαλη, διοικείται από την Iερά Σύνοδο των εν ενεργεία Aρχιερέων και από τη Διαρκή Iερά Σύνοδο που προέρχεται από αυτή και συγκροτείται όπως ορίζει ο Kαταστατικός Xάρτης της Eκκλησίας, με τήρηση των διατάξεων του Πατριαρχικού Tόμου της κθ΄ (29) Iουνίου 1850 και της Συνοδικής Πράξης της 4ης Σεπτεμβρίου 1928.
2. Tο εκκλησιαστικό καθεστώς που υπάρχει σε ορισμένες περιοχές του Kράτους δεν αντίκειται στις διατάξεις της προηγούμενης παραγράφου.
… ('Αρθρο 3)
Religious Law
- English1. The Republic of Kazakhstan proclaims itself as a democratic, secular, legal and social state whose highest values are a person, his life, rights, and freedoms.
… (Art. 1) - Kazak1. Қазақстан Республикасы өзiн демократиялық, зайырлы, құқықтық және әлеуметтiк мемлекет ретiнде орнықтырады, оның ең қымбат қазынасы - адам және адамның өмiрi, құқықтары мен бостандықтары.
… (1-бап)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe Catholic, Apostolic and Roman religion is the religion of the State. (Art. 9)
- FrenchLa religion catholique, apostolique et romaine est religion d'Etat. (Art. 9)
Religious Law
- Englisha. The Kingdom of Bahrain is fully sovereign, independent Islamic Arab State … (Art. 1)
- Arabicأ - مملكة البحرين عربية إسلامية مستـقـلة ذات سيادة تامة، … (المادّة 1)
Religious Law
- English… The Republican form and the secularity of the State may not be the object of a revision. (Art. 144)
- French… La forme républicaine et la laïcité de l'État ne peuvent faire l'objet d'une révision. (Art. 144)
Religious Law
- English…
(2) Every religious group has the right to establish and maintain institutions for the education of children in its own religion, and there shall be no discrimination on the ground only of religion in any law relating to such institutions or in the administration of any such law; but it shall be lawful for the Federation or a State to establish or maintain or assist in establishing or maintaining Islamic institutions or provide or assist in providing instruction in the religion of Islam and incur such expenditure as may be necessary for the purpose.
… (Art. 12) - Malay…
(2) Tiap-tiap kumpulan agama berhak menubuhkan dan menyenggarakan institusi-institusi bagi pendidikan kanak-kanak dalam agama kumpulan itu sendiri, dan tidak boleh ada diskriminasi semata-mata atas alasan agama dalam mana-mana undang-undang yang berhubungan dengan institusi-institusi itu atau dalam pentadbiran mana-mana undang-undang itu; tetapi adalah sah bagi Persekutuan atau sesuatu Negeri menubuhkan atau menyenggarakan atau membantu dalam menubuhkan atau menyenggarakan institusi-institusi Islam atau mengadakan atau membantu dalam mengadakan ajaran dalam agama Islam dan melakukan apa-apa perbelanjaan sebagaimana yang perlu bagi maksud itu.
… (Perkara 12)
Religious Law
- English
The state and religious communities shall be separate.
… (Art. 7) - Slovene
Država in verske skupnosti so ločene.
… (7. Člen)